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  • in reply to: Bone Busters(Gottlieb)(1989)b2s #212300


      you don’t need to fake them as every single bulb and the ID that triggers them has been identified

      the two flashers are triggered by Sol 4 and Sol 7

      The Proton Gun (Aux board) is just a generic sequential (chaser) circuit that is triggered by Lamp 15

      I updated Chuckys dB2s, the only thing that needs to be fixed is the yellow generic blinking lights (yellow dot)

      they need a dB2s generic blinking animation that turns off when Light 1 (Tilt Relay aka GI controller ) is triggered


      just checked it out lol .. dont know how you found it ….dam gottlieb lol..

      ok 32 i will use that and update it in 2 days.. THANK B-) :good: YOU

      in reply to: Name this game #200969

        Its called Pinball Action…. ;-)

        1 user thanked author for this post.

          I bought a set of these and I can tell you they are worth it,yeah they seem pricey but they sound and feel great. the best part of them is you can

          hold the flipper down and not have to worry about cooking them like solenoids , I made that mistake on my first build..

          these are built like a friggin tank.  Thanks Mike


            Wow… I didn’t know that. Sorry. I’ll delete from VPF

            Thank You 2borG theres alot of bad history with VPF and VPU and VPINBALL, and other sites, thats why VPINBALL and VPU were created,

            cause the admin over at VPF is a total control freak, thinks he invented and controls VP…..thanks for your response. mod whatever i have just give credit

            and dont load to VPF and let me update your work at VPU cause you did good upgrades….Thanks man :good:


              I see I spoke too soon   @2borG  Theres only 1 rule when modding any of my work ,NONE AND I MEAN NONE of my work is to be posted on VPF PERIOD…….

              please delete them from VPF ..    funny how you take from one site change a couple of minor things and post it on other sites but not were you took it from :negative:

              email NOAH at VPF and tell him how you didnt have permission to upload those files.. or plenty of people will do it for you ..


                I said all my shit is free to mod just as long as it dont end up on VPF..  anyways we all know who did all the hard work on it B-)

                5 users thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: No NBA support thread, so i will start it… #195236

                  Works fine here..  Love the words of wisdom in the credits :good:    Great job….

                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: King Kong (Data East 1990)b2s #192710

                    Thanks to cyberpez  new light ids from real machine….     AUTHENTIC LIGHTING UPDATE…

                    4 users thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Lights Camera Action (Gottlieb 1989)b2s #191927

                      Is there any Cabinet mode version out there?

                      yeah there is but its so bad its not really playable..over at VP Forums..

                      This one needs a total rebuild..would love to see this done some day ;-)

                      in reply to: The Incredible Hulk (Gottlieb 1979)b2s #191698

                        Belle surprise merci beaucoup

                        Une question cependant : je suis arrivé au million et le score repart à zéro . C’est dommage car pour le high score c’est toujours celui inférieur à 1 000 000 qui est enregistré

                        exemple ancien high score 598260 nouveau high score 1250450 et bien c’est 598260 qui reste enregistré


                        I dont really know about it , didnt think anybody could get that kind of score on this old machine LOL ,it could be the rom I just build them ..if you figure it out let me know i will fix it …Thanks

                        in reply to: The Champion Pub (Bally 1998)b2s #184366

                          This must be another one that got lost with the VPU upgrade. Can you re-up?

                          Ok all set.. Thanks for the heads up

                          in reply to: Dr Dude (Bally 1990)b2s #183827

                            ok redload it its direct now sorry about that…


                            1 user thanked author for this post.
                            in reply to: Cue Stern 1977 Prototype B2s redraw help #183279

                              I can run with this and finish it if you think it’s on the right track.

                              Go For It That Looks Great…..

                              in reply to: Cue Stern 1977 Prototype B2s redraw help #183211

                                LMFAO when will the table be done? i will give it a go but that looks like at least a case of beer ;-) but vodka is cheaper B-)

                                in reply to: The Champion Pub (Bally 1998)b2s #175776

                                  Man I want that LOL were the hell is that at? I will send you the backglass for the statue.. :)

                                  in reply to: B2S Editor Trick #174563

                                    I noticed the bigger the file the more issues you run into ,the files are displayed the same on the bg monitor . I make all mine 2500 x whatever with out no issues and thats

                                    at Hi Rez if they are any bigger it seems to slow things down.  you cant tell the difference from a file say 8000 x8000 to a file at 2500 x 2200 they will both look the same on your monitor. the smaller you can make they file the better it will run as far as snippits and pics… if i made some of the files the size of the BG scans i have they would never run lol…   just things i noticed while making them..

                                    in reply to: The Champion Pub (Bally 1998)b2s #174219

                                      ​ who ever downloaded this since the 2.0 update dload it again..  I forgot to set the grill height .. Its been updated to 3.0

                                      now its working like it should, sorry guys✌️

                                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                                      in reply to: Star Light (Williams 1984) #170331

                                        bord nice job man :good: , I been waiting for somebody to do this .. plays great and you did a killer job on the backglass came out nice man !! :yahoo:

                                        well wait the only thing i saw that did suck was the crystal ball light lol. i hate the db2s lights i do everything in PS now… send me the BG i will enhance it  and give it some kickass lighting and if you like it post it or trash it .. ok ?  now im looking harder lol i can pimp it out nice if ya want ;-)   send me the original B-)

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: Mystery Castle (Alvin G 1993) #167135

                                          I will be rebuilding a new higher rez BG by the weekend.. if anybodys interested ;-)

                                          10 users thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: Iron Maiden Virtual Time v1.0.0 (2020) #166023

                                            awesome vid  :good:

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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