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  • in reply to: DOF flippers setting power in configtool #68775

      Funny you bring this up as I was just talking to another member about similar thing last night! i prefer to run sound with flippers so I get the sound and the feel just seems better to me as the contractors give a great feel but sound nothing like a solenoid so the sound just works great along with real feedback in my opinion I’ll also say I don’t like running things like flippers at less then proper voltage.

      The voltage is the same when using pwm, it’s the on-off time that changes. And solenoids do not get damaged by pwm’ing them (contactors are aslo solenoids). The droptargets are pwm’ed and they are also solenoids. I have different levels set to them and it works really good. Softer “thud” for droptargets and louder “thuds” for slinshots.

      Old pinballs used AC 50/60hz and AC swings between full power and zero power in 50/60hz so… ;) It was not dangerous for them.


      in reply to: Goldorak VPX Edition #64675

        Good looking, but where do i find the backglass?


        in reply to: Amiga pinball dreams/illusions etc tables? #48890

          yeah partyland is nice. You mean there ARE some tables but in FuturePinball?


          in reply to: God Awful Buzzing Noise #33187

            Are you driving rgb leds via a relay? Then it must be the pwm’ing, as you can’t pwm a relay.

            If DOF sends 100% pwm then it’ll be ok, but as soon the table wants to fade the led then it’s ca-ca..

            and you will hear humming from the coil..




            in reply to: Location of memebers? #33036

              randr: you wrote just the same time i did ;) But now it is nighty-night here. Well after midnight.. Good night.

              in reply to: Location of memebers? #33035

                whoho did i find a bug?

                I was looking at the top dropdown menu for the place to change location.

                But it was down the right where the “vpinball chat” is, the menu right of it..

                I clicked there and selected edit profile.. haha..






                in reply to: Location of memebers? #33033

                  yeah well.. i have gone through every menu and submenu of settings and profile, and there is nothing.

                  Sure i can enter favourite pinball, or website etc…etc.. but i can’t find location anywhere.



                  in reply to: Looking for a new Motor, recomendations. #33025

                    I bought a really crappy 12v batterypowered drill and slaughtered it ;) The motor had dual shafts, there was a small fanblade connected to one side to cool the motor

                    when heavy load, and the other went into the gearbox. It works great as shaker in my cab.


                    in reply to: Mini Pin Advice #33024

                      Cool hehe.. I  have a tip here:  If you up your extrusion rate a tiny amount you will get better infill on the top-layers. And if you print it with ABS

                      you can acetone-smooth it so it would look really smooth.

                      This reminds me that i must upload my 3d printed rgb flipperbuttons design. Yes i also use a 3d printer for my vpin :)

                      I have printed leafswitch holders and pinball button nut (my own design)  with place for 3-led rgb strip (looks really good with clear buttons).

                      A box for the pinscape controller, enclosure for the ccd sensor for the plunger, legs for my electronic boards, spacers for pc motherboard into cab,

                      clear/diffusion flasher domes for 3w rgb leds and strobes, encasement for 3pcs of rotating beacons.. and probably some i forgot.



                      I know nothing about the pindmd so I’m no help there I do think a coin door is overkill, especially at that size. If you just want the look (like I did) you have some options, you can get crafty and make one out of styrene or something similar, foam core etc. I 3D printed a coin door for my minipin, it used a 17″ LCD for the playfield so it was substantially smaller. Here’s what it looked like before and after I painted it: A real coin door would just look odd, and likely eat into the real estate on the front of your cabinet

                      in reply to: Arrrrgggghhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! #33023

                        I had some mishap with my screen too, I had it standing in the same room i saw’ed the parts to the cab. Some sawdust had found it’s way into the screen

                        and is stuck between the backlight and the lcd. So when bright image i can see some small specks. But it is only on 2-3 places, one dustspeck per place and

                        only in the outer parts of the screen. It almost looks like it does when a fly has taken a shit on the monitor ;)

                        But it’s not visible at all when playing, so i don’t care.



                        in reply to: Rat Fink VPX #31915

                          How’s it going? The link is broken..

                          in reply to: Bram Stoker's Dracula (Williams 1993) #30212

                            Hey, do you have an internal vsync switch in this table? Because it starts at 160fps and then stays rocksolid at 60fps after gamestart even with vsync set at 0 in vpx.1.


                            in reply to: Visual Pinball X.1 and PinMAME 2.7 #30209

                              This was excellent, it solved my low fps problem i wrote about in another thread.

                              I just have a question, where have the setting for ultradmd color gone? I got it only one time when pressing F1 in

                              americas most wanted (to turn the dmd off) , then i can’t get it again and i want to change the palette.

                              If i start the UltraDMD.exe nothing happens now (i guess becase there are no dmd to click). And further clicks just adds hidden processes.




                              in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #30208

                                So i installed the same vpx.1 installer kit on the cab…and PRESTO!!! WTF!!!!!

                                There must have been something wrong with the dx9 installer i already had, and have been using the whole time.

                                Now CC get around 200fps with all on with the 970 card.  And 800fps on T2 (1400 with 9.92)..


                                So will install the r7 again tomorrow, it will be enough. Then i sell the 970 (it’s too loud).


                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #30177

                                  Today i installed the new VPX.1 complete package on my 3d printer computer with win7 pro.

                                  It is a Asrock extreme3 gen3 board with a I3-2100 3.Ghz, 12Gb ram, and installed the GTX970 into it.

                                  No reinstall of win7.

                                  I get 100fps on Cactus Canyon vpx with all settings on incl 4x aa. No backglass installed.

                                  Super smooth play and no stutter whatsoever.

                                  The CPU is running at 100%, so this rig the cpu is bottlenecking the performance.

                                  T2_chrome_tipoto runs at 50-100fps with about 75% cpu load. (i guess older vp relies more on cpu than)

                                  Elvis Nightmod Phys5 1.0 215 fps with Quality FXAA and force anistropic filtering on, CPU at 95-100%.

                                  Next step is trying the Radeon R7-370 in this machine.

                                  in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #30085

                                    ok, so all vpx tables will work in vpx.1 you mean?


                                    in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #30023

                                      I’ll try some of your tips about connected stuff, but have a hard time thinking it would be mobo or psu. All parts are brand new, bought them 4 month ago.

                                      in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #28244

                                        1. yes was careful with that when i upgraded from standard cpu cooler to one of those megabig coolers.

                                        2. yes a couple of times now ;)

                                        3. I wrote that . Did bios update yesterday before gtx buy.

                                        4 i never overclock.

                                        5 i have a hard time thinking the hd would do any damage to gpu speed. It is just a backupdisk.

                                        6. yes running well, no problems or errors (samsung 850 evo).

                                        7. hmm wireless mouse and keyboard? Well i don’t have any wired keyboards or mice.But i’ll see what i can do.

                                        8. hmm well without the usb devices (2 ledwiz and pin2dmd) it’s no fun at all even if i get the speeds up. But

                                        i can try it.

                                        9.  same as 5.


                                        No i think it is some powersaving shit somewhere.. Windows is set to max performance in powersaving settings.

                                        Something with the motherboard, as i now have tried 3 gfx boards and all had poor performance.

                                        I got so tired of the stuff today  so take a pause until tomorrow again. Then i am going to check all your tips, and dig deep in the bios and gfx board software.

                                        PS: i have turned off motherboard graphics also.


                                        in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #28237

                                          I have a 600w supply that only runs the computer, an SSD disk and a 2TB WD green drive.. High temperature from a cold start? I run the mobo flat out in the cab with a big fan sucking out the air 10cm from the mobo. And i have about 17-18 degree celcius in the cellar i have the machine.

                                          It doesn’t start with high fps and goes down, it is low right from a cold start.

                                          I am thinking if there are some speed throttling done somewhere i don’t know about. In the bios or somewhere else.


                                          in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #28219

                                            F-ing unbelievable, i bought a new ASUS GTX970 earlier today and installed it on a fresh win7 install.

                                            Latest nvidia drivers, latest intel drivers, updated bios on MB, and now i got … tadaaa THE SAME framerates (almost).

                                            Just a tad better on VPX (only 20fps better on CC), but VP 9.21 is now totally unplayable (25-30fps and extremely laggy flippers). (I noticed that vpx can run without DX9 , but not DB2S and vp 9.xx)  One would have thought modern softs like these would run on dx10 or 11.

                                            I also have a headache figuring out why backglass screen get on the PF (tried changing screen in screenres.txt, but no matter what i set, 1 or 2).

                                            The GTX card wants to put bootscreen on DVI output and second screen on HDMI,( SO STUPID) and it is not changeable. (ATI shows bootscreen on both displays, and set HDMI as screen 1)

                                            But when windows start it displays on HDMI port (PF) and is set as screen 1 “default”, and PF screen is set as 2 (to the right as i have always set it). But B2Sserver seems to get confused.

                                            I really can’t figure out what is bottlenecking the boards. I have tried both PCIE 2.0 slot and 3.0 slot, same thing.

                                            I even swapped the 8Gb 1833 memory to 16Gb 2400mhz the week before, and that did not do any difference either.

                                            Soon i have bought parts to a whole new computer.

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