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  • in reply to: Avatar mod #65664

      Don’t know if you read my mind or … 3 hours ago I sat down and continued on this table. 32 have done a great job, so has Hauntfreaks. So, I’ve completed merging the latest changes from 32assassin into the mod I’ve been working on while he modernized the code. Seems I managed to get Jake coffin working. I’m still one the fence about using the YT mod table or use the original colors though. I don’t want to even try to make that as a option. I lean towards making the mod colored, but Freelunch wanted the opposite … so, well, maybe I throw a dice and let that be the decider. So, yes, you guys are not forgotten and I’m back on the job.

      Nah forget what I said if you’re leaning towards the modded version. I’ll enjoy the table regardless. I was just making a read that people want original stuff in recreations, but I have never played on a real Avatar and won’t notice.

      in reply to: Goldorak VPX Edition #65570

        Multiball is pretty satisfying to start on this table for the music, and losing that catchy song feel more unsatisfying than the pinballs I lost. Thanks!

        in reply to: OXO (Williams 1973) #65569

          I remember playing this EM back in my early Future Pinball days. It has one of my favorite scoring rulesets for an EM. Thanks!

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #65516

            And the fix for entering initials for HS does indeed work. I used the script added lines as opposed to modifying the vbs. Yay!

            I found the post I think you’re referring to. For anyone else interested:
            (edit: fixed wrong quote)
            “If you want to do it in the table script, add this in the keydown section:

            If keycode = LeftFlipperKey then Controller.switch(4)=1
            If keycode = RightFlipperKey then Controller.switch(5)=1

            and in the keyup:

            If keycode = LeftFlipperKey then Controller.switch(4)=0
            If keycode = RightFlipperKey then Controller.switch(5)=0”

            in reply to: Working on site #65381

              +1 plz save us from unchecking hell in 10.4 beta

              in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #65378

                Cycling through letters for entering initials is the up/down keys for navigating the ROM operator’s menu, defaults are 8 key and 9 key. This probably sucks if you’re a cab user who’s setup doesn’t have buttons for that purpose, and your keyboard isn’t conveniently accessible. I’m not aware of a workaround.

                in reply to: Really blown away by this community! #65279

                  It’s actually too bad most people active in the community are content developers and a handful of FAQ warriors, because I have a feeling if the silent table leaches (something I’m not proud to say I used to be) got into the community aspect of virtual pinball, they would like enjoy the hobby more. There’s many great, passionate people here. I only stopped being active here for a few months to try to get un-addicted to pinball, but in the end I think I’m happier here.

                  in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #65193

                    I’m still working on it, but I’m posting this one early so @Scotty VH  doesn’t get complacent :P

                    in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #65103

                      Oh right, I’ve been itching to play Class of 1812 from our MBC friends. I haven’t even loaded it yet, but NZ&TT do amazing work.

                      in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #65041

                        I had a few times where the ball drains, drain music is played, then it seems like the drain is forgotten and the drain music plays again. Continues that way until restart the table. I had my best score but not even sure what as this happened on the last ball. I know it’s no where near free lunchess score

                        I don’t think I’ve encountered this, sorry to hear your high score run was interrupted. I’ve had the drain music repeat twice due to a captured ball release when draining in the middle of a mode, but the table resumed correctly for me in these cases. Do you happen to remember if you were in a specific mode?

                        Does anyone else have an issue with this table where it plays fine, but at the end of a game, it won’t let you launch another unless you close out and launch again from editor? I just downloaded the table again and will try with the new download

                        Is this when you don’t get a high score? I made a post earlier in this topic linking to my dropbox version that fixes that bug.

                        On this subject of bugs, I can (rarely) get the ball stuck attempting a skillshot. If I can overcome my laziness, I may just make an official mod to address the few problems we found, assuming I’m capable enough. I’m pretty sure the physics could be improved as well, but I think understanding what feels more realistic is beyond me. If I do end up doing this, I may ask someone like @Thalamus if they could help me with physics improvements. I still have a Fathom mod he made when that was the game of the week over at vpforums. I think I’m getting ahead of myself though, I still really ought to do a FP>VPX table conversion I’ve been meaning to do to really grasp everything that goes into making original tables in VPX. I think that would help me approach working on AMH as it’s coded like an original table. The only things I’ve done with AMH amounts to me duct taping a broken chair leg, but that doesn’t mean I can make a chair should it be necessary for cleaning up the problems we found in AMH.

                        in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #64977

                          I’ll start the ball rolling with a mediocre 25,322,650

                          84,303,480 is my personal best, but I’ve only played a handful of games so far this week. I’m at 40,447,430 right now. I’m hoping to do a session today or tomorrow to try to beat, or at least come near my PB.

                          in reply to: Avatar mod #64844

                            If it’s not a time sink to do both, you could program them to be toggled by table options and let the end user decide. Otherwise, I’d suspect more people prefer it to look like the real thing.

                            in reply to: Poll: Windows version #64722

                              I’m sure Microsoft will find a way to axe Windows 7 like XP, so I moved on to 10, but that doesn’t mean I like it.

                              in reply to: Working on site #64699

                                Added a slider showcasing all user uploads in order of date to landing page ( Can you guys check it out and see if you prefer it to old style? this new style will show around 50 latest uploads in slider form and is all automated when user uploads it also updates

                                I think this new style is better. I think it’s a great way for people to keep track of new content, especially people who only have time to visit once or a couple times a week. It could use a mobile-finally GUI for portrait orientation.

                                in reply to: Octodome Flasher dome by Flupper #64673

                                  This looks fantastic. I probably will never see this asset as high-res as this screenshot on the virtual table itself. My future needs 4K and a better PC so I can push my nose to the screen and appreciate this in-game.

                                  in reply to: Some new FSS stuff I have been working on #64672

                                    @arconovum the monitor is 23″. My stand accommodates 27″ though. I’m still working on the POV in-game if you were referring to that. I’m aiming for a slightly taller perspective angle. But if you were talking about my actual photography, I don’t take a lot of pictures, but I’ll try to remember that haha.

                                    in reply to: Some new FSS stuff I have been working on #64653

                                      I got my new stand today! Eventually I’ll either get an X-Arcade Tankstick and fashion a KL25Z board for pinscape nudging, or I’ll be less lazy and build a controller box for pinscape. I can probably commission the latter option since I have few practical skills with my hands that aren’t pressing keys and buttons. For now, I need to go through this catalog of mods. Thanks again.

                                      I will check out the tutorials for making these mods, but I don’t know if I’ll get around to making anything myself. I have some limited programming experience (mostly just learning fundamentals and messing around with game programming as a hobby). Programming is something I feel natural with, and I feel I can easily learn and improve. Visual design, on the other hand, feels like a different beast. I could probably get all the pieces in place to mod a table for FSS, but it may just look ugly. Then again, doing that may be enough work out of the way for a more experienced person here to swoop in to give advice or tweak things themselves. However, there are a lot of projects I want to start or work on, but my commitment to working on one thing historically doesn’t last.

                                      I’m not sure why I said this much, but it would feel like a waste to just delete what I typed.

                                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                                      in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #64533

                                        It’s available on vpinball, too, I linked to it in my last post (the link is cleverly hidden in the phrase “America’s Most Haunted”).

                                        Oh yeah it’s available here as well, and I made 3-4 posts on it lol :wacko: Since you guys are playng on it, does anybody else see the balls in the trough waiting to be played?

                                        Oh yeah, one of the version updates to to VPX caused that to be the case with this table for whatever reason, I forgot when it happened. I fixed that for myself awhile back and forgot. I’ll just upload my version of the table with the playfield transparency fix, the high score fix, and the DMD color/size/position settings you can modify at the top of the script. If for some reason the UltraDMD script preferences forces the virtual DMD for real dmd users (not me so I didn’t test) just comment it our or, hell, delete it if you want.

                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #64529

                                          Doogie, unless I am missing something, it looks like you won this round at 13,329. So, it is your honor to select this week’s table. I believe FreeLunch came in second with his 8,828, so if you want to offer the choice to him, that would be fine. But, we need a decision soon, so that I can start practicing ASAP! Please name a table, and hopefully one that you would only find on the #2-5 ranked visual pinball websites.

                                          I was going along with the VPF challenge rule where the winner last can’t pick the table two weeks in a row. Since you started this challenge, I think it’s fair that we defer to your ruling on the matter.

                                          Congrats Doogie, nice to see a close competition. I’m good with America’s most haunted, you may have to get it at VPF but it was made by Fren who’s heart is always been at vpinball

                                          It’s available on vpinball, too, I linked to it in my last post (the link is cleverly hidden in the phrase “America’s Most Haunted”).

                                          in reply to: Game of the week challenge – Discussion #64484

                                            finally rolled it over (score and sea ray capers)

                                            I really wanted to roll over that ten thousand place, too, but I ended up focusing on practicing Tekken the beginning of this week, and then I had a nasty crash on my PC that forced me to factory reset Windows. I back up frequently, but it still takes so much time to move files and reinstall everything (these are my excuses for not trying again, not that I thought I would for sure accomplish my goal).

                                            If we’ve seen the last of the high score snipers, I’ll seize this second place victory, coming after the winner of last week, and choose America’s Most Haunted. If you’re grabbing this table for the first time, you’ll want the GIF pack and the Music pack (links in the installation section). You only need to do UltraDMD installation if you (1) have never done it, and (2) didn’t use the all-in-one installer for VPX.

                                            There is a bug in the table script that I posted a fix for months ago, but it never got incorporated into the current release. It’s a pretty minor problem where the table doesn’t reset properly when you don’t get a new high score, but that will be pretty important for us! Ctrl-F “sub gameover0” to fly to this section of code and add the two highlighted lines.

                                            I think I wrote this post right, I’m going to bed now.

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