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  • in reply to: Eight Ball Champ (Bally 1985)b2s #226929

      Love this table – so a clean backglass is always a +plus!

      Thanks, Wildman.

      in reply to: Bounty Hunter (Gottlieb 1985) #226622

        @bord, @arngrim, @kds

        Kds, Yeah, I am only getting (DOF) solenoid action from the flippers – slingshots, bumpers, etc are not responding via DOF.

        I think the DOF Config needs to be updated for this shiny, new, awesome version of the table. I would do it, but don’t have a clue how to modify the DOF settings in the DOF Config Tool.

        I am sure it will get updated sooner or later in a future update.

        This table is still really fun to play, regardless.

        Thanks all.

        in reply to: Bounty Hunter (Gottlieb 1985) #226230


          New wheel image.

          8 users thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Bounty Hunter (Gottlieb 1985) #226226

            Thanks for making this unique table – it was on my list to redraw everything since sources were scarce – but now I don’t have to and can scratch this one off my list.

            Thank you to all involved.

            in reply to: MrDoom (Recel 1979) #225371


              New wheel images – redrawn from flyer and color matched to flyer and B2S.

              4 users thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: MrDoom (Recel 1979) Backglass #225357

                Mr. Doom Wheel – Redrawn from flyer

                Mr. Doom Wheel – Color matched to B2S

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Sure Shot (Gottlieb 1976) #224947

                  Nice job on these new wheel images.

                  Do you happen to have this one without the flesh colored outline?


                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: Who Dunnit? (Bally) Animated Topper Videos (Color and BW) #224821


                    Toppers started as decorative items (signs, figures, etc) that sat above the back box / back glass on real pinball cabs.

                    In the digital pinball world, these were replaced by actual “screens” that sat on top of the cabs back box / back glass that could display images or videos that compliment the table that is loaded.

                    But not everyone that has a cab has an extra screen like this, BUT, if you are using a LCD screen for your dmd instead of a real dmd, there is that option  DMDs generally use 1/2 of a 16×9 lcd screen – unless you have it stretched to fit the entire screen. But since you only need 1/2 the screen for the dmd image, you can set the dmd to use the upper half or lower half of the screen and the this gives space for you to run the topper video either above or below the dmd so you get a nice full image on the screen.

                    so to answer your question, topper videos / images are just additional decorations for your favorite pinball tables in your cab.


                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Millionaire (Williams 1987) #223830



                      New redrawn wheel image.

                      9 users thanked author for this post.
                      in reply to: Altsound – Who Dunnit (Bally 1995) – Film Noir Remix #223511


                        I don’t use PinVol. But I have an small amp just inside my cab door so I can adjust the overall table volume.

                        95% of the time I can set the rom volume with the 8 and 9 keys per table / rom and its saved in the registry. For when this option is not available, like for non DMD tables, I use the F12 key and set the rom volume there (which is also saved in the registry for that particular table / rom). 1980s stern tables being the worst offenders where i am usually setting the rom volume with the F12 t0 -8 or so.

                        I try when adding tables to my cab to get the sound / volume level to roughly the same per table so when I jump from table to table I am not having to reach inside my cab and adjust the volume each time.

                        I was able to get the volume of the alt sound from Who Dunnit to roughly the same as the original rom sound by setting the volumes of most of the voices to 90, but also adjusting the amplitudes of 4 of the voices in the package by opening them in a sound editor and bumping up the amplitude to -4 for each one – these were the score counting (score_conting) sound files.

                        I think when they are set to “50” in the csv, and then you turn the rom sound all the way up in the table – even at full volume, the sound is only being output at 50% of the actual voice level, which in turn makes them impossible to get any louder without re-encoding the .ogg files.

                        I have found that MOST dmd rom tables, with the max volume being 30 on the screen (some stern tables have higher volumes settings than 30 being the max) – that setting the sound at around if not 28 is the max you can go with the sound without any distortion.

                        Similarly, the 8 and 9 keys allow you to adjust the altsound rom sound as well as if it was coming from the original rom – so I am pretty sure that even if you set all the csv files to 100 – it won’t distort if the tables / dmd volume setting is at 28 or so (based on the sound voice file itself).

                        I vaguely remember the jurassic park alt sound was WAY louder than the original rom sounds, and similarly, those had to be adjusted as well – but reduced in volume.

                        The whole altsound is fairly new to VPX and is a nice change up for reskinned tables. I added the altsound of CFTBL to my Black and White Mod of that table, so I could keep the original sound for the original VPX version so it is overall a new and enjoyable playing experience.

                        Looking forward to the updates for your altsound packages.

                        in reply to: Cuphead Pro (D. Goblett 2020) #222992


                          I too was getting the “double image” on the b2s when booted in my cab. The .res file fix worked, but my background / desktop is blue and was bleeding through the right side when the backglass loaded.

                          I opened the backglass file in B2S Designer and couldn’t see anything initially “wrong” with anything … but, I had alot of bugs appear when I was making a couple b2s files where things worked and looked fine in the b2s designer, but then when loaded in my cab things were knocking out of alignment.

                          One fix I found to work with mis alignment was replacing the backglass image PNG file with a JPEG at high quality. I could then use PNG images on top of the backglass image and it seems to be a work around for whatever bug was happening.

                          Your backglass has a single PNG image and then uses built in lighting to illuminate … so I tried this …

                          The fix that worked for YOUR B2S file was to remove the DMD image. I deleted it from the resources and then reset the DMD position, and that worked. So it must be something with that DMD image that was throwing it off when illuminating.

                          I have an image running through PinballX on my DMD so I wasn’t using the image you had in the b2s file anyway … but at least it fixed the issue and didn’t need a res file for the b2s to fill the screen properly.

                          I didn’t have the proper font (Agency FB) on my system and the Agency FB font I downloaded the backglass didn’t recognize, so I have to swap out the text fields with the Agency FB font I downloaded. It looks exactly the same as the one in your b2s but perhaps it is a little different, otherwise I would send you the fixed B2S, but hopefully you can fix as I listed above on your end.

                          Hope this helps.

                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: Who Dunnit 1947 (Bally 2021) #222955


                            I kind of figured out how to do it – this may or may not be the correct way to do it – but it worked for me.

                            I made a dupe of the wd_12.zip rom in my roms folder and renamed it wd_12_bw.zip.

                            In the PinMame folder, look for a text file called “VPMAlias.txt”. Open that and add this line: wd_12_bw,wd_12

                            This creates and alias to the original rom but will use the wd_12_bw instead. This works for other “edited” roms as well like muted roms used in pup packs.

                            Open the new Who Dunnit 1947 table and in the script change the gamename to: wd_12_bw. This will make the table run your “clone” of the rom instead of the original, but pinmame will still recognize the functionality of the wd_12 rom.

                            I have a color pallet for the ORIGINAL wd_12 rom in my altcolor folder with colorize rom selected in the original table so it looks in the altcolor/wd_12 folder and I have “Colorize ROM” selected in the F1 menu.

                            Because PinMame is now looking for wd_12_bw matching content in altsound and altcolor, it will look for folders named wd_12_bw instead of wd_12. I DO NOT have anything named “wd_12_bw” at all in the altcolor folder.

                            When you load the new table, press F1 and make sure “Colorize DMD” is checked and then assign your 4 colors for your black and white look for this particular table. Because there is no folder in the altcolor folder to match this table, it will default to using whatever colors your set in the F1 menu instead.

                            VpinMame doesn’t “register” that you are using a different rom for the table (ie: keeps your F1 settings that same for both versions of the rom), so the settings stay the same for both tables, but you can make them work independently by the alias as to what support files they use.

                            Restart the table and you should have your Black and White DMD for this table

                            So having the actual color pal and vni files in the wd_12 folder in the altcolor those will work in the original WhoDunnit table, and because you don’t have a wd_12_bw folder – it will use what you assign for color.

                            This same technique seems to also work with altsound as well. You can have a folder wd_12_bw in the altsound folder and NO “wd_12” folder and still have the Altsound set to 1 for both tables and the altsound will work only in the new 1947 table because there isn’t a wd_12 folder for the other one.

                            Hope this makes sense.


                            5 users thanked author for this post.
                            in reply to: Altsound – Who Dunnit (Bally 1995) – Film Noir Remix #222954

                              Nice job on these.

                              Question (which might have already been answered – but can’t seem to find the answer):

                              Overall, the altsounds seem considerably lower in volume than the sounds of the original table rom sounds. When I turn the volume up on my cab, for these sounds, EVERYTHING is louder including the tables mech sounds. The mech sounds can be lowered in the script to sort of balance it out. This is with the tables rom volume level set at 30.

                              When I then go to the original table with the original rom sounds without lowering the volume in my cab – then that version of the table is now REALLY loud – too loud.

                              I watched the video about raising the volume level in the altsound.csv for the individual sound volume increase, but I was hoping there was a function or feature to raise the overall volume of the new altsounds – without editing the altsound.csv file.

                              Perhaps I missed something but was hoping there was a setting I overlooked to set the altsound volume to exactly what want to match the basic volume level of the original table.

                              Please advise.

                              Again, nice work on these sounds and they make a world of difference to the new WhoDunnit 1947 table.

                              in reply to: Who Dunnit? (Bally) Animated Topper Videos (Color and BW) #222889

                                Why rejected?

                                in reply to: Who Dunnit 1947 (Bally 2021) #222827


                                  Quick wheel for my cab. Vector Who Dunnit by: vcmirko

                                  Can’t wait to try this table out later today with the new sound.

                                  Anyone know how to do the rom alias thing so I can have the original sound in the original table and the alt sound for this new version?

                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by HiRez00.
                                  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by HiRez00.
                                  3 users thanked author for this post.
                                  in reply to: Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993)b2s #218922

                                    Thank you, Wildman.

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    in reply to: Barb Wire (Gottlieb 1996) Topper Video + DMD Videos #218299

                                      It took me 7 tries to upload this .zip and screenshot images and was getting numerous “javascript” errors no matter what browser I used to upload … so if something is a miss … that’s why.

                                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                                      in reply to: Playboy (Stern 2002) HD Video Backglass – Special Edition #217773

                                        Something wonky happened with the download link – so if you like / thank this page and send me a PM, I can provide the DL link.


                                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: My Nikola Tesla themed cabinet build #217762

                                          Late to reading this thread on the Starfighter cab build.

                                          Pretty damn amazing what people do during lockdown – I am seriously impressed!

                                          Great work!

                                          2 users thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: DarkPrincess (Original 2020) #217642

                                            Made wheel for my cab until the original authors make one.

                                            Dark Princess (Original 2020) Wheel

                                            7 users thanked author for this post.
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