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  • MnHotRod

      I was reading up on Pinsound last month but never took the plunge. Thanks for the tutorial Carny. I’ll give it a try in a day or two.

      in reply to: Robowar – VPX #46366

        Loaded this table and a buddy heard the sounds, said “Hey I played that game at the Pinball BBQ.” We proceeded to play the game for two hours.

        FANTASTIC table!

        One thing, why does it appear that my nudge board is not working with this table? Is there a setting, like the plunger setting, that I have to enable?

        in reply to: The Walking Dead #44305

          I was able to run the stock rom (twd156le.bin inside just fine. In order to get the Cleland modified sound rom to run, the bin file had to be named twd_156h.bin. Odd? FYI – “Ignore CRC errors” was checked.

          Interesting to note though. While some people don’t rename the .bin file within the zip and have no problems, I have to run matching bin/zip names or it won’t work.

          in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #44295

            Fascinating. Thalamus over at VPForums sent me a rom file to try and it worked.

            The stock rom for TWD LE, that works perfectly, has a bin file inside named “TWD156LE.BIN”. With that in mind, I was doing the same with the Cleland BIN file; rename it to “TWD156LE.BIN” and compress it into a ZIP file called No joy. For some odd reason, the Cleland bin file must be named “twd_156h.bin”.

            in reply to: seems people are missing this info for new VPM #44261

              Ran into this issue a week or two ago. Thanks for posting!

              in reply to: The Walking Dead LE #44259

                Can someone lend a hand with getting the Cleland sound mod working. I’m getting a ROM error when trying to run the table. I’ve downloaded twd_le_cleland.bin, renamed it to TWD156LE.BIN, compressed it, and used Setup.exe to ensure “Ignore ROM CRC errors” is checked. I checked my windows registry and there is a “1” next to “Ignore ROM CRC errors”, which is correct.

                I’ve tried running the the following versions of of vpinmame.dll with no success with TWD modfied sound; 2.70, 2.80; (11/21/16, 11/28/16, 12/6/16)

                in reply to: The Walking Dead #44128

                  Wow, table looks fantastic. Can someone provide some guidance on “tuning” to reduce flipper lag.

                  in reply to: What do we think of this ? VPDB .. #43945

                    Tom – Appreciate seeing your ability to seek feedback and listen to the community. With that, I absolutely love the current version of the VPDB website. Seriously, it is sweet. While I did make a comment earlier about the lack of community feel, I think that is something easy to address. There are a number of ways to incorporate that into the site, and may not even be needed. The user experience you have in place now is fantastic. Love having the ability to select each piece I want, whether it be roms, B2S or etc. Can’t wait to see the site grow with more content. I consider myself somewhat savvy at finding content, but I don’t have to be with your site, is all right there and so much faster.

                    As to adding the community piece, does it make sense to add a forum to the site for authors to discuss projects? Maybe create a thread and link to it when content is uploaded? Others have been doing this longer than I have. How do we keep authors interested in supporting the site?

                    in reply to: AC/DC LE #43602


                      in reply to: Nudge: Freescale FRDM-KL25Z (Pinscape) #43533

                        Now that the board is running, I built a small temporary shelf about 32″ up, on the inside wall of the cab for mounting the nudge board. I’ve been playing with settings in VP and VPX. Seem’s like it is working ok. It is a little odd to nudge the Vertigo with it’s narrow foot print and height. This Vertigo is my first experience with a cab. I really have no exposure to them prior. Would be nice to play a cab with nudge dialed in so I might learn how well it can perform. One thing I love about this hobby so far, the more I learn, the more fascinated I become with my cab. Lots of cool people in this hobby as well.

                        in reply to: Nudge: Freescale FRDM-KL25Z (Pinscape) #43471

                          For anybody else who goes down this path, use the link below to read up a little and download the PinscapeConfigTool from mar on VPForums. Uncompress the file and start the PinscapeCofigTool executable. This version (V2) has a nice UI and walks you thru the entire process. One thing that I could have used some help with, and I will provide here for applications similar to mine. Make sure to select a USB IDENTIFICATION of “Pinscape” A USB Setting of “LedWiz 1” was working for some VP and VPX tables but causing issues with others. Setting it to “Pinscape” works fine. The settings is mentioned in the thread on VPF if you dig. At first pass, I would never have understood the comment anyway.

                          Pinscape Controller Software V2:

                          So if you have a Vertigo cab like me, and want to gain analog nudge, go buy a Freescale FRDM-KL25Z, use Pinscape V2 via the VPF thread above, disable everything on the board except for “Joystick” (nudge), and make sure to set the USB IDENTIFICATION to “Pinscape”.


                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: X-Arcade Sale #43172

                            RandR: Love your bartop. I’m new to this hobby. Had no idea so many consoles/devices could be played on (me coming into this) a “Mame Arcade”. Initially I hated the idea of having to learn so much about my original focus Visual Pinball. Now I find myself fascinated with how much more there is do do with these cabs. Way cool.

                            in reply to: Pinball map #43163

                              Nice! One more in Minnesota. Didn’t know what the photo piece meant until after I posted myself. I’ll add a photo of our arcade when we can edit.

                              UPDATE: I’ll add a photo here, in case its easy to update on your end. Second photo includes my Vertigo cab.

                              Bord – MiniCab? Interested to see that.

                              in reply to: What do we think of this ? VPDB .. #42717

                                Very cool. Thank you Freezy.

                                in reply to: What do we think of this ? VPDB .. #42704

                                  Read thru all the posts here, then went to the site. Must say, it is impressive. As a newbie to the hobby (April 2016), it has been a difficult path learning the ropes, and I still have no clue on many things. Having the ability to select everything I want in one spot, in one DL is sweet. Something’s I’m not excited about have been discussed here. First and foremost was the community perspective. Felt weird not seeing the authors posts, community comments and etc.


                                  Anyone try downloading? Weird that the VP files were not named with the revision number for the release.

                                  in reply to: Young Frankenstein VPX Original #42547

                                    Why is there no UltraDMD directory included with the table? Less the DMD animation and files, the table will not run.

                                    in reply to: Congo (Williams 1995) VP10 #41937

                                      Installed and played this tonight. Love this table. Having owned two of these, one restored with a clear coated playfield, I think I am a good reference point and this VPX table delivers. What a blast to play. Thank you to all involved!

                                      in reply to: America’s Most Haunted #38785

                                        OMG, please shoot me know. I was so consumed with getting UltraDMD installed, right clicking to resize and get full color, I missed trying the obvious. Swear I tried that a number of times and it did nothing.


                                        Thank you Umpa

                                        in reply to: America’s Most Haunted #38766

                                          Hope this isn’t too newbie a question to ask, but how do I get the DMD in its correct orientation, and placed on my second monitor? Right now, the DMD is sideways on the right side of my playfield.

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