Scotty VH

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  • in reply to: Whirlwind (Williams 1990) #38203
    Scotty VH

      Where is version 1.1? The latest version I see there is 0.9.7 beta.

      in reply to: Whirlwind (Williams 1990) #38183
      Scotty VH

        Also got this Subscript out of range on line 843 after the ball went into the scoop:

        rolling(b) = True

        in reply to: Whirlwind (Williams 1990) #38180
        Scotty VH

          This looks awesome and plays really nice!  I did get a ball stuck below the top pop bumper (shown in the attached image).

          Also, the trajectory of the ball doesn’t seem to shift when it rolls over the spinning wheels in the playfield…. am I missing it or something else?

          in reply to: Star Trek Limited Edition (Stern 2013) #37938
          Scotty VH

            Holy cow!  Awesome!

            in reply to: Fragmented communities #36985
            Scotty VH

              I don’t have much skin in this game, but it occurs to me that there are a few things that will drive or deter community engagement.  There are:

              1 – the amount and quality of content

              2 – the cost of said content

              3 – freedom of information (i.e. being able to talk about stuff, mention other websites, link to them, etc.)

              4 – usability (including download delays, limits on searches, limits on downloads, and general user experience).

     seems to be well positioned on all of these. so it’s not surprising to see its success.  With that said, all the websites are great, and all serve unique purposes and fill specific gaps.  The whole ecosystem is exciting to me, and I don’t mind checking multiple sites (even in multiple languages) to keep a pulse on what’s going on.

              in reply to: Simpsons Pinball Party WIP 2.0 #36672
              Scotty VH

                I love SPP, and am so happy to see you taking this on!

                In case it isn’t clear, here’s a pic of the issue that TNT2 reported:


                in reply to: Cactus Jack's VPX WIP #36414
                Scotty VH

                  Not to nag… but are there any updates on Cactus Jack’s or NGG?    Or, if it is helpful, please consider this a nag  :bye:

                  in reply to: what FP to VPX tables should there be #35877
                  Scotty VH

                    I recall Aliens to be a great FP table. I haven’t played FP in a while though. Road Girls is also awesome.

                    in reply to: Firepower (Williams 1981) WIP #35832
                    Scotty VH

                      I have severe graphics performance problems and stuttering everytime I update the version.  However, I noted that my default graphics settings are overridden in the table properties.  When looking at the table properties, the User Customizations force 4x antialiasing to on, FXAA to fast, and Update in-game AO to On.  By changing all of these settings back to Default, the table plays perfectly smoothly.

                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                      in reply to: Smart Set Redux #35824
                      Scotty VH

                        Great work, Drybonz!  Great to see the impact that a redraw can have on a table like this one.  Also, that is quite impressive for a first project!  I don’t know how long it took, but there are a few VPX tables that have come out lately from Kees and others that could really benefit from this.  dboyrecords used to convert lots of tables from VP8 to VP9, but there wasn’t effort to redraw them using Illustrator.  It would be great to see more redraws like this on more tables.  I’m interested in giving it a try, and could probably make it look good using Inkscape, but I don’t know about playfield size and accurate layouts and placements that seem to be very important.

                        in reply to: The Addams Family (Bally 1992) #35244
                        Scotty VH

                          Wow!  Great update, Sliderpoint.  I can see that there are many improvements.  Can you describe the changes so I can make sure to take notice?

                          in reply to: Firepower (Williams 1981) WIP #35069
                          Scotty VH

                            Thanks for looking into this, walamab.  I searched the script for “playsound” and see that those sounds are for non-rom sounds.  These sounds are all working fine.  The sounds I can not hear are the rom based ones, like chimes, beeps, music, etc.    UPDATE:  I just added all the roms from the recent rom post, and now the sounds are working.  Not sure if I replaced a bad one, or additional ones were needed.

                            in reply to: Firepower (Williams 1981) WIP #35068
                            Scotty VH

                              Thanks for looking into this, walamab.  I searched the script for “playsound” and see that those sounds are for non-rom sounds.  These sounds are all working fine.  The sounds I can not hear are the rom based ones, like chimes, beeps, music, etc.

                              in reply to: Firepower (Williams 1981) WIP #35042
                              Scotty VH

                                I can’t hear any system sounds and can’t determine how to control the volume.

                                in reply to: Gottlieb/Premier Wipeout WIP #34650
                                Scotty VH

                                  Just watched the video too. Looks awesome! I live the “chair” lift on the left and the slalom on the right. I’ve never seen this actual table and didn’t know it worked that way. Looking forward to the release and/or a playable Wip!

                                  in reply to: Elvira and the Party Monsters (Bally 1989) #33737
                                  Scotty VH

                                    I’m no coder, but I also noticed the PulseSW problems with the bumpers.  I was at 5X bonus before my first ball left the bumpers!  This looks great and is a lot of fun!  A bit of tuning from the community here, and we should have a winner!

                                    in reply to: XMen FP->VPX conversion WIP #33683
                                    Scotty VH

                                      Was this table updated recently?  The Vpinball website information says it was updated on June 18, but when I download the file it is still dated 10-14-2015.  Am I missing something?

                                      in reply to: Star Wars (Gottlieb 1978) #33539
                                      Scotty VH

                                        I really like the use of the strip of masking tape for the high scores vs. the more commonly used Post-it Note.  Masking tape was the way this job would have been done in the seventies!

                                        in reply to: Star Wars (Gottlieb 1978) #33253
                                        Scotty VH

                                          Just stumbled onto this… what a great surprise!  Giving it a play right now before guests arrive at my place!

                                          in reply to: Whoa-Nellie (wizbang 2011) #32346
                                          Scotty VH

                                            OMG!  Love the Pabst mod!  Someone build this, PLEASE!

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 501 through 520 (of 536 total)


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