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  • in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #128775

      So I was able to bypass those by changing ‘fadecandy’ to ‘virtual’.   This allows me to proceed further.  We’ll see what the results are.


      in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #128770

        removing the fadecandy hardware controller results in other errors related to RGB’s.

        ERROR : root : Type rgb does not match channels [{‘number’: ‘0-0’, ‘subtype’: None, ‘platform’: None, ‘platform_settings’: {}}] for light l_left_inlane
        Traceback (most recent call last):


        AssertionError: Type rgb does not match channels [{‘number’: ‘0-0’, ‘subtype’: None, ‘platform’: None, ‘platform_settings’: {}}] for light l_left_inlane

        so I can’t even run MPF to test VPX table.



        in reply to: PinUP System (Player and Popper Front-End) Install #128675


          in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #128502

            Will try to comment out the fadecandy and let you know.

            No -X or x, just changed the platform. Although I still have a bunch of code to do on the vpx table before I can even test that part. This was just to see what kind of issues pop up just with the platform change.


            in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #128369


              Hey Michael, how goes your progress?

              I finally got mine working correctly now and I’m jumping in to see how far I can get.  One thing it looks like is the platform code is going to need some help with any pincode that has a fadecandy controller for lights.  Mine is not happy that my laptop doesn’t have an actual fadecandy device. Will need to figure that out.

              Anyways, happy to finally be working and digging in.


              in reply to: Magic Circle (Bally 1965) #127973

                OK, at some point the bar got raised around here… And Bord is killing these releases!

                Nice work Bord and Roth!


                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Double-Up (Bally 1970) #127072

                  Great update.  Agreed, the primitive saucers are working great!


                  in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #126806

                    yeah, been through that.   I can even see the MPF.Controller registration in component services under DCOM.

                    in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #126798

                      Man, I am bummed I can’t figure out why this doesn’t work for me.   I can’t get past the “ActiveX component can’t create object: ‘MPF.Controller’.

                      I have completely reinstalled windows (win10, not saving any apps), then VP, then MPF.  And I still get that message.   Running as admin or not doesn’t matter.  Everything works individually.  VP works (including p-roc tables like CCC and evil dead).  I can run MPF  as well (demo_man, tutorials, etc).   Anyone have any ideas?


                      in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #124790

                        I get the same message.  I ran it with virtual -X and I see it starts with ‘GAME OVER’.  But I don’t get that far when starting just mpf both.  Agreed something seems missing or not registering correctly.  Will check log files in a bit.


                        in reply to: Mission Pinball Framework to Visual Pinball #124727

                          Very much interested in this. Is Jan’s bridge available on the mpf site? I’ve been out of it for a awhile unfortunately.


                          in reply to: Avengers (Pro), The (Stern 2012) #121462

                            Not trying to be a dick, but when did it become Frens WIP instead of mine?  There were  a whole group of folks that contributed.


                            in reply to: Aerosmith – build from scratch #121346

                              If you can get the resources, I think TBL. Would be pretty popular.



                              in reply to: Aerosmith – build from scratch #120379

                                There are better options, Aerosmith is not that good of a pin.


                                in reply to: New tables! #118707

                                  I don’t know, I really like Iron Maiden. The rest aren’t good though. Well DP is fun, but not as good as maiden.

                                  So, since danijela is going to make these tables, feel free to start with that one. Thanks

                                  in reply to: Avengers release #118515

                                    use the search box.  Here is a post with a whole bunch of them in it.





                                    in reply to: Monster Bash Pincab Site gone ?? #118335

                                      @thalamus That’s what I’m after, just find a spot, any spot, that hosts these great lost beauties. I missed the boat with monster bash and whenever Im searching around everyone links to MB and I was scratching my head trying to find it. I hope Pinball58 finds one of these sites sooner or later as well as the other authors whos tables got swept up in the vanishing.

                                      Kind of reminds me of this flight sim terrain site that had a crash and lost significant sections of some really nice FSX terrain and to this day its still gone as it was the only place hosting the files and the author is MIA for years.

                                      I thought someone said they all (well maybe not all) got put here as well:


                                      in reply to: Musics i REALLY want #118226

                                        search google for “pinball browser”, although I’m not sure about those spike systems.


                                          He ain’t the first and he won’t be the last.  This pops up all the time.   I wouldn’t let it discourage you too much @g5k . Although I can understand you are in a different boat than me, the amazing skills you bring to the hobby are the same ones that you make a living with.  Mine probably not so much, so it’s easier for me to brush off.

                                          Report him on Ebay for selling content illegally and they will block him there too, just like those in the past.


                                          in reply to: Junkyard Cats (Brendan Bailey 2012) #118128

                                            Really good original.  Thanks for the conversion Javier!

                                            I could be wrong but somewhere around line 8072 in the script, inside the RightloopTimer sub, you are setting rightloop = false.  I think this is preventing the ability to collect the scarla loop.  Maybe some else can check that too.


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