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  • in reply to: SQL Playlists #158025

      To find old, forgotten games:

      Less Played (lowest number of played)

      select * from Games where GameID in (select GameID from GamesStats order by NumberPlays asc limit 25)


      Not recently played (oldest not played games by date)

      select * from Games where GameID in (select GameID from GamesStats order by LastPlayed asc limit 25)


      These playlist includes 25 games, modify if you want more or less.

      in reply to: PinUp – how to pause game? #146499

        Try the escape button. That should pause, press again that should continue.

        I was unable to find a way to assign another key or assign a joystick button, so to use a button on your cabinet, you need to have a controller which can mimic a keyboard.

        in reply to: Media Manager Issue with Flyer Download #142077

          I think the not working files have extension “.jpg”, while the working ones are “.png”, right?

          If yes: I have the same issue. While I know how to convert jpg to png, I don’t know how to download them (what is the URL behind?).

          If no, no idea…

          in reply to: Ironman PuPPack #130185

            I had the same issue, all others worked, this one not – just empty screen.

            As suggested, read http://www.nailbuster.com/wikipinup/doku.php?id=puppack_troubleshoot twice.

            Check if you have the PUPLOG.TXT file and the content is there. If no, search somewhere else.

            If the log looks good: read in the troubleshoot till the end and load the patch mentioned there. My dll was 3 years old, updating – and now all worked fine.

            in reply to: Loading video don't stop after return from playing #128915

              works! It was the global settings.

              Thousand thanks. it looks super and is one of these raw moments when everything works just great and you think for a moment “it’s done, finally, perfect”.

              in reply to: Loading video don't stop after return from playing #128864

                it’s about the account, not about the data inside, of course all could be nonsense.

                Facebook is really clever and good to track you, even if you logout, and then have a good profile of all your activity. They don’t need your name to sell ads.

                That’s fair for people wanting to use them, but it is a bad source for a forum, at least if you don’t want to share all your life just to read something.

                Solution is to use a virtual machine and trash that after usage, but a lot of work for a single read.

                in reply to: Loading video don't stop after return from playing #128858

                  thanks – is there any way to read it without signing in to Facebook to publishing all my private data? So far I managed to live without them…


                    I had the same issue and tried to delay some seconds, up to 120 seconds. As longer I waited, as better it worked – but never 100%.

                    Good: updating to 1.4 solved all, it simply worked. As the issues was “random” I don’t know if I had the same as you have – but if you are not yet on 1.4, give it a try!

                    in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92814

                      I used:


                      to reduce brightness to 50%.

                      Linear0To64 would be even less.


                      Your setting with 512 for the matrix and twice 144 for the playfield, so only 3 lines used and 5 unused, could produce a high load on the Teensy (while it should work, I read about up to 1000 leds per line. But they positined the Teensy directly beside the leds, so very short cable length, no other signals beside).

                      I have a matrix of 7*64 boards on the back and twice 128 on the sides. twice 64 below for undercap leds.

                      I use 3 lines for the matrix (2 + 2 +3, or 128, 128, 192) and one line for each side. Then I’m using two of remaining to drive undercap lights. As result, the longest line is 192, reducing the max line by half compared to your setting. As longer the line get’s, as more sensible it become. Don’t forget, it is a high frequency bit stream send to that line, as longer as more can go wrong. To avoid issues coming from here, change your setup to only 128 leds for testing only. (set the width to 16).

                      For power supply: I have feed power to every single module, not daisy chained them. (strong cable running below, going from board to board, once for plus, once for minus). Data line fed to module 1, 3 and 5. (data line daisy chained 1+2, 3+4, 5+6+7).

                      As said, to test if it is related to signal length, just reduce number of leds by configuration, no need to rewire. If it works better, consider rewiring.

                      in reply to: Addressable Led for dummies? #92691

                        run into this issue and/or will I be able to configure only 20% brightness?

                        my guess is your power supply is not strong enough.

                        To calc max power need, multiply number of LED’s with 0.06. (60 mAh per LED when all 3 of them are on =white).

                        Let’s say you have 100, so you need 6 Ah power supply. 1000 = 60 Ah. Oops, that’s a lot? Yes.

                        But in a pinball, you never have all on white, else you get blind very soon (or at least loose the ball). I used a 20 Ah for 1000 LEDs. And I’ve limited (using DOF) to 50%, else it was simply too bright to play.

                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                        in reply to: Undercab LED #91310

                          Simply define the playfield sides as matrix, such as 2×130 (similar as you did the back matrix). No need to do any tricks, it will just work, as DOF will simply duplicate each pixel. That should be the fastest and easiest way.

                          Consider not to have an ongoing connection from each led strip to the next. Teensy allows to have 8 lines. The way it is done, it is faster to have 8×100, compared to 1 x800. And easier for debugging as well.

                          in reply to: Undercab LED #84365

                            Good news: it is possible.

                            Bad news: some work to do, I do not have an automatic script.

                            Maybe workaround: don’t use undercab (even that is nicer), use Flipper Button MX

                            Flipper Button MX already is designed for LEDs, like (from 24): ON Blue AT0 AL0 AW100 AH100

                            And this is the work you need to do if you want to use undercab.

                            Download your config, then modify each entry from undercab.

                            Example again from 24:

                            ON Blue/S19 Dark_orange/S20 White/S26 White/S27 Red/S31 Yellow/S32 Red

                            convert this to:

                            ON Blue AL0 AT0/S19 Dark_orange AL0 AT0/S20 White AL0 AT0/S26 White AL0 AT0/S27 Red AL0 AT0/S31 Yellow AL0 AT0/S32 Red AL0 AT0

                            Note: you need to add AL0 (AL Zero) for each part, not just once. There is no need to add AW100 AH100 as done in Flipper Button MX, as this are the default values if missing.

                            If you do it for all entries, it will work fine. I guess it would be possible to write a script with AHK for that, but I don’t know that script language good enough.


                            in reply to: Undercab LED #83190

                              The dof tool is not supporting it. I believe it can be done with some manual (or scripting) work. I’ll try it next week, if successfull I’ll report here.

                              in reply to: Backglass issues with new monitor #45233

                                In case screenres.txt is overwritten, one option is to set it to read only, the other: Run PinballX setup, turn off “Auto Position DirectB2S” in Display Settings.

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