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  • in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227778

      @32assassin @yardley

      My VNI and PAL are from 11/20/2017

      Correct those are the working ones for me. There is another PAL out there being passed around without a VNI and that one doesn’t work correctly. All is well now after using the correct VNI and PAL and running the DmdDevice.ini from Freezy 1.7.1.

      in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227765

        I take that back, it does not work with Freezy 1.8.2, I have to use 1.7.1.

        in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227757

          I got it to work! I think what worked ultimately right now was cleaning up all of the extra files in the altcolor smb3 directory and leaving only the .pal and .vni files in there. I can confirm that it works with Freezy 1.8.2.

          in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227753

            Mine looks closer to the one in this video, but there are still some differences https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zgyo5l_gyHI

            But in this video the DMD looks the best, this is what I am trying to achieve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU_1ifjs5Nw



            in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227752

              @yardley What front end are you using?

              DMD will not be in color when using 1.8 Freezy with a version newer then SAMBuild_r4906.zip

              With newer version of SAMBuild You will need to use Freezy 1.71 for Super Mario Bros

              I’m using Popper, I already implemented the workaround that switches between the 1.7 and 1.8 dmddevice.ini depending on the table launched. Works great, Street Fighter 2 colorization looks correct but SMB doesn’t. With that said I’m testing directly through VPX to keep things simple, I just manually rename to dmddevice.ini’s myself. I’m not sure which revision of the SAMBuild I have, I just know its 3.3b. Is there a way to find out?

              in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227740

                Freezys 1.7.2 had a known problem with PIN2DMD files.

                those issues have been fixed with 1.8, the post you read most likely said only use 1.7.1 when their was no 1.8 version.

                why don’t you post screen shots of what you have done and links to the files you used.

                its very difficult to give you any advice when you have very little info.

                and this is a screen capture running on the latest version of Freezys 1.8.x

                Thanks 32assassin, BTW are you the same 32assassin from the HS forum? Reminds me of the good old days! So about Freezy, I think you’re right, 1.8 works for SMB, I just updated to the latest 1.8.x too. Side note though, for the Street Fighter 2 table, 1.8 still doesn’t work, you have to use 1.7.1 for the colorization or else it displays it in black and white. I got this information from here https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/pin2dmd-colorization-of-super-mario-bros#post-6029089

                Here’s a short video of what mine looks like currently https://youtu.be/pE9h_7nhTf0

                You can see that the Gottlieb logo in this video has color but mine doesn’t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU_1ifjs5Nw

                How can I get to the screen you posted to see what mine looks like? Can you share the rom and altcolor files you’re using?

                in reply to: Super Mario Bros #227721

                  Anyone know how to get altcolor working correctly for this table? I have two pin2dmd files from different sources that I have tried, I have colorize enabled in the rom settings. Apparently this colorization needs Freezy 1.7.1 because it won’t work with 1.8 so I have that correct but it still doesn’t work. I can see the DMD is colorized but the colors are not right, it doesn’t look anything like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU_1ifjs5Nw

                  Any ideas?

                  in reply to: Stargate (Gottlieb 1995) Normal & LED and 2 & 3 screen DB2S #226271

                    Hi, what is the purpose of the pup files? I don’t see a difference when not using it other than a border around the DMD.

                    in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #223475

                      Hey Terry, getting there with the FP set up! I’ve been testing with 3 different tables: Star Wars DSA (PinEvent), Pink Floyd (DOFLinx) and Blade Runner (Ultimate Pro) and have them all working great directly trough FP/BAM. Today I started incorporating everything into Popper.  I’ve been following your tutorials to the letter but the Popper integration didn’t go so well.

                      I have two issues, first, when exiting the tables, Popper loses focus and only displays the T-ARC over my Windows desktop. Doesn’t happen all the time, but it only happens with FP (not VP or FX3). Once it happens it stays that way even if I launch other tables and the only way to get back to normal is to restart Popper. Not sure if this is related but my playfield flashes quite a bit while launching a table and often goes completely white not displaying the loading bar until the table finally loads.

                      Second issue is something keeps crashing when I exit a PinEvent table. I get an unhandled exception error. I found one of your posts on another thread where you mentioned having some crashing issues as well, but you posted a slightly different script for Popper than the one on this guide. Are you still getting crashes yourself?

                      Wanted to share some information for anyone else reading this in the future. I know you mentioned that killing the DOFLinx process through the exit script is not necessary, but for me, doing that and starting DOFLinx on every table launch is much more stable. I found out the hard way that if your FP_LINK_WAIT_TIME is long and you exit a non-DOFLinx table too quickly, the timer continues even if you start another table, and then your solenoids don’t work for the next table even if it has DOFLinx support. I guess this is only a problem if you’re jumping around tables too quickly, but thought I’d share since it might save someone the troubleshooting time if they run into this.

                      in reply to: DOFLinx Guide by TerryRed #223059

                        Terry these tutorials are excellent! DOFLinx is all set up and running great. One thing I can’t get to work is the fallback function for my flippers for tables that don’t support DOFLinx. I have it configured correctly in the ini and the flipper solenoids function correctly if I’m not running a table, but as soon as I launch a table they stop responding. I noticed a similar problem previously with my shifted volume up/down buttons, they would work to raise/lower the volume with VP, FX3, etc but as soon as a launch a FP table they stop working. I’m using a Pinscape controller, seems to be some kind of conflict between FP and the Pinscape.


                        EDIT: figured it out! I hadn’t enabled the Pinscape in the FP options.

                        • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Yardley.
                        in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #222914

                          Hmm, setting it to PUPSCREEN1 didn’t work but that’s alright, if it’s going to look stretched fuggedaboutit. Thanks!

                          in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #222911

                            I got it working! I had to register DOF again for some reason. AWESOME! I just installed F14, any idea why the PF screen isn’t displaying the video?

                            Are you running the pup-pack? Do you have PUP Stream enabled?

                            If yes to both… what setup are you using?

                            The pup-pack must be displayed on a monitor that is in landscape orientation and connected to your video card, not a motherboard using internal GPU like intel.


                            Yes I’m running the pup and have pup stream enabled. I have a 3 screen setup, using Option 0 – DMD, Backglass.bat. All of my monitors are in landscape and connected to my video card. The rest of the pup-pack looks good.

                            Does it have anything to do with needing to make a change in the PinUpPlayer config displays?

                            in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #222908

                              I got it working! I had to register DOF again for some reason. AWESOME! I just installed F14, any idea why the PF screen isn’t displaying the video?

                              in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #222763

                                Hi all, I’m having trouble getting DOF to work. I have R3++ installed and working with Visual Pinball. I’m running the PinEvent Star Wars DSA table for FP in debug mode and it says “DOF is not installed or detected”. I’ve tried setting FPLoader.exe to run as admin but that didn’t help. Any ideas?

                                If you are getting that error… then something on your system is blocking DOF from FP (or the other way around).

                                Try disabling Windows Defender. Maybe your UAC settings are affecting it as well.

                                Thanks for the suggestion Terry, I’ve got UAC set to never notify and Defender is off.

                                in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #222760

                                  Hi all, I’m having trouble getting DOF to work. I have R3++ installed and working with Visual Pinball. I’m running the PinEvent Star Wars DSA table for FP in debug mode and it says “DOF is not installed or detected”. I’ve tried setting FPLoader.exe to run as admin but that didn’t help. Any ideas?

                                  in reply to: Popper Front End:Playlist Videos #221725

                                    These are really nice! Would love one for future pinball.


                                      Thanks Terry, that worked outside of my front end but no so much once launching from HS. However, I did ultimately fix it by editing the pup pack and setting BG and DMD to force on.

                                      in reply to: Pizza Time #220166

                                        Hey guys, anyone running Pizza Time successfully on a desktop setup? I can’t keep the DMD on the screen. It appears when I first launch the table but as soon as I insert credit or press start it looses focus. I tried different pupinit files but no luck and a few other things that worked for me in the past but no luck.


                                          Hey guys, anyone running Pizza Time successfully on a desktop setup? I can’t keep the DMD on the screen. It appears when I first launch the table but as soon as I insert credit or press start it looses focus. I tried different pupinit files but no luck and a few other things that worked for me in the past but no luck.

                                          in reply to: Radical (Bally 1990) Prototype: VPW Mod #219458

                                            Getting closer, when I hit the tilde key after clicking on the PinMAME windows, it shows “Overclock CPU0 100%” I can cycle through some other options with the up/down arrows but it doesn’t show any volume settings. I just see brightness and gamma.

                                            EDIT: never mind! Sound was unchecked in the PinMAME settings! Thanks for your help.

                                            • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Yardley.
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