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  • in reply to: Flickering DMD #221768

      If you remove VPinSPA from your VPinMAME folder and put all of it in your VPinSPA folder with Freezy’s 1.71, then you can use 1.8.0 in your VPinMAME folder for other/newer tables. You will have to run the setup again for VPinSPA after moving it to register in in that folder. That should fix your problem permanently.

      Have Fun!


      in reply to: Which tables have not been built yet #211247


        City Slicker 1987 (in works)

        Police Force (1989, Williams)

        Playboy 35th Anniversary (1989, Data East)


        Pistol Poker (1993, Alvin G)

        Frank Thomas’ Big Hurt (Premier, 1995)



        in reply to: Would you do it Scratch Build Ice Cold Beer Taito? #193311

          It’s 5 millimeters and the playfield has a slant so that gravity keeps the ball against the field. I estimate it to be about 20 degrees.

          If it would help you (or anyone else), here is a link to my dropbox folder with the images that I shared with randr during his build.



          Have fun!


          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Would you do it Scratch Build Ice Cold Beer Taito? #185299

            @benjac05 It’s 3/4 of an inch or 19 mm


            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: dB2s Golden Cue (Sega 1998) #174580


              I found this playfield for sale online a while ago and saved the picture. Would this help?


              2 users thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: I have an idea for some cool front end loading videos #157660

                I see what you’re saying @Thalamus . I was going more for “the table is assembling while you wait” look rather than a movie quality. It would be easy enough to transition these images smoothly using a video editor. I have a bunch of these in my loading images folder and each time I load a table a different one will play. With about 1400 tables, I’m surely not going to make one for each…


                in reply to: I have an idea for some cool front end loading videos #157655

                  I made these animated gifs from screenshots using the editor to hide objects a few at a time until I got down to the playfield. I use these as loading images in PinballX



                  in reply to: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD #131056

                    the scores not showing up on the virtual dmd
                    did any one have an answer for this because i seem to have the same problem, im using a 2 screen setup and my virtual dmd is on top of it

                    Hi Lost Soul,

                    The score is displayed on the backglass and not on the DMD. The B2s is made for 2 or 3 screen configurations and has a grill available with room for the DMD display so that it does not cover the score. You just have to make the grill visible and drag your DMD to the space provided (see image below)


                    Have fun,


                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Sopranos table #129074

                      Hi Rocco,

                      If you are talking about the hole in the ramp, that exists in the real table a s well.



                      in reply to: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD #121435

                        Hi, first of all great table. The only problem I have is I’m unable to start a game in multiplayers despite the fact the script seems to support more than one player. I have the same issue with metal slug. Anyone has an idea ?

                        The original Metal Slug Future Pinball table supported multiple players but the VP conversion does not at this time. Perhaps in the future.


                        in reply to: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD #117307

                          Thanks for the update! dof is great thanks @arngrim :good:

                          @aldiode did you forget the ultradmdfolder on update?

                          Sure did. It’s fixed now…. Sorry for the error. I have added the UltraDMD folder back into the zip.

                          Have fun!


                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: Other emulation setups you got? #114503

                            Well, that could be a can of worms. Here are just a few of mine to start with.


                            in reply to: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD #113645

                              Very nice! Question.. Is there DOF? I have no sound on bumpers and such, but no DOF. If so, is there a trick to enabling it?

                              I swapped out Const cGameName = “SOA” with Const cGameName = “DOF_test” and it seems pretty darn close..

                              I had asked @arngrim about possibly adding DOF to this as I do not have this feature on my own cabinet. He said that he would when time allows. He had recently added DOF to the Metal Slug table which this one was based on. Not sure how much is involved to update this one.

                              in reply to: What do we all do for a living? #113273

                                Ford Motor Company, Car Parts, Organisation, 12 Years

                                One Man Show with Webdesign, PC Support and Programming, Trainings, 3 Years

                                16 Years until now, Worldwide Transport Company, IT Administration, RPA, Programming and solve Things here and there around our internal IT World…

                                Could say, the Bitch for all, but with strong Balls on the right Place… I don’t know, if that are the right Words in English, whatever ;)

                                Finally another Ford man in this Mopar house  :yahoo:

                                in reply to: What do we all do for a living? #113044

                                  I ran a RadioShack store for 30 years until management burned that company to the ground :cry: , then went to the Geek Squad as a Counter Intelligence Agent  for 5 years  B-) , now I’m an Internet Sales Manager for a large family car dealership :mail:

                                  in reply to: Metal Slug (Brendan Bailey) #109945

                                    Everything is installed properly. I’ve had several tables that I had to click it with my mouse. They’ve all had to do with the script, but every script is different. I believe this is my last table with this problem. Sooooo if you or somebody else could help I would really appreciate it. Thanks

                                    There are two lines of code in the script that are not needed and are causing your problem. Search for these two lines in the table script and comment them out or delete them.

                                    While UltraDMD.IsRendering = True

                                    This will resolve your problem.



                                    in reply to: Sons of Anarchy 2/3 Screen B2S Backglass #109795

                                      Thank you very much for your answer. Is there a possibility to put 2/3 or 4 players?

                                      The original Metal Slug future pinball table was scripted for up to 4 players. In Javier’s conversion to VPX, this does not work correctly. This is my first release and I’m still learning scripting. I was able to correct many of the things that did not work correctly in Metal Slug, add some features (magnasave, spinner etc.) as well as change the rules and gameplay. I’m not yet up to fixing the multiplayer aspect. I will keep learning and likely someday get that figured out. Thanks for your patience.


                                      in reply to: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD #109793

                                        I get the same error messages:

                                        Line 7131: Object required: ‘Controller’

                                        Line 640: Object required: ‘Controller’

                                        Lines 2279 and 2280 are commented out. I believe I’m using all of the latest Vpinmame, freezy’s dll, 10.6, etc. Plus the backglass is in the tables folder (even though I am trying to run it in Desktop mode).

                                        Any ideas?

                                        Hi Scotty,

                                        It works for me here in the desktop mode. This table uses a lot of B2S calls including line 7131 and 640 is the B2S controller stop on table exit. Do you have the B2S server installed?


                                        in reply to: Sons of Anarchy 2/3 Screen B2S Backglass #109766


                                          there is no score on DMD ?

                                          I have view ONE time (bonus, credit on this !)

                                          ONLY GIF animation actually


                                          The score displays on the B2S Backglass as in the original Metal Slug table. If you are a desktop user, then the score/highscore display will be in the text box above the table (again as in the original Metal Slug table)

                                          High score will display on the DMD after the games is finished. There is a 36 second delay in order to make sure that the end credits or any easter egg video has finished playing BEFORE the DMD will go back into the attract mode. Patience is a virtue….


                                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: Sons of Anarchy (Original 2019) VPX MOD #109671

                                            Where is b2s for this table?

                                            Unfortunately I cannot get it to run, it says…

                                            Line 7131: Object required: ‘Controller’

                                            Line 640: Object required: ‘Controller’

                                            Sorry for the noob ignorance. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.

                                            Both of those lines refer to the B2S Backglass server. That and UltraDMD are the only controllers used in this table.

                                            The B2S backglass is here on this site.



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