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  • in reply to: Back To The Future #60719

      Here is another update.  It’s Haunts latest + clocktower kicker sound + ball flying fixes.  I also tweaked the lighting just a bit.  Thanks everyone, keep reporting issues if you find them.

      Also..  I’m not sure which never before seen feature HauntFreaks was talking about..  but I know one I’ve never seen someone else do, that no one has mentioned yet.  <hint> there is a vague reference in the options for the table </hint>

      9 users thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Back To The Future #60442

        anyone having a texture loading error….. I sent CyberPez fixed version ….. and with some adjustments as well ;)


        Thanks HauntFreaks.  Crazy how much better the changes look.  (quoted the screenshot to show it off again) People having issues give this version a play and see if it helps.  From what I’ve gathered it should help.  If it does I’ll make this version official, otherwise back to the drawing board.  Let me know.  Thanks


        4 users thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: Back To The Future #60370

          Yes Yes so many details  :wacko:


          That right Haunt, I knew you did something else :P  Fixed the credits  (I tend to glaze over when writing them up. Ha)  and yeah..  everyone should check it out!!  I know its on by default on my cab!!

          Hope everyone enjoys the table.  It was a ton of work, but I’m just glad its out there for others to enjoy!!!

          in reply to: Indianapolis 500 WIP #60212

            Way to go and get me all excited about a table I had Zero interest in until JULY 28, 2017 AT 1:42 PM Central Standard Time.

            You sir are a lighting wizard.

            in reply to: Black Hole (Gottlieb 1981) #57887

              Sorry for missing your first question.  I think all that was different in 1.0 and 1.0a was a quick DOF add by Roth.


              version 1.1 will have these fixes along with re-sized lower flipper and maybe.. I don’t know?  I’m sorta sitting on the update right now while being distracted with other projects.  Soon though!!

              in reply to: Star Wars by Data East #57443

                I did not do a free hand redraw, I traced the plastics from this image that has the “true top view”. I traced the shape of the plastics, saved a svg file and imported the svg file into blender I did a “Smart Unwrap” after the primitive was built to get the textures the actual primitives line up with the PF image here is a table with the primitives I built. svg files I imported into blender psd files and textures

                For unwapping in blender give “project from view” a try.  I have been having really good luck with it.  I trace all of my plastics in blender in view 7 on the number pad (it shows an imported background image)  Then using Project From View, it does an exact unwrap of the top of the plastic.  Using smart unwrap I was getting the same distorted plastics you mentioned, but doing it this way they have all turned out great.

                in reply to: Some new FSS stuff I have been working on #57231

                  I can dig that Black Hole backglass.  You should get into the b2s design also  :good:

                  in reply to: Black Hole (Gottlieb 1981) #56580

                    Great job on this table, thanks a lot. It plays really well. One thing I noticed that the flippers’ angle on the lower playfield doesn’t seem to be right. I don’t think the real machine has them asymmetric… that’s not how I remember the real thing to be and based on a TNT Amusements video, they should be angled differently:

                    I agree, and also I believe they should also be the same size Gottlieb standard flippers as the main playfield ones, they smaller in the this recreation.

                    Hmmm, I think they are at different angles unless I’m understanding you wrong?  Size is different though.. Longer and not as fat…   I’ll blame WRD since he’s not around to defend himself.   :whistle:


                    in reply to: Black Hole (Gottlieb 1981) #56289

                      Glad everyone is enjoying it!!

                       Those were good times.  I don’t get the scores like I use to though.  I’ve yet to roll the score.  Must be playing more true to the real thing now. :scratch:

                      @STAT  Try checking the dip setting “f6”  There is a checkbox to disable background sounds.  I’ve not tested these though.

                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                      in reply to: Futurama – CALLING ALL SCRIPTERS! HELP NEEDED #56194

                        And me too, cuz I can’t wait for this table!!

                        Not sure if this will help or not..  but I took the “random” number generator I was using in my athf table..  and tried to make it a bit more random.  Seems to be lighting the lights in a random order….  If that works… I think you should be able to adopt some convoluted if statments that..  if the light is lit it will skip it and pick another random light.  Again, I’m doing something similar with my athf table..  if you have completed an event (light lit) it skips it and picks another.  In my case I tell it to pick another, but I’d think you should just be able to pick another random number..  Might also be an easier way to do it too…?  I’am an idea guy not a streamline programer.. :mail: …. anywho..  let me know if this is sorta what you were thinking..  and if not..  ignore :P





                        in reply to: exciting rumors? WIP's? #55122

                          Welcome back buddy!!! You picked a good time. yeah, BH is pretty much done. Maybe be out later in the week? bttf will not be far behind it. Then back to HH!! Also… this Top Secret project has been floating around in my DropBox… :whistle:

                          This AFM looks great!!!! When can we expect it??? I don’t have all day to start feeling good!

                          Well Don’t expect it anytime real quick.  My “unfortunate” moto for the table has been…  “hmmmm I wonder what else I can add in”  turns out a lot. ;-)   Currently Wrd and Roth have been helping me fine tune things here and there.   I’ve also been working on adding in all the little details..  ramp gates, supports of things etc..etc..  Definitely coming along, but not done.

                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: Howdy #54497

                            Howdy yourself parter.

                            in reply to: exciting rumors? WIP's? #54114

                              Welcome back buddy!!!  You picked a good time.

                              yeah,  BH is pretty much done.  Maybe be out later in the week?  bttf will not be far behind it.  Then back to HH!!  Also…  this Top Secret project has been floating around in my DropBox…   :whistle:





                              2 users thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: CARtoons pinball #53802

                                A VP meetup sounds like a good time!!

                                in reply to: Mad Scientist Wip #53500

                                  @rothbauerw : very nice.

                                  +1 to Roth being amazing..  He fixed up a ton of scripting for my Black Hole table..  so chill about it too..  “oh it took you 6 months to script that..  give me a couple evenings and I’ll redo the whole thing”   B-)

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                                  in reply to: Taxi (Williams 1988) #51827

                                    I didn’t see this coming..  Thanks guys one of my fav’s!!!

                                    in reply to: Who has a real World Cup Soccer at home #51485

                                      GOALLLLL,  WCS is one of my fave’s!!!  Can’t wait!!

                                      in reply to: Locomotion (Zaccaria 1981) #51026

                                        I love these Zaccaria pins also.. thanks for posting it!!!  Those sounds make me want to take the “mushroom jump” though… hehe

                                        in reply to: Funhouse (Williams 1990) #46081

                                          I personally like the new walls  :whistle:   great addition!!


                                          Isn’t working on real machines fun!!  I don’t have any real pinballs but I can imagine the anxiety is the same as going in to work on a monitor in one of my arcade cabs.

                                          in reply to: Lost Project #43724

                                            Does the drive spin up at all?  If not could be bad board like other said..  If it does spin I’ve had OK luck (at least saved a few drives)  with dropping the drive a few inches..  Obviously have it unplugged and whatnot..  drop it from a few inches on a corner, but don’t actually let it fall…. just enough to jar it a bit.

                                            re-draw looked great by the way I hope you can find it!!

                                            on a side note, great recommendations on software for recovering files, writing them all done :D.  anyone have a recommendation on recovering files from a raid-6 array?  My little girl unplugged my storage array and corrupted the raid :(.

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