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  • in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #50051

      open to anything i got it to work couple issues i am using a 2 screen setup i have a colored dmd and original dmd dont know how to get rid of original dmd window and colored doesnt stay in place when resetting vp also vp locks up when exiting when using colored rom any ideas appreciate all your time and help you guys rock

      I just noticed freezy had an update burried at VPUniverse that has fixed crashing for me.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Another Second time Noob. :) #50039

        Am I the only one on the forums that doesn’t own a pinball machine? :cry: :yes:

        No, and I don’t see myself being able to afford one in the near future, or parts to build a virtual cabinet. :(

        That’s quite a collection @Arcade, and welcome back! I haven’t been around long, so “nice to meet you” would probably be more appropriate for me to say lol

        in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49937

          I’m having the same issue as Rob. Got the rom patched but it is not in color. The only thing I cant find is the dmddevice.ini. Do i need to create this file or should it be downloaded somewhere? 3 screen cab with 10″monitor as a dmd.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49934

            Change Line 90 in the Table Script to “.Hidden = 1”, that should get rid of the original DMD.

            In your VPinMAME folder, edit DmdDevice.ini with Notepad. “left = 0”  and “top = 0” will need to be different numbers. Not sure what numbers exactly since I don’t have a 2 monitor setup, so you can trial-and-error your way to victory here unless someone else mentions what they should be.

            I also get crashes sometimes with this DMD. I can’t use command lines to launch the table, I have to open open VPX and then the table to avoid crashes. The software is pretty new/experimental, so I suspect there are bugs being ironed out.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49888

              whats a log file

              I think it’s the DmdDevice.log in the VPinMAME folder. Copy the text and paste it here.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49844

                looks like how you have it laid out i have it still cant get color

                That’s odd. Are you using this SAM build?

                “Copy the files into your VPM directory, and run setup.exe again. There, press the install button (with each new build) and remember to setup the defaults again!”

                I’m afraid I wouldn’t know what try next other than starting over from the beginning.

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Dark no longer taking model requests #49841

                  Thanks for your many past and future contributions @Dark! Good luck with your non-VP projects.

                  in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49816

                    got rom done not in color though its orange when i go to options hit them same thing stays one color i have a 2 screen set up dmd and backglass on screen 2 does that make a difference or should it work

                    Did you put the pin2dmd.pal file in a folder in a new folder “smanve_101c” inside “altcolor” inside VPinMAME folder? I think I forgot to mention you should do that.

                    Don’t feel bad for having trouble setting this up. There’s a lot of steps and even I’m forgetting them when I explain.

                    in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49771


                      I’ll try and break this down a bit more for you. We’ve got a number of hurdles to overcome here, so let’s work on getting you a coloured rom and go from there. Sounds like you need some fundamental windows help so let’s start there, i’m doing this from memory on my mac, so excuse any mistakes and let me know if you get stuck:

                      Dang you beat me to it lol.

                      in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49770

                        i tried freelunches post on stuff needed i dont understand where to put patch tool when i open it it opens and closes immediately and how to combine files to make the colored rom the vp universe article im not understanding the basics i guess its probably real simple just dont want to mess things up

                        1. Have the patch tool and the ROM in the same folder
                        2. Open up Command Prompt in Windows (WindowsKey + R, type cmd and hit enter).
                        3. Navigate to the Patch Folder. (For example, if they are on a New Folder on your Desktop, type “C:” hit enter, “cd “C:\Users\[UserName]\Desktop\New Folder\” hit enter (where “[UserName]” is your PC username you are logged into))
                        4. Type “bspatch SPD101VE.BIN smanve_101c_BySharkky.bin smanve_101c_BySharkky.diff”, hit enter
                        5. Right-click the new file that should have been created > Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder
                        6. Put into the roms directory of VPinMAME
                        7. Open VPinMAME setup, navigate to new ROM, select Game Options, check “Use External DMD (dll)” and “Colorize DMD”
                        8. Rename the ROM on line 66 in the table script to “smanve_101c”
                        9. Run table.
                        And like I said before, there may be additional steps I don’t know of for hardware DMD, I don’t have one. For virtual DMD, edit the DMDDevice.ini with a text editor (like notepad) to configure the virtual DMD.

                        Don’t be afraid to ask again for help if you get stuck again. This isn’t exactly user-friendly setup yet.

                        in reply to: Alien Pinball? #49726

                          Have not heard of this before, looks sick!


                          in reply to: Spiderman Vault Edition #49642


                            Spiderman Vault Edition VPX

                            Color ROM Patch

                            Patch tool

                            ROM to use with Patch

                            If you’ve never used a colored ROM, add this to your SAM build (make sure this is the up-to-date) of VPinMAME and used a text editor on DMDDevice.ini to set preferences, like configuring the virtual DMD. There’s more info in the link.

                            If you’re using a physical DMD (as opposed to just displaying it on a monitor), I believe there’s more to getting this setup.
                            For colored ROMs, check “Use External DMD (dll)” and “Colorize DMD” in VPinMAME’s Game Options.
                            Hopefully I’m not skipping a step, I just set it up last night myself lol.

                            in reply to: Whirlwind (Williams 1990) #49606

                              Thanks. Whatever folks recommend as the table is in real life is good enough for me. :-)

                              I know this feeling. I certainly wouldn’t want to make up the final number in a physics guesstimation lol. But table designers must do this. I’m afraid I’ve never played a real Whirlwind, but maybe you can figure it out with trial and error, and by watching some videos online.


                                I’m just reading about this now, lol what a mess, sorry you went through all this trouble @freneticamnesic.

                                in reply to: Champions League #49516

                                  Are there any callouts in the game ? I was kinda expecting a ‘Gooooaaaaaal’ when I scored, but I get all the music and the mech sounds ? there’s no F6 obviously, so it may just be the way it is. Gee it plays well though, and the rule set is extensive enough to keep you entertained that’s for sure. Cheers, al.

                                  Someone just mentioned sound problems with another UltraDMD table and they were able to fix it by digging around in Audio Options.

                                  America’s Most Haunted

                                  in reply to: America’s Most Haunted #49469

                                    The music on this flipper is too loud and i can’t hear the call-outs. I was playing with some settings, but the music volume doesn’t change :( Has anybody the same problem and find a solution?

                                    The music on this flipper is too loud and i can’t hear the call-outs. I was playing with some settings, but the music volume doesn’t change :( Has anybody the same problem and find a solution?

                                    VPX’s music volume slider in the table settings doesn’t work unfortunately. Personally I’m not having a volume issue, but as a last resort, I guess you could always change the volume of the actual music samples using a 3rd party app.

                                    What version of VP10 are you guys running? I can definitely completely mute music if I set Music Volume to 0 in the User Customizations, and it’s quieter with values less than the default of 100.

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.

                                      What do the text files do/save in my “..\Visual Pinball\user” folder?

                                      These are some user settings. They used to store B2S and DOF settings. I don’t remember if these even get read by VP10 anymore since things like B2S and DOF got integrated into the Preferences menu in some update. This folder might have more importance in VP9.x, so perhaps another member can elaborate if its purpose extends beyond B2S and DOF.

                                      What do the cfg files do/save in my “..VPinMame\cfg” folder?

                                      I don’t think this folder matters for end users. I thought this would have VPinMAMe settings for each table (like DMD display settings), but removing these files didn’t reset my virtual DMD. Maybe it’s a real DMD thing.

                                      What do the prt files do/save in my “..VPinMame\memcard” folder

                                      My memcard folder is empty, maybe it’s for transfering real pinball ROM settings and high scores to VPinMAME?

                                      What do the nv files do/save in my “..\VPinMame\nvram” folder?

                                      This is where settings and high scores for ROMs are stored. If you ever want to reset a ROM’s settings and high scores and don’t feel like changing things back with the menu, you can delete the ROM’s nv file and it will reset. Also, if you want to back up your ROM settings and high scores, these are the files you want to back up.

                                      Like Randr, I’m not the best person to ask, but I’m at least 56% right. :P

                                      in reply to: Dr. Dude (Bally 1990) #49219

                                        I’d recommend increasing the plunger strength a tad from 1.4_x, sometimes a fully pulled back shot won’t hit the skillshot target. It’s pretty uncommon though, like 1/30 shots.

                                        in reply to: Big Bang Bar #49174

                                          My skill shot lights have stopped since updating to 10.2. Am I alone on this?

                                          I do not have this problem with 10.2.

                                          Perhaps you need to update to the latest VPinMAME? Or maybe you’re missing something in your 10.2 build, you could try redownloading, I’m using 10.2.1.

                                          If that’s not the problem, you could try this. Open your folder  for VPinMAME/nvram and move “bbb109.nv” out of the folder. This will reset your ROM settings and high scores for this table. If that doesn’t help (you can move back the original file), I’m not sure what the problem might be, perhaps someone else can help.

                                          GREAT TABLE THX!!!! I only have an issue, the sound of the ball running is driving me crazy, sounds way too loud and repetitive, like a giant ball over a stone :/

                                          Great table, I agree with you on the ball sounds. They are pretty bad in comparison to some other tables. Hopefully the author will have another look at them sometime in the near future.

                                          Look in script toward end for ball rolling sounds you will see code for it change to fit what you like for volume. I am not at computer to give example but I’m sure someone else can

                                          To do this, open the script and CTRL+F “JP’s VP10 Rolling Sounds” and change the line

                                          [code]PlaySound(“fx_ballrolling” & b), -1, Vol(BOT(b) ), Pan(BOT(b) ), 0, Pitch(BOT(b) ), 1, 0[/code]

                                          [code]PlaySound(“fx_ballrolling” & b), -1, Vol(BOT(b) )*0.1 , Pan(BOT(b) ), 0, Pitch(BOT(b) ), 1, 0[/code]

                                          The 0.1 number can be changed to suit your preference. A smaller fraction like 0.01 would be quieter, a larger fraction like 0.5 would be louder.

                                          5 users thanked author for this post.

                                            BOP 2.0 would be sick. I like the original, but shooting the left ramp to score isn’t the most interesting ruleset.

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