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  • in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218599

      I started in Virtual Pinball about a year ago. It was right around the time Scotty released Harry Potter. I had already seen his other work, as well as some  of the other amazing tables from some of the other amazing creators. I couldn’t believe that this hobby was driven solely by the sacrifices of the content creators and they get zero compensation. When I saw Harry Potter I had to send this guy Scotty Wic a nice bottle of whisky to say thank you.

      Shortly after, I had come across John Memeo. John took his time to help me, as he does so many other newbies, to get my cabinet working and put me on a path to really get the most out of this new hobby. He spent hours helping answer my stupid questions and fix my stupid mistakes. I would have given up on the hobby if it wasn’t for him and I wanted to pay him back somehow.

      I was familiar with After Effects and video editing and compositing and I came up with an idea to do a PuPPack. I wanted to partner with John and let him upload it as the author, as a way of paying him back. John had never done a PuPPack, but I talked him into it, and that was probably 30 puppacks ago for him. We went on to do Avengers and The Getaway II together….I wanted to pay him back and I got to.

      A few months ago, I was reading about the TWIPYs. A recognition award for real pinball. I thought, wow, Virtual Pin needs an awards program like that to recognize these creators who work so hard and get so little thanks. I asked a bunch of content creators if they would be interested in participating, the ones I knew and had developed a relationship like Scotty, Terry, and Nailbuster.  I also asked some Real Pin folks, because I thought it would be cool to unify the hobby a bit, Zach Meny, Cary Hardy, and Jack Danger. All of who were great and said yes. I got MPT3K to agree to host the event on twitch and he’s a big advocate for both real pinball and virtual. I asked JP Salas and he recommended adding the major Vpin Website owners as presenters, and I thought that was a great idea. Most agreed to present as well.

      I wanted it to be big but I was doing it primarily on my own and with my own money, and I knew I wanted to do it right so I allocated a budget of $1000 and came up with 10 Categories. I thought after year one we can expand to more categories and maybe people would want to contribute. I created a google form with just a few of what I felt were the most common names I heard come up as the initial Pre-Nominees, so people would understand the format I wanted but I stressed people to write in votes in both the video and the instructions because I knew I didn’t know everyone who contributes but the community does. My plan was to add in real-time as the community wrote in votes. I didn’t add any of my creations to the initial rollout either.

      Rolling out the voting now feels like I lit a fuse to a massive pile of dynamite. I thought if someone didn’t agree they would give some constructive criticism and if I had to tweak I was totally open to it. I didn’t expect the response I got.  The feedback was pretty cold and harsh. If it was the community beating it up, it wouldn’t have bothered me as much but it was the creators. The ones I wanted this awards to be for.

      In retrospect, if the people I wanted to recognize, think this is a bad idea, it’s not something I want to do. I think I could redo the voting but it wouldn’t matter, people would always have an issue. I can’t recognize everyone as much as I would love to but I do appreciate everything this community does. So I’m pulling the plug and wish this community the best. I took a shot because it’s who I am. Thanks Terry an anyone else who agreed with the vision as well as those who didn’t agree but understood what I was trying to do and were constructive with their feedback. Voting is turned off.

      in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218413


        what you do for the community is more important than the awards. Tell you what, don’t quit as a mod and I’ll scrap the idea. While I would have rather some opinions on how it can be changed so that the community sees the value in it, that doesn’t seem to be an option here.

        in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218406

          I put a few in each category that were pretty commonly brought up as being some of the best in the field for the sole purpose of people knowing how to populate the other fields. The vast majority of the voting was always intended to be write ins. It was in the video I made and in the instructions. But let me as you this. If the voting reset, and everything was done as a write in, would the forum participate? My fear is, regardless of how it’s handled it won’t be supported. This is for the community, not for me. I gain nothing for doing this and only give my personal time and money. It’s totally worth it if it’s embraced and appreciated.

          in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218402

            I love this. Super constructive, and well said. Thinking about how to handle this and you’re feedback is awesome and appreciated. Thanks for all you do.

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218391

              Oh man, sorry you feel that way. Regardless I have massive respect for all your contributions. Thanks for all you do.

              in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218150

                This is what’s frustrating to me. The list was almost literally a blank slate. I put Pre-Voting everywhere and it explains right at the top of the form. It also encourages the write in votes.  Today was the first 24 hours of preliminary voting in a two week time period to vote. If someone that the forum wants on that list, isn’t on that list, all people have to do is write them in. There’s no way I can go to every forum, Facebook page, discord channel and have lists created, then make a monstrous list because I don’t know how many people feel the same way about that nominee. A sliver of the total votes are in, so why not rally the forum together and vote for who you think deserves it. This is what makes the most sense. This is meant to recognize accomplishments for the year 2020. It’s meant to be a good thing. It’s meant to get all of you involved in a positive way.

                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218117

                  Didn’t mean to sound negative. Just curious. Checked out the lists and added some suggestions. Wiggler table. Loserman. Wildman. Maybe a ‘lifetime contributor’ award should be added? And perhaps a ‘new contributor’ list would be cool. Or Best Update? – Star Trek is amazing.

                  Good luck! I’ll be following along.

                  Wiggler I added as I had multiple suggestions. As far as other categories, great ideas but I did have to start small and manageable due to lack of resources because this is the first year. It will definitely grow if the community supports it and votes.

                  in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218103

                    I wouldn’t take it too personally. It’s a fun idea but could also be divisive as smaller tribes within the community are bound to feel defensive when they don’t feel represented to the magnitude that they view themselves. That will always happen in popularity contests regardless of the hobby.

                    At the end of the day there are lots of good games on the list and a lot of good games that won’t make the list. It’s a fun community initiative but giving the business to overlooked favorites doesn’t feel out of bounds or particularly derisive, at least as far as it has transpired this far. My favorite films never win Oscars, either.

                    Well I am trying to spread the word to all different areas of the web because everyone does seem to be in their silos. Write ins are encouraged and I can’t stress it enough and the fact that everyone does vote really give anyone a shot. As a content creator myself, the amount of time we sacrifice should be recognized and I’m hoping even a nomination should provide some.

                    Im starting small, 10 Categories for bow but it will grow, and more people will be recognized but only if the community supports this and the creators. It’s hard to get them to hit a thanks button so I’m not sure where this goes but I feel strongly it’s needed and deserved. Thanks for what you do.

                    in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218100

                      Sorry. This has been a bear to put together and I’m financing it myself but it’s worth it.  Trust me next year, people will want to sponsor . This will be done right and like I said, all the big names have agreed to be involved. Anyone can write in and I’ll add when I see multiple for someone now, and if they make the final noms will be up to the voters.

                      in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218065

                        Wow nothing but criticism for this initiative so far…when anyone can write in and it’s encouraged….brutal

                        in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218046

                          Write it in. That’s why that option is there. This is preliminary voting and if people write in who they want, they will make the final nominations, especially in the tutorial category.

                          in reply to: Pizza Time #211655

                            Scotty – you effin crushed it yet again! So happy to see your long time passion project come to fruition and the community loving it. It’s a pleasure to get to work with someone with such vision. Thanks for all you do for this hobby.


                            in reply to: VR Room Star Trek The Next Generation Minimal (Williams 1993) #200255

                              This is straight up fire. Ive been bugging sixtoes on FB as Ive just gotten VR going and want to say how much we appreciate his work. This table is lit. if someone doesnt like this in VR, sell your cab.

                              in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196246

                                On the real pin the mode is active until the timer counts down, even if you drain a ball.

                                in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195763

                                  Because it’s a full dmd display like the real pinball, and you probably don’t have a full dmd setup. So it’s designed that way.

                                  in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195639

                                    Congrats my brother! What an amazing job. I hope everyone appreciates all the hard work you and your team put in to try to make this table really honor the real pin. I am scared to see what happens as you gain more and more experience, you and MR. H are Vpinball Gods!! Thanks

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    in reply to: The Getaway High Speed II PUP pack – VPX #194369

                                      My partner is working on it with someone so yes, it will come out soon. I’m not involved in that one.

                                      in reply to: The Getaway High Speed II PUP pack – VPX #194079

                                        I think we could pretty easily make this compatible with FX3. Thanks for the kind words. I worked with the guy who did Monster Bash, on his Elvis Puppack and hes terrific. Hes actually working on a Addams Family pup based on the TV Show.

                                        in reply to: The Getaway High Speed II PUP pack – VPX #193875

                                          What version of Pinup do you have?

                                          in reply to: The Getaway High Speed II PUP pack – VPX #193809

                                            Baby Driver. Great movie. If you watch it bare in mind that every gunshot, siren, alarm, is in synch with the soundtrack. The whole movie was built around the soundtrack.

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