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  • psiomicron

      Excellent work here, thank you @psiomicron !

      Unfortunally, I noted one little thing: the left wooden wall isn’t showing right, it isn’t visible like in older versions, instead a plain grey wall is visible here.

      I’m not an expert designer, however, I found that you can bring it to the screen if you hide the element called “PinCab_Blades” selecting it and unchecking the “visible” attribute. Perhaps this is not the better way to achieve this, but it works.

      Please, check this little issue and fix it like you better know. You are making this table even more amazing than it was before. Thanks!

      Was this in VR or on the desktop, if it was in the desktop that element should have been added to a collection for vr stuff that should hide when running non vr. I will update this soon.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: VR ROOM Masters of the Universe Minimal #231961

        Correction for the description:

        – original table by Rom

        – converted to VPX by randr

        – details, pf videos, DOF, PuP by TerryRed

        – SSF by Thalamus

        – PUPDMD by LynnInDenver

        …and whatever changes you guys did for the VR table :)

        Otherwise…. great work on this.


        in reply to: VR ROOM Diner Minimal #231909

          Not too much time. Just got to have the vr room primitives you get from these rooms and you have to photophop the cab decals. Adjust lighting, and possible other elements of the table so it looks right in vr.

          in reply to: VR ROOM Diner Minimal #231666

            Hi, I was just trying this table, it loads OK and accepts coins but wont start?

            Also when you say set B2Son1= 1 do you mean setting in the script at line 74:-

            Const B2Son = 1

            I can see no reference to B2Son1 in script.

            I have other VR tables working fine


            Yes Const B2Son = 1. Just read that it CAN accept coins but won’t start. I don’t know if your using a keyboard or not, but try hitting “1” to see of it starts. Also make sure VPX is in focus in Windows. Alt-Tab to it just in case. All else fails close out VPX and restart it.

            • This reply was modified 3 years, 3 months ago by psiomicron.

              @user25378 When you right click on the backglass when it’s running is DMD and B2S DMD set to standard?

              Also in the script make sure the VR Room Minimal is off, set it to 0.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: VR ROOM Haunted House (Gottlieb 1982) minimal #231241

                @darquayle Updated the table height, so should not have to adjust every time now.


                  @wrath2000 OK, it’s something I didn’t check on this one, the backglass image *has* to be named “backglassimage” in the image manager (and obviously pointing to this from the backglass primitive).

                  VPVR searches for backglassimage to project the capture onto, one of the things I’m going when I redo all mine is to double check I did this, because the capture function didn’t exist when I first starting doing them :)

                  you might want to update this just to save confusion



                    Finally got this dialed in on my cab. The other versions of this table have vexed me and my wimpy set-up for a couple years. I have learned countless tricks along the way to get heavy tables to work but never quite got this table playing right. This build works fantastic. I’ll be playing more than a few volleys on this. Wish I had the time to break down and figure out what you’ve done here. Much appreciated @psiomicron !!

                    Thanks, but a lot of the credit goes to  @sixtoe as he did a lot of the rebuild on this.


                      Anyone play this in dt/cab mode yet?

                      Now updated for dt/cab!

                      5 users thanked author for this post.

                        I’ll set it up later to have it used without vr, I’ll post when updated.

                        in reply to: VR ROOM Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Ball (Bally 1991) minimal #211828

                          Just fyi there has been an overall to this table, download it from wrd1972, it includes this VR Room with it. Just have to enable it in the script.

                          in reply to: VR ROOM Attack From Mars (Bally 1995).Dozer cp mod Minimal #205049

                            Holy crap, I dunno how that happened. Ill update it now… should be good.

                            in reply to: VR ROOM Bugs Bunny’s Birthday Ball (Bally 1991) minimal #204309

                              Just a couple quick questions, are you using VPinballX_GL 32bit or 64bit? Also you have a screenshot of your Prefrences -> VR Settings page?

                              in reply to: vpx VR-Launcher #201661

                                When downloading this (, this file has viruses:


                                Scanned this on a few virus scanners and they all show this. This file came from your link, that then redirects to “”. Please verify! I would really like to install this.

                                in reply to: Tron Legacy LE: “End of Line” PuP-Pack (VPX) #198718

                                  For some reason, the videos are not triggering or playing. I got the animated backglass but it never plays any videos. I have 3screens (LCD is the third screen). Freezy and everything is up to date, other pup packs like Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Back to the Future all work. Am I missing a setting or something?

                                  Thanks all!

                                  in reply to: Stranger Things | Stranger Edition #198564

                                    Hey all! I wanted to let you know the fix the issue I had with laggy gameplay and video with this table and even on other pup packs. After trying everything everyone suggested I realized that my Geforce GTX 970 and AMD A4- 6300 processor does not play well together. I swapped out the motherboard and processor with an Intel i5 and low and behold every table, pup pack or not, runs like butter.  No more lag or video issues. So for those who have a GTX with an AMD processor either swap out the graphic card with an AMD based GPU or swap the processor with an Intel. I have spoken.

                                    in reply to: Kiss (Bally 1979) #189724

                                      Well I got it to work. I copied the samples folder from VpinMAME with the zip file to the Visual Pinball root folder and now it works! Thanks for all the suggestions!

                                      in reply to: Kiss (Bally 1979) #189390

                                        @Tom no tunes nor chimes, just the standard flipper and pluger, etc. sounds. I even played around with the Audio preferences but nada. Also notices Paragon is doing the same thing.

                                        in reply to: Kiss (Bally 1979) #189385

                                          @Thalamus I did what you suggested but still getting the same issue, get the base sounds, but not the chimes and stuff. I also re-downloaded the kiss rom as @outhere suggested, plus tried kissb kissc and kissd all the same issue. They all tested OK. Also tried on the Kiss 2.3 table and the same issue.

                                          in reply to: Kiss (Bally 1979) #189162

                                            I’m not getting chimes or noises, I downloaded the Bally sound samples and they are in my VinpinMame folder, also hit F6 and still nothing. Anybody got any ideas?

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