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  • Seraph

      Hey all,

      Wanted to share my experiences – in case it helps others


      V2.0 would not load under any circumstance unless I lowered the VP texture limit to 3072 or lower

      Release of 2.1 worked straight away

      Updated Nvidia driver to the most current – 5/03/2019 (419.35 – I think)

      V2.0 loaded and played first go.  V2.1 (with all images from 2.0) works fine too


      Brilliant table, thanks to all !

      in reply to: PinBot (Williams 1986) #116173

        Fantastic work !!   Table plays brilliantly

        Something I noticed in the script is that there are two Sub Table1_exit routines

        which caused a little delay in table shutdown.


        Thanks for all your work, and another great release

        in reply to: Spin Wheel (Gottlieb 1968) #103166

          @Loserman76 – Thanks for All your tables they really are great.

          It seems the 5 rollover targets are missing material being set.


          Thanks again

          in reply to: Keystroke sometimes leads to "beep" sound from Windows #100884

            Hey Matt,

            Could it be that STICKY KEYS is on ?

            Beeps when you press shift key 5 times

            disable under ease of access control panel


            Or is it possible you have a usb keyboard/device that is turning itself off ?

            Check in your power options (advanced options) that USB selective suspend is disabled


            Hope that sorts it for you !

            Edit:   Laughs NFozzy already had you sorted !

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: Jaws! (Future Pinball to Visual Pinball Build) #99856


              Great job on rebuilding this in VP, have finally got around to installing, and it looks and plays great..

              Please add the UltraDmd reg config code to the final table



              Music :  Have found that for a neat config :  Having come from a 9/9.2/PM5/VPX to VPx only setup the music folder was a hot mess !  Vp is happy to have playmusic “Jaws/song name” which lets you have folders for table music (once edited in script)


              Great work on the table and even a glance at the script shows just how much effort you have put into this !

              Since I’m a greedy bugger will mention that i have looked at doing an Akira to VP conversion using 32Assassain’s table, but man, a million tiny graphic adjustments !!

              I am thinking of redoing Jp’s Mephisto using Borgdog‘s EM table template since other than flippers, Light state, and Bumper Disabled script  (and materials o/c) the table still works under VPX.


              Thanks for your continued support, Your genuine site, and yourself

              All the best

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: Trough issues Trade Winds / Jive Time #80605

                Thanks for that rothbauerw , and yeah that fixes it


                Jive Time – select Ramp3 and change top and bottom width to 55

                Trade Winds – select Balltrough and change top and bottom width to 55


                Cheers !

                in reply to: Bubba the Redneck Werewolf (Hollywood Horror ROM Mod) #70592

                  @Daryl / Haunt

                  I guess you are talking about adding the NVOffset (x)  where x is 1-9 ? think it was made to go higher with xenonph ‘s nfl tables

                  add it to the section of table — where you find Controller.Hidden =  or .Hidden =

                  and that creates seperate nv files to keep highscores seperate  (Need to add it to each version of table using the same rom)

                  although having it as a unique rom thx to Carny will be much better !!!

                  Thanks to Haunt, BD and all for such a great table

                  in reply to: Exclusive Full Screen #66297

                    My 1/4c :)

                    Use fs exclusive in pinball x via a batch command

                    Using vp, or pinx recorder fs exc off

                    in reply to: OXO (Williams 1973) #65653

                      Hey, absolutely beautiful table, thank you

                      Just some thoughts :

                      With ball shadows turned off – the ball crossing the rollovers displays a bright image under the ball

                      If you change the balls from 5 -> 3 you need to change line 590 from

                      if balls = 5 … to … if balls = balls

                      Personal setup – was great to be able to hide the post it note on apron, simply commented out the entering initials sub, and postit sub – prefer a clean apron and displaying high score as player1 score on b2s.

                      Thanks again !

                      in reply to: KISS (Stern 2015/Tribute) WIP #40928

                        @Daryl, good catch, I suspect your right – That on a fresh install there is no regentry there for it to read.  Was part of the initial code so I had left it in.

                        Will update the code removing the read entry.

                        Great work on the table – Amazed at the depth of work you have scripted into it

                        in reply to: Viking (Bally 1980) #40867

                          Thanks for a fun table


                          To fix the Credits Not displaying issue with the F6 menu

                          At the bottom of the script – Line 536

                          .AddChk 205,175,190,Array(“Credits displayed”,0)’dip 27

                          Change to

                          .AddChk 205,175,190,Array(“Credits displayed”,&H04000000)’dip 27

                          2 users thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: KISS (Stern 2015/Tribute) WIP #40866

                            @Carny – had done that as on my 2 screen setup, the dmd position for amh , kiss and the web (vp9) were all slightly different.

                            With thanks to carny’s and daryl’s comments – updated version that defaults to not changing dmd position unless specified


                            '---------- UltraDMD Unique Table Color preference -------------
                            Dim DMDColor, DMDColorSelect, UseFullColor
                            Dim DMDPosition, DMDPosX, DMDPosY
                            UseFullColor = "True"             ' "True" / "False"
                            DMDColorSelect = "OrangeRed"      ' Rightclick on UDMD window to get full list of colours
                            DMDPosition = False               ' Use Manual DMD Position, True / False
                            DMDPosX = 2303                    ' Position in Decimal
                            DMDPosY = 860                     ' Position in Decimal
                            Sub GetDMDColor
                            Dim WshShell,filecheck,directory
                            Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
                            If DMDPosition then
                            WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\x",DMDPosX,"REG_DWORD"
                            WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\y",DMDPosY,"REG_DWORD"
                            End if
                            WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\fullcolor",UseFullColor,"REG_SZ"
                            WshShell.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\UltraDMD\color",DMDColorSelect,"REG_SZ"
                            End Sub
                            in reply to: KISS (Stern 2015/Tribute) WIP #40744

                              Thanks Daryl for all your work in this table

                              using gigula ‘s original code I modified it so that from table script you can set the dmd position , colour , and fullcolour off / on

                              Full post


                              in reply to: The Addams Family (Bally 1992) #10905

                                Really nice work on this SliderPoint.
                                And table works great using the auto(by time) Day->Night slider
                                and nice idea to adjust the gi intensity depending on the brightness

                                in reply to: Big Bang Bar vpx beta #9933

                                  With the line

                                  Vol = Csng(ballVell(ball) ^2 / 1)

                                  if your trying to decrease (make quieter) the ball rolling sound, you’ll want to change the 1 to for eg 10

                                  in reply to: The Sopranos (Stern, 2005) VPX Beta #4347

                                    Another Great Table, thank you Fren,
                                    Don’t know if it’s just my setup,
                                    with AO Enabled (Update in game – Quality)
                                    Get a weird static over the playfield, very noticeable on the green just above the apron.
                                    Wonder if its a material on the playfield, as the static seems to run around the edges of primitives but not through them.

                                    Of course perfectly fine without that AO. And very fine indeed !

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