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  • in reply to: Cactus Canyon VPX #26584

      I dont know the game at all but it says “Lock is Lit” and you lock a ball but the Lock light never lights. It lights during attract mode. Could it have the wrong id in it? (or is there more than one Lock is Lit lamp?

      in reply to: Cactus Canyon VPX #26572

        Just to note to folks — watch out for the & in the filename – it will likely cause you grief in Pinballx.

        in reply to: Star Trek (Bally 1979) VPX #20779

          I think randr means the sw32a metal part of the kicker  dropping and raising with the ball being ejected.

          Nice touch to add especially for a kicker hole so visible to the playfield.

          in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #20258

            I think that means that particuar backglass doesnt have lamps or solenoids – seems unusual to not have lamps though.

            Which backglass is it?

            To test the backglass performance you can try the table without the backglass enabled at all..

            You turn it off in the script or in the controller.txt file depending on how the table was scripted.

            in reply to: VPX Performance tweaks #19550

              Dont forget the backglass – a couple of simple parameters there can make a big difference. Run in exe mode and up the skip lamps and skip solenoids 2-3-4-5x.

              in reply to: Confusing issue with (SOME) SAM tables #18158

                If you are running 32bit os you are limited to something like 3GB total OS + video. Did you say you were on a 32bit OS?

                in reply to: Working on site #15956

                  Yes after you click on the download .. but can it be shown on the main list. Click on VPX downloads and show it there for each file. That way you can quickly see if you need to update a table or if you missed something. Just a suggestion.

                  in reply to: Working on site #15952

                    is it easy enough to add a date added field on the downloads page? ie when was that particular table uploaded/updated.

                    in reply to: Big Bang Bar vpx beta #15934

                      You can take whatever is there and tack on say * .7 .. try that or go lower or higher. Seems each cab/setup is a bit different.

                      in reply to: Stern KISS – WIP #13844

                        DMD performance is killing the fun in this build. I have tried both dmd programs with one you give up a lot of functionality and with the other you give up performance. Also keeping my eyes open for any artwork from the table.

                        in reply to: The Walking Dead (ICPjuggla & freneticamnesic) wip #12990

                          I have no idea what you guys are talking about!! LMAO
                          I need to watch a episode maybe…

                          That’s all it takes – watch one, you have seen them all.

                          in reply to: Embryon (Bally 1980) VPX #12471

                            As the vp developer noted – no point having timers set to 1 esp if they are not being used. Surely an oversight.

                            in reply to: Embryon (Bally 1980) VPX #12458

                              Found some simple changes to “fix” some bugs and now it easily plays in my cab. Went from 22fps to 77fps.

                              Perhaps some old code that was still in there that is not needed?

                              flashertimer – remove the object and remove the two lines in the script that enables it. (search for flashertimer)
                              rollingsoundtimer – uncheck the enabled – its not referenced.
                              PrimtT – uncheck the enabled
                              Collision – make it 5 rather then 1 – not likely to have a collision in this table.

                              Basically we are removing the unused cpu cycle burners for those of us without “fast” machines.

                              in reply to: Confusing issue with (SOME) SAM tables #12300

                                Had the same issues with AC/DC .. true test for us was to play without b2s enabled – it would run. Also older, smaller roms, can make a difference as well. Could never track down the exact cause for the memory glut – or why it was tied to b2s. If you have a legit XP version – can you get the free upgrade to Windows 10?

                                in reply to: Confusing issue with (SOME) SAM tables #12210

                                  32 bit memory maxed out issues ? – will they run without the backglass – less memory. This usually shows up as a rom error.

                                  in reply to: Embryon (Bally 1980) VPX #11751

                                    This is one table I wasnt able to run :-( same cpu issues as you.

                                    in reply to: Demolition Man Williams 1994 FS-DT VP10 #10231

                                      Table plays great! I did have to make a static backglass for it, but not a big deal.

                                      If it was just speed and not memory errors with the backglass, try again but up the values for skip lights and skip solenoids. This is done by right clicking the backglass. 8 and 12 worked for me.

                                      in reply to: Stern KISS – WIP #10059

                                        Yep — how do you think I got the dmd and sounds in the video above :-) It doenst reverse engineer or make the code runable though :-(

                                        in reply to: Big Bang Bar vpx beta #9939

                                          I suggest setting it to something simple to see what you wnat for highs and lows.
                                          Set VOL=10 for example — see what that sounds like, then VOL=5 then see what that sounds like.
                                          You may find that volume is verry narrow in what is good and bad.. I know I posted a completely different function for vol since the difference between good and bad had nothing to do with an Vel^2/x function. I tried to find some reason for such a function. I never found an answer.

                                          in reply to: Stern KISS – WIP #9872

                                            Very good considering you can not use the game code from Stern!

                                            Will gladly help with any testing on this :)

                                            Nice to see you are working on a good rule set.

                                            Is this VP X ?

                                            Yes. VpX – simply because of the lighting .. soo much easier to implement.

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