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  • in reply to: vpx VR-Launcher #196578


      Looking at this launcher, one question though: I use a fully fledged pincab, and wanted to add capability for VR tables (since all the rest is already setup).

      My main front end is Pinup Popper.

      My original intent was to create an playlist for VR tables, and adjust launch parameters as appropriate.

      This laucher offers a nice alternative, but to be convenient in my setup it needs to be able to be launched from Popper, so far so good that should be straightforward.

      What is not straightforward is how do you manage “exit” table. I have an “exit” button mapped, so whenever it’s pressed the emulator is killed an Popper is lauched again. What is therefore the exit key defined in this launcher, how do you define it ? Can it be set as a combination of two buttons ? Or should I use my Pinscape and define an alternate “exit” button using the”shift” capability of Pinscape key encoder ?



        Looks like the exact same issue I had. You can simply drag and drop the DMD so that the order is 1-3-2 (ie backglass just right of PF). That’s what I did, and it works.

        I did have to adjust all of my settings accordingly for the other programs (VPX, PBFX3), but that’s a one time configuration (you have to configure B2S, PuP screens, PBFX3 DMD position, Future DMD position, and that should be it).


          Admin issues are specific to each person’s setup and security settings. This is why I mentioned in the guide that running FPLoader.exe as Admin may be needed for some…and it shouldn’t be for others. Same goes for front-ends. There isn’t a single “one setting for admin combo” that work for everyone. For DOFLinx…same thing. Some need it as Admin, others don’t. I’ve had it where I didn’t need anything in my system set to Run as Admin.

          On the admin issue, I see in your PinEvent guide (related to DOFLinx Msg Hold) that some had a .NET issue, while others did not. Turns out that I had encountered this error, and I have not seen it after running DOFlinx in admin

          [EDIT] Oddly enough, turns out that the .NET error came back, even with DOFLinx in admin. Oh well… let’s wait for DDH69 to unravel this bug.

          With regards to the PinEvent guide, indeed the new content with regards to disabling FP Backglass is quite valuable. Nicely enough, the process does also apply for any PuP enabled FP table (Tron comes to mind), not just PinEvent, which is pretty cool.

          I’ll finally get there…


            Given that all other applications were working fine, I was hoping it would as well for FP (I like my screen arrangements to be logical :-))

            A few additionnal points for everyone benefit that you might want to include in your guide:

            • I had to run DOFLinx in admin for PinUp Popper to correctly start FP with DOF. I would otherwise get “Access Denied” errors when launching either PinEvent or regular DOF FP tables, errors which I did not get when launching directly from the desktop. Popper is run in Admin, as per instructions. Not sure if this is linked to my setup.
            • I’m still running into BG config problems, ie now that my FP backglass is on the correct screen, it actually take over PuP on at least Jaws PinEvent table (so I don’t get the PuP backglass). I read through the installation procedure for Jaws and realized there is a pointer to another guide for “PuP-Packs on Top” (from, guess who, Terry…), which is not directly linked from the main guide (unless I missed it, which I could have). No big deal, a Google search did the trick, but you might want to add this in the PuP section (sidenote: doesn’t BAM allow to disable the backglass, and could it do so through a command line parameter ?)

            Next step, trying VR with my Oculus Quest running Oculus Link


            in reply to: TerryRed’s FFMPEG Video Converter Scripts #179812


              And here I was, manually using Handbrake to convert…

              You do realize Terry that if one day you decide to quit, I dare say that hundreds, no strike that – thousands – of pincab users will be virtually left with almost no one to go to for debug/instructions/premade config files/custom FP DOF tables/PuP Packs/video guides (did I miss something ? yeah probably did)… OK I admit, there are a few out there helping out, but still…

              So… Thanks !


                Be sure you are using the BG monitor on the same GPU as the PF monitor. Mixing it up with onboard gpu may not work for FP.

                Try running the FP BG in Windowed to see where it shows up then.

                Also, you can specify settings in the registry manually for DISPLAY and resolution,etc…

                Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Future Pinball\GamePlayer

                Single GPU driving all three displays

                I tested everything recommended, no luck

                What I did eventually to resolve it is to swap BG and DMD on my display arrangement (I had from left to right PF-DMD-BG, as this was the numbering of the screens by Windows). Turns out FP always use the display just right to the PF for the BG (at least on my setup), this was the only case where I was affected by this. I modified accordingly all screens positions PuP, B2S Server and DMDExt, so now it’s working.



                  The master of all FP guides, saved me a lot of headache setting up FP on my new pincab.

                  I do have one issue which I can’t resolve though: my new setup is a 3 screen combo, but for the life of me I can’t get the backglass to show on the proper monitor. Whatever I select (DISPLAY2 or DISPLAY3), FP backglass always show on screen 2/, which in my case is the small LCD for Topper/DMD.

                  This does not affect PinEvent tables, since it takes over FP backglass, but it does affect non PuP tables (SW DSA for ex), and to some extent (although I did not fully test it) non PinEvent PuP tables (Tron in this instance, where FP backglass conflicts with the PuP pack)

                  Any pointer would be welcome



                    That was exactly that indeed



                      Thanks Terry, I’ll check

                      And since I don’t have a Topper, well I disabled it so that could explain.

                      [EDIT] That was indeed it. I have set the Topper to “Music Only”, and I get SSF feedbacks (or so it seems, they are rather subtle, but clearly present comparend to when the Topper screen was completely disabled in the PuP Pack)

                      I tried that on Retroflair as well (since I have a similar issue), no luck there unfortunately.


                        Good Morning everyone,

                        I’m trying to debug my FP / DOF / SSF setup, which I could never get to work fully.

                        Specifically: my setup is SSF, with a setup of adressable LEDs.

                        I have DOFLinx setup, and it works correctly with Pinball FX3, ie I have adressable LEDs and SSF Pup Packs working, so for me it seems DOFLinx is setup properly, at least with regards to Pinball FX3

                        Now when using this table and this pack with Future Pinball:

                        • I see in the log window of DOFLinx that it does acquire the link with FP
                        • I do get PuP videos played back on the backbox
                        • I do get adressable LED (so I assume DOF is working – I don’t have any other real toy )
                        • I do NOT get SSF feedbacks

                        Hence my questions:

                        • Is there any specific FP setting in DOFLinx vs PBFX3 (aside from the DOFLinx.vbs file which has to be copied in the scripts folder) ?
                        • To debug further: should I see commands being reported in DOFLinx (I don’t see anything after the “acquired link”) ?
                        • Is there any specific PuP Pack setting I should check (ie for example there is a SSF screen set to “Music”, should I set it up to something else ?)
                        • Since PuP Pack video is working, shouldn’t SSF be working as well ?
                        • Any other debug pointer ?

                        I’ve tried to reinstall FP from scratch (using BAM Arcade All in one installer), to no avail

                        Suggestions would be welcome



                        in reply to: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire #163159

                          Good morning/evening,

                          Superb table, I enjoy playing it very much.

                          Just two points I would welcome to clarify:

                          • I don’t have any ball rolling sound, is this expected (SSF setup) ?
                          • I can’t configure my Pin2DMD to display only the score, it displays video animations which do not look that good on a DMD (but that might be a design choice, ie DMD content is designed for a real LCD ?)

                          Best regards


                          in reply to: SSF vs contactors #158588

                            Of course two different opinions :-)

                            So the next question is… solenoid or contactors… I’m having a hard time finding solenoids, any pointer (Aliexpress or other – note that I live in France).

                            , so you’ve been replacing bumpers/flippers sounds from tables with the one you extracted from “Tommy Who” table ?


                            in reply to: 3D TV or VR ? #158564

                              Apologies for my late response, I was travelling

                              I did test BAM+Kinect, the result was average as it does not really work that well when you have two eyes :-) (yep, it works way better when you close one eye, as one other use found out on another forum)

                              That said there are many VR tables being released now, plus FP has native support, so I’ll go the VR route with a regular 4k display.

                              Just wondering how to convince my wife that “darling, I swear this 43” 4k pincab is not  that much bigger than the 27″…” :heart:

                              in reply to: 3D TV or VR ? #157301

                                Thanks for the response. Already tested VR, I was pondering about 3D… That said, hard to find a 40″ 4k/3D display nowadays…



                                in reply to: Pin-Pit #157224


                                  I did try multiple tables with VPVR :

                                  • Need to launch SteamVR first indeed
                                  • Really need to set AA correctly (on top of my head, using brute force multisampling works like a charm)
                                  • Had to fiddle around with the XYZ location of the table to match my setup
                                  • Some tables are super heavy on the GPU (TOTAN in 4k) due to the use of quite high resolution textures

                                  I’m using an Oculus Quest connected to the cabinet, so I get DOF feedback along with the gameplay.

                                  I do have noticeable stutter, but it’s not linked to VPVR as it also appears in the Oculus launcher, but it is not visible on the PC screen itself, so I suspect this is a transmission error on the USB3 interface the Oculus Quest uses (Oculus Link is still in Beta). Will have to debug this further.

                                  I must admit I did not test FP in VR yet…



                                  in reply to: Tron Legacy (Stern 2011) (1.6, SSF, Lightmod 1.2, NPC) #144443

                                    Thanks TerryRed for an awesome table (in combination with the PuP pack, this is gorgeous)

                                    I noticed however that with latest VPX build (10.6 Beta), I get a black triangle on top of the “bridge shaped” flying Shuttle when it gets activated (can’t remember the name of this thing – that’s the flying craft which is so typical of Tron, and that you have at the back of the table, just below the ramps).


                                    This could be my gfx card or driver, but this is the only table with this issue, and I Don’t remember seeing it with stock VP builds (had to migrate to beta because of some other tables which required it).

                                    Can anyone else confirm this ?


                                    in reply to: Pinsound files for Sound Mode 1 #144398

                                      Good Morning,

                                      I would appreciate some guidance as well, as I just started to dig into Pinsound, but nothing works for me, either altsound=1 nor altsound=2

                                      Essentially, when I use altsound 2, PSS0.8 is connected and listening, and does seem to respond to play commands.

                                      But nothing is played, and in the log window of PSS I get a bunch of “[Info] missing : 65018 0xfdfa” errors. Looks to me the package naming convention is different, so nothing is working

                                      I tested with three different tables: LOTR, Indiana Jones Pinball Adventures and Dr Who. Tried two different packages for LOTR.

                                      So back to basics:

                                      • Am I correct to assume the package have the wrong naming convention in the file structure ?
                                      • If so, any chance to point me toward functional audio packages ?
                                      • If not, what am I missing in the procedure ?

                                      If you could recommend at least a simple package I could download along with it’s reference table so I can ensure the installation is correct, that would be helpful.

                                      Alternatively, there are discussions on several forums about altsound vs Pinsound, but can’t find any direction on what this is exactly…

                                      Thanks for the help


                                      in reply to: Reset B2S/DOF to default #143295

                                        Silly silly silly me…

                                        The issue was not the duplicate folder shortcut… It was because I had a backup copy of the B2SServerDirectOutputplugin.dll in the same folder, so it was registering twice… (as I’m playing around with SSF Impactor, so kept a copy of the original files).

                                        Thanks, closing topic

                                        in reply to: SSFImpactor User Guide #143170

                                          What I do not quite get is why the result would be so different from a regular ssf implementation (ie without ssf impactor)

                                          Specifically: with regular ssf, on supported tables, I get ball movement feeling, bumpers, flippers, singers, etc (and I don’t have a bass shaker).

                                          With ssf impactor, if I disable sound output in DOF control, I get no response from flippers, very little from bumpers.

                                          I would have thought that response would be somewhat similar, Ssf Impactor would simply add DOF capabilities (meaning no need for supported SSF tables, just DOF tables – and a side consequence would be ootb PBFX3 support for exemple without the need for Terry Red SSF PuP packs for PBFX3)

                                          So does SSF impactor requires a bass exciter to feel equivalent to a regular SSF implementation?

                                          Also snakerake, could you please provide more lights on your statement, ie ‘I edited the init file to match the table name’? Does this mean you did not need to download separately bass.dll (and so you don’t have it in your directoutput folder)?

                                          Many thanks



                                          [EDIT] Found out why I had so little physical response… Simply because VPX was not triggering DOF (long story short, I don’t have any other toys, and I had installed DOFR3 for PBFX3 and FP before installing VPX, so the shortcut in the plugins folder had not been created…).

                                          So now I do get a physical response from flippers, slingers, bumpers.

                                          But a few things are still odd (using DOF only output):

                                          • There is a lot of “double action”, meaning it sounds like there is an echo in the mechanical sound, especially in flippers sound
                                          • The virtual solenoids activation sometime does not seem synchronized with the action on screen

                                          Most of this disappears when using DOF+SoundFX, but in that case I don’t see/feel any difference with a regular SSF implementation (pre SSFImpacctor).

                                          Sidenote: I’m also trying to get this virtual toy controller to work with DOFlinx, by assigning correct device/port in DOFLinx.ini, but this does not seem to work. Still trying to debug…


                                          in reply to: SSFImpactor User Guide #143140

                                            So, while I was able to run the test tool, the results are somewhat mixed


                                            I can get a small response from the exciters, but nothing that would really make them feel like a bumper or a flipper.

                                            To test it, I disabled sound output in DOF settings of VPX, and kept only the DOF output. Bumpers did work, but very low volume, and with no impact.


                                            I modified the cabinet file, increasing all values to 100, no change

                                            I do not have a bass exciter, could this be the reason?



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