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  • in reply to: TRON-Classic (Original 2018) Mod v1.0 #118507

      I love the music and sound effects. Don’t think i will turn them off much, but so cool that you can turn them off and on if you want.  They make the game pretty exciting. It gets all intense.  LOL Love it.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: TRON-Classic (Original 2018) Mod v1.0 #118505

        So i took all your advise and played with the pov settings.  I took the same settings.  Which originated in Desktop and put them into Fullscreen.  So Desktop and Fullscreen are the exact same settings. I start the game and try desktop mode first. All the plastics are gone when you start a game.  Now if i start the game in FS all the plastics are all there and working.  Now the weird one. If after i start in FS and then decide to open the same table in desktop after i close fs. The plastics stay in desktop mode………..but i have to open in FS first then Desktop. As far as i am concerned problem is fixed. I will open in FS always.  It is on a cabinet anyway but weird. Could be driver related. I will look into.  But on my end for sure.  If i take the same file and move it to my desktop computer i cannot even repeat the problem. So its fixed. I will just run it in FS. Glad because i really wanted to run 1.02. And since it was exhibiting no problems on 1.01 i would have never thought to play around with pov on the 1.02 version.

        Fantastic table and thanks for the help !


        in reply to: TRON-Classic (Original 2018) Mod v1.0 #118436

          Xenonph. First off i want to comment on how much i love this table. It has been a go to table for me for the last year, and i just love it.  It is such a cool table with all the music and sound effects. Top notch original. However, i decided to reach out to you about a strange issue i have with 1.02

          I have always played 1.01, because anytime i try 1.02 the plastics on the rubber bumpers on the bottom left and right and along the top etc all dissappear and it just shows the metal models underneath. When the table first loads all the plastics are there. The minute you start the game, they disappear with bare metal models underneath showing.

          1.01 no problems for me. So i have always played 1.01. Which i love!!! But would love to get any insight you have on why 1.02 would be doing that?  PLaying 10.5 and the latest 10.6 beta.

          Thank you for the table!



            I wanted to let you guys know how much your work is appreciated. I have had a permanent grin on my face playing Taf since its release. It is simply a beautiful release.  Please don’t let this jerk ruin that for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You make a difference by bringing joy through your art and skill.

            And for those out there that are new to vpin that don’t want or know how to build your own cab and are looking for solution go to a vendor that plays by the rules.  Virtuapin.net  comes to mind. They support the community.   The community will be more than happy to assist you with learning how to download on your own and configure on your own. Its a much more rewarding experience anyway.  You learn about the players involved and all about the software and how it works. Hell maybe one day you will be able to contribute. If you are adventurous, build your own cab from scratch. You will feel such a sense of accomplishment.  Don’t support these aholes who sell cabs with the software already loaded. They are profiting on someone else’s work in order to sell their cabs.  Don’t support them!!  Go to honest vendors.

            Anyway, thank you. Don’t let one apple sour the bunch.  The guy is a prick.  Keep shining!! Would hate not to see future tables as a result of this guy……




            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #118264

              Thanks for the update. I have been enjoying the table so much this weekend.  Thank you!!!


              in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #118100

                I think I fixed the ramp rejecting some balls. Not exactly sure of the reason but I have played a few games with no issues. We’ll get an update out soon.

                Thanks so much.  Hopefully you isolated it. I was playing today and it happened in 1.32 with the shaking option turned off on ramps, so its not the shaking option.    Anyway, many thanks.

                in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #117902

                  Just want to thank you again Markrock76 and Skitso for what you’ve done so far to this table. I personally hope that we one day is given a thumbs up for the works you’ve done. Nothing would feel better if the real Alessio would brush by giving the same sign wiht the thumb. You guys deserve it.

                  I couldn’t agree more.  You guys definitely deserve another big Thank YOU!!  For the amazing updates and the very fast response times in regards to reported issues etc…

                  in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #117827

                    Thanks for a TRULY amazing job on this table! I used to own this table and it is a very faithful representation of it both visually and in gameplay. Really good work!

                    One thing I’ve noticed after updating from 1.3 to 1.32 is that about half of my shots to the ramps act like they’ve run into an invisible wall as they reach the top of the ramp and begin to turn left or right depending on the direction of the phurbas. The ball immediately shoots back toward the flippers when this happens. Other times, the ball proceeds through the ramp as expected. Has anyone noticed this, either with previous versions (maybe I just hadn’t noticed it before) or with the update? Thanks.

                    Ok i noticed it in version 1.30  just now.  Exactly like you said. Its almost like the path isn’t wide enough to allow the ball through.  It stops and kicks back. It could be a result of the shake feature on the ramps now in options. The ramp shook right before it bounced back.  I turned this feature off in the script options and it hasn’t happened since. It could be that when it shakes it shrinks the ramp width and bounces the ball back. Not sure.  Test and turn this off and see if the problem disappears for you.


                    in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #117823

                      Thanks for a TRULY amazing job on this table! I used to own this table and it is a very faithful representation of it both visually and in gameplay. Really good work!

                      One thing I’ve noticed after updating from 1.3 to 1.32 is that about half of my shots to the ramps act like they’ve run into an invisible wall as they reach the top of the ramp and begin to turn left or right depending on the direction of the phurbas. The ball immediately shoots back toward the flippers when this happens. Other times, the ball proceeds through the ramp as expected. Has anyone noticed this, either with previous versions (maybe I just hadn’t noticed it before) or with the update? Thanks.

                      I have noticed this too but my interpretation of it was slightly different. It felt like i didn’t have enough juice to get up the ramp.  I went up the ramp and then right back down like i didn’t have enough energy to complete the motion. However the shot was solid off the flipper and that hadn’t happened before in previous versions although i can’t recall which versions. It happened a bunch of times in a row, and then another game nothing. Acting normal.

                      I will keep playing and see if i can find out more :)  its a tough job!!  Love the table upgrades for sure!



                      in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #117330

                        Markrock76. Love the toggle on the BF difficulty. Absolutely Brilliant!!  Great Idea. You can even play around with these three choices a bit if you want.  Just a great solution to different preferences on BF.  Awesome!

                        Keep up the good works guys. Thanks to everyone involved. Alessio, Bord, Skitso and Markrock76.

                        Thank you.

                        in reply to: Star Trek 25th Anniversary (Data East 1991) #117310

                          BorgDog I was trying to match the speed of the targettimer and couldn’t figure out which part of the script controlled speed. I found the part that controlled the distance of the target moving back and forth but not the speed. I am new to scripting. Which part of the script controls speed? Maybe a cut and paste for me???

                          The speed can matched up with a youtube video of a real table. It seems to be a tad slow if you compare to a you tube of the real table. Just thought i would try and see if i could get it to match and could share the number with everyone for those that would care.

                          It’s not in the script for the target moving speed. There is an object called MovingTargetTimer I believe to the upper left of the table in the editor (I’m on my phone). Change the ms in that object, smaller to speed up the target, bigger to show it down. I think it is 35 at the moment.

                          Thanks so much for getting back to me Borgdog. I will let you know the number i arrive at.

                          OK so the number is 27.  It could maybe be 27.25 or 27.5 but it does not allow anything past the decimal so 27 is more on than 28.  27 seems to match almost perfectly with the table. Compared to youtube videos of the table.  So as Borgdog mentioned “There is an object called MovingTargetTimer I believe to the upper left of the table in the editor ”  Set this to 27 and it matches the real pinball game pretty good.



                          in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #117000

                            Table is looking so fantastic! Thank you Bord for the new kicker. Wow! So amazing!!

                            Quick question. I played the alessio table release alot, and maybe i am having a bad day, but has the physics been reworked on BF alot. I seem to suck bad at it now. Like its fast. I used to do so much better on the Alessio release at BF. Maybe i am just having a bad day at the table, but anyone else notice this? Is BF noticeably faster and harder?

                            Yes the battlefield kicker power has been increased quite a bit from Alessio’s version. I watched a lot of youtube videos studying how the battlefield played and targets reacted to try to get a more genuine and challenging experience. But it gets easier as you play. there is a fine line between too easy and out of control with the battlefield physics.

                            After playing some more, It still seems like the battlefield might be a tad too fast.  Earlier you talked about finding that sweet spot between too fast and too slow.  I  just want to report it feeling a little fast to me with full respect. I love the table. Thank you for all the amazing work.




                            in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #116935

                              Table is looking so fantastic! Thank you Bord for the new kicker. Wow! So amazing!!

                              Quick question. I played the alessio table release alot, and maybe i am having a bad day, but has the physics been reworked on BF alot. I seem to suck bad at it now. Like its fast. I used to do so much better on the Alessio release at BF. Maybe i am just having a bad day at the table, but anyone else notice this? Is BF noticeably faster and harder?

                              Yes the battlefield kicker power has been increased quite a bit from Alessio’s version. I watched a lot of youtube videos studying how the battlefield played and targets reacted to try to get a more genuine and challenging experience. But it gets easier as you play. there is a fine line between too easy and out of control with the battlefield physics.

                              Thank you.  I was wondering, because it felt more intense.  Thanks for the reply.


                              in reply to: Star Trek 25th Anniversary (Data East 1991) #116819

                                BorgDog I was trying to match the speed of the targettimer and couldn’t figure out which part of the script controlled speed. I found the part that controlled the distance of the target moving back and forth but not the speed. I am new to scripting. Which part of the script controls speed? Maybe a cut and paste for me???

                                The speed can matched up with a youtube video of a real table. It seems to be a tad slow if you compare to a you tube of the real table. Just thought i would try and see if i could get it to match and could share the number with everyone for those that would care.

                                It’s not in the script for the target moving speed. There is an object called MovingTargetTimer I believe to the upper left of the table in the editor (I’m on my phone). Change the ms in that object, smaller to speed up the target, bigger to show it down. I think it is 35 at the moment.


                                Thanks so much for getting back to me Borgdog.  I will let you know the number i arrive at.

                                in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #116817

                                  It may just be i am way too excited to use the new kicker and keep messing up.  But let me know if anyone else notices anything harder about it.


                                  in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #116813

                                    Table is looking so fantastic! Thank you Bord for the new kicker. Wow!  So amazing!!


                                    Quick question. I played the alessio table release alot, and maybe i am having a bad day, but has the physics been reworked on BF alot.  I seem to suck bad at it now.  Like its fast.  I used to do so much better on the Alessio release at BF. Maybe i am just having a bad day at the table, but anyone else notice this? Is BF noticeably faster and harder?





                                      Wow Fantastic!  Thank you!

                                      in reply to: PinBot (Williams 1986) #116146

                                        Thanks so much for this table. Very fun and wonderful to look at. Great job!



                                        in reply to: Pirates of the Caribbean (Stern 2006) – SP 1.0 #116145

                                          Thanks for the update Slider! So fun!

                                          in reply to: The Shadow Skitso Detail Mod #116143

                                            Thanks Skitso and thanks markrock76. And of course thank you Alessio for the original conversion. This table is fantastic, and actually the shadow lore is pretty cool.  Some cool comics, and old radio shows you can dig up on the character.  Also a so bad its good movie in the 90s.  Anyway, love that work is being done on an amazing table. You can switch the ramps using the magna right and left, and play the breakout game. Complex and fun. Thanks a bunch for the enhancements guys!!




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