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  • in reply to: Terminator 2 #225453

      Yep, familiar with this as I have a real one in my work studio. The rom would control two targets being lit, are you saying you have found that it is only ever possible to achieve one hit when two are lit?

      in reply to: Terminator 2 #224848

        Also a note relating to the comment on the cannon, I had this in my text file of previous release notes. Might help that user.

        note: The canon may not be in correct start position on first play. This is due to the rom and the change in code. Once you activate the skull it will correct itself and be fine from that point on.

        in reply to: Terminator 2 #224846

          Just logged on and read through all the comments. Thanks for all the kind words. This was the version off my cab, a few little tweaks since the last release at MBPC, I can’t recall the detail now. Another user is releasing a VR version of it soon and I plan to do some more updates on this soon.

          ~ Cheers guys, great community.

          6 users thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: NBA Fastbreak (Bally 1997) VPW Mod #222178

            What a gorgeous looking release, well done guys

            in reply to: Attack from Mars Limited Edition Black and White #211601

              Good idea to upload a fresh one.

              1 user thanked author for this post.
              in reply to: Attack from Mars Limited Edition Black and White #211185

                I just wrote to @SG1bsoN

                At this point I should probably just explain myself.

                When I built that table, Tom Tower the founder of the now defunct MBPC helped out (along with DJRobX) with various assets, the models for the aliens and the plastic ramps from memory. When he closed MBPC he asked that his work not be hosted at this site and out of respect I’ve held off doing so. The release to me looked like you pretty much used the elements from that build, the alien models and textures, playfield and many other similar things. It sounds like I over-reacted and may have got that wrong and should have checked first. I didn’t download it but the image looked to be using the assets from the g5k build and only a few days before you asked for permission to upload it which I explained I couldn’t at this point.

                This build took months and hundreds of hours and at some point in time I want the opportunity to make it better, probably once VPE is completed and then release in a way that respects those that helped make it.

                Hope that explains things and apologies if it doesn’t contain any of the assets from the g5k build.


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                in reply to: Attack from Mars Limited Edition Black and White #211041

                  Uses the alien models from mine, playfield textures and so on. Taking the piss saying it isn’t from my build.

                  in reply to: Attack from Mars Limited Edition Black and White #211034

                    Not sure what the point of asking permission was for if you were just going to placate me and say you understand and then just go ahead anyway.

                    Dick move.Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 9.35.00 am

                    in reply to: Twilight Zone Skitso Detail Mod #165593

                      Hey, thanks for all the contributors for making such a good version of this. One thing I thought you may want to take advantage of that might help improve it a tiny bit is you are welcome to use my flippers and their textures from either Addams Family or Firepower. The shading on the ones in this version looks a bit confused, the W logo almost looks like it is embossed the wrong way around and because it’s been flipped for the other side the highlight sides create confusion.

                      I think both those tables have the same flipper/rubber combo. Feel free to lift it and use it if you like the idea.

                      Thanks again for all your work!

                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                      in reply to: Williams Pinball – DMD Collection 1960-1998 #161545

                        Thank you my man!

                        in reply to: *** Escape from the Lost World DONE*** #157353

                          Awesome way of using photogrammetry, looks like its going to be a great build.

                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                          in reply to: The Flintstones #148966

                            How does one use the 1.24

                            does it have to be compiled some How?

                            nope, same as any other table… ever

                            in reply to: The Flintstones #147925

                              Thank you, robertms, for your help. :good:

                              I set VSync in the graphigcard settings from on to fast and now the table is running much smoother around 60Hz with exclusiv Fullscreen.

                              With VSync off Hz are higher around 80Hz but table is not running smooth. Got a little bit of stutter. (But on every table)

                              I think the flashers are the reason.

                              Maybe we need someone who post the perfect NVidia settings for VPX so we have a good basis and don’t have to experiment anymore.

                              there is no point running higher than your refresh rate it only introduces stutter. You are always best to lock it by setting vsync to 1. This will keep 60hz/60fps and always suggest using exclusive.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: The Flintstones #147558

                                I’m gonna say, each time I see lazy posts of people posting I got this error with upper flipper not working or the fatal error dialogue. Seriously, it takes more time to take screenshots and make a post than it does to re-read the instructions and other comments and realise what it is you have done wrong.

                                in reply to: The Flintstones #147362

                                  Extra note: In addition to making sure you leave playfield reflections on it also sounds like you need to also have the dynamic playfield reflection options in the video options enabled too if you have the black insert issue. I don’t think screen space matters but have it on if you can it looks great.


                                  2 users thanked author for this post.
                                  in reply to: The Flintstones #147316

                                    Why is my table playing by itself?

                                    You must have turned on 3rdaxis stress testing function in the script options. Set it back to 0.

                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    in reply to: The Flintstones #147315


                                      I have this issue with playfield reflections enabled.  No changes to the downloaded version.

                                      Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                                      The insert error is related to playfield reflections. We uncovered the vpx source code has hard coded that is playfield reflections are disabled it ignores alpha blending. Rob has submitted a change to VPX but this might not be fixed for a while since 10.6 was just finalled.

                                      If you have not changed anything and have this error I’m not sure, it was tested by about 200 people and the only time this presented was when playfield reflections were disabled.

                                      in reply to: The Flintstones #147293

                                        If someone who knows backglass editor better than I wants to use those images to make better backglasses please go ahead too. I uploaded the full res PNGs I had.


                                        This image  looks better, particulary concerning the speaker panel but a lot of reflections to clean on the translite.

                                        I have a problem with the table but I can see this problem on the STAT screen caption too : some black area on the playfield, you can see it for example on the sentence : “complete for multiball” between lamps, any idea ?

                                        (I updated to 10.6 before installing table).

                                        If you disable playfield reflections the inserts display incorrectly with black overlays. There is a work around if your system can’t cope with reflections. You need to select all the primitives on layers 4,5 and 6 and disable “Enable Reflections” on those. I have already disabled for the ones on layers 7,8 and 9. It seems to be a vpx bug that turning off playfield reflections would cause this.

                                        Edit: That backglass image does look heaps better…should be repairable :) Are you on it @blacksad?

                                        I have a similar issue.  Disabling playfield reflections and unchecking “Reflections Enabled” on all primitives on layers 4, 5, and 6 doesn’t help.  Any other suggestions?


                                        Thanks for all the work on this!  Turned out great and your efforts are greatly appreciated!

                                        Current Project: Perpetual updates of VPX physics.

                                        Sorry you may have misinterpreted the instructions. Playfield reflections must be on otherwise the inserts display incorrect. You can achieve the same performance gain by disabling reflection on each primitive. Definitely leave playfield reflections on.

                                        in reply to: The Flintstones #147279

                                          Big thanks to the team! Simply amazing looking table, almost flawless. Too bad all the flashers look off with my rather unorthodox viewing angle on my 90 degree pivot single screen setup.  :cry:


                                          One small visual nit pick is with the spot light at the top of the table. Image1

                                          I suppose it should look bright white the same way as the lamps in the top left corner?

                                          Yeah I only added that light at the end and it bugged me that it was dull. I’ve just realised it is because the VPX lighting is dulling it. If you select the primitive (layer 2 from memory) and if you set disable lighting value to 1 I’m guessing it will pop correctly.

                                          As Rob noted the flashers were a new idea for how to handle. This method allows infinite stacking of flasher effects over GI on and Off without all the convoluted image switching in script and all the permutations of texture baking (that you can never fully cover no matter how many states you render). You should be able to realign them pretty well, it’s your punishment for fecking with the pov.

                                          in reply to: The Flintstones #147249

                                            Just reiterating there is a known bug. That is not reading that you need to install the latest 10.6 for this to work. Thanks for all the positive comments guys, glad you are all enjoying. How fun the game is only snuck up on me at the end of the project which is nice since normally by the end of development the last thing you feel like doing is playing something you’ve worked on for months.

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