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  • in reply to: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire #162445

      Amazing table so far. I have had 2 weird issue though. I lost the music completely during one ball and then had an issue where multiple times I would lose the ball and then the game would sit there for a bit and then shoot out another ball. If I drained the ball it would then go on to my next ball. Is that normal? I am guessing not since the music would drop out as well. These are the fist 2 games I’ve played so maybe I got really unlucky.

      Here is a video of both issues happening:

      2 mins and 11:25  in for the ball issue. Music issue at 7:20.


      in reply to: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire #162362

        Thanks, can’t wait to try it!

        in reply to: X-Files(DJ) #158058

          Thanks, looking forward to checking it out on the cab!

          in reply to: Tales of the Arabian Nights 4K #141936

            Looks amazing, can’t wait to try it!! Thanks!!

            in reply to: Atlantis (Bally 1989) #139326

              <p style=”text-align: left;”>Never played this table and the build looks awesome. Thanks for this!</p>

              in reply to: The Leprechaun King #139124

                Thanks looks like it will be fun, can’t wait to give it a shot.

                in reply to: Demolition Man PupPack #137945

                  Thanks for the feedback everyone.. Tried the roms on this site and VPU still no joy.

                  I noticed the PinUPPlayer and pinupdisplay  does not launch when I play the game. Tried pre-launching.. no luck

                  Tried using vpinmame tester let rom run though attract cycle, nothing on backglass or topper.

                  Oh, I’m also using the altcolor colorization which works BTW…  PUP is 1.4.1

                  not sure where to debug next…

                  Any other ideas?

                  Figured out my issue.

                  This got it running for me… had to go here and replace this file:


                  I still had an issue with it freezing once it was running…. I thought I was on DMDExt 1.7.1 but I wasn’t (stupid me). So I updated to DMDExt 1.7.1 32 Bit and got it going.

                  Hope that helps.


                  2 users thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: Demolition Man PupPack #137902

                    normally there is only a black screen until PressStart or Insert Coin comes up in Dmd Display, that Triggers the first Videos. maybe try another dm_lx4 rom


                    Same issue here unfortunately. On version 1.4 and no issues with any other PuP-Packs. One thing I noticed is if I whack the dm_lx4 from the PupVideos folder and launch the table is does not even create a blank dm_lx4 folder, very weird. Will try another rom I guess.

                    in reply to: LEDWiz not working with DOF #137823


                      Sorry just saw your reply now. I know it’s been a while and I don’t even remember what my issue was. I want to say my Pinscape LEDWiz ID was conflicting with my true LEDWiz. I had to change the Pincscape ID via the config tool. If you are still having issues PM me and I can try to help you.



                      in reply to: Demolition Man PupPack #137821

                        Looks awesome, can’t wait to try it! Every pack you do gets better and better.

                        in reply to: Stranger Things | Stranger Edition #108464

                          Thanks for such a great table. When I first got this up and running one of the things I thought was how I could see this table being real. I also thought about how VP can in some ways surpass what is being offered with real tables. Great work and thanks again.



                            Thanks for the replies…. I doubt it is my specs. This is a new built system, i5-8400, 8GB Ram, 1060  6GB. Everything else is working 100% fine including every other PuP Pack. No SW programs running other than what is needed, DOF, DOFLinx, etc. Double and triple checked screen setup as well. I will keep looking… like I said thanks for the replies, I know this is a tricky one.

                            Also made sure I am on the latest Pup. I know I had issues orignally with TF but that is because I wasn’t on 1.3.7 so I know I am.




                              Not sure what I am doing wrong with this one. Have the newest version of the table. Using the Text on BG version. I don’t get the Castle overlay and also no videos work. Every other Pup-Pack I have works fine, Tron, Batman, F14, Stranger Things, etc. I do see the background sky layer and also He-Man and the sword animation is moving. Other than that no video or Castle overlay.

                              Something else worth mentioning is PinUpDisplay goes not responding after / while playing the table and then I have to manually kill it.

                              Made sure I was using the new table, looked in the script and it has mentions of the PuP-Pack. Plus I downloaded it like 3 times just to make sure :).



                              in reply to: Transformers: Mega-Tracks Pup-Pack! #98790

                                Where do I get version 1.3.7? I have been to the link you added to the install notes but am only seeing up to 1.3.6.

                                **FOUND IT, I am an idiot, so excited I breezed right over this :)




                                in reply to: New Cab – DOF and Pinscape #96760

                                  I figured this out and the solution is simple. I adjusted the AutoConfig line in the Cabinet.xml from True to False. Not sure if there is another need for Auto config I might need down the road, but this did it for getting the SS working.

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