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  • in reply to: Who Dunnit 1947 (Bally 2021) #225212

      Don’t know how you can make this table better, but i trust you guys ;-)

      in reply to: Terminator 2 #224724

        I hear horses galloping! The king is back!

        Welcome Sir!

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: Atlantis Submarine – S34 #224353

          Sorry, i just model them from pictures and i am only capeable of modelling technical stuff. I have no idea how to make triangles look like Homer!

          in reply to: Happy Birthday Thalamus!!! #223104

            Happy B-Day!

            in reply to: Who Dunnit 1947 (Bally 2021) #222771

              Damn! This looks awesome. I’m more the “as original as possible” type of VP guy! But this is the first reskin that goes right into my top 10 list.

              Thanks to everybody involved!

              in reply to: ACDC Premium (Stern 2012)b2s #222219


                in reply to: Vector (Bally 1982) #221699

                  Read the thread.

                  in reply to: Cabinet Rebirth! From the ashes a new cabinet will be born #219575

                    A build in beer cooler should be number one on the list! One that says “Zuul” when you open the door!

                    in reply to: Bumper Caps Blender – S34 #219483

                      Hi Pete!

                      Yes, the white cap is a separate part! The orange triangle is the undefined UV from the red part. You should only see the 4 circles. Place your logo in the big one. The other 3 are there just in case you want to rearange the UV-Map. Use a logo with transparent background and a white material. All the red part needs is a red material. No texture image needed!

                      Yes, the centerpart is angled. At least on the image that i have found!

                      • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Schreibi34.
                      1 user thanked author for this post.
                      in reply to: Prerenderd insert images #219261

                        v2.2 is up.

                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                        in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218613


                          We never got much recognition for what we do and we got used to it. To the point where we thought it might be good for staying under the radar and not make it to easy for cab sellers to fill their HDD.

                          Here is an example of my (and Sindbad’s) Vector table:

                          Vector is the table that i’m most proud of. For me personaly one of the best tables i have worked on.

                          Time i worked on it: ~200 hrs

                          Table DL’s on thise site: ~2000

                          Likes: 26

                          Thanks: 21

                          Positive comments (without technical questions and answers): 15

                          Positive comments count is minus the ones from people saying “Great table, thanks but this and that is not working, please help!”. “Great table” is just to make sure they get a quick answer.

                          The likes / thanks percentage is around 1% and the positive comment percentage even lower! Did i stop making tables and helping other authors out because of that? No! Because those few comments already felt great!

                          I really hope that this thread brings back a bit of the “good times” where leaving a comment for the authors was alot more common! I’ve seen awesome tables released the last couple of months that got pretty much ignored compared to that dozen Major League pro tables that a handfull of guys are releasing. Shame on everybody who is downloading without leaving a comment! It’s the communities fuel! Thanks to @kenswift for bringing up the subject of authors not beeing recognized. I got the feeling, that this Hobby lost more good people then it gained the last 2-3 years! Maybe it’s time for the downloaders to get more active!?

                          Like i said, don’t feel bad for trying something good! Dealing with the needs of hundrets of people IS frustrating!!



                          in reply to: Blackout 2.0 #218608

                            Sorry, guys!

                            Herweh is busy and i will not finish this table without him. This WIP was posted way to early so this is my fault! I’m not sure if this one will ever be finished. VPE is in sight (a small dot on the horizon). No work is wasted because this could be (i said COULD BE!) my first VPE table whenever that is. 3D work is done so we’ll see…..

                            in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218444

                              Ouch! This went in the wrong direction in no time! And “we” didn’t even vote yet!

                              your intentions were absolutely fine. Alot of people here would deserve more recognition! But when you read through this thread you might see where this could end. Competition seems to produce grudge and vanity.

                              The great thing about this is the knowledge, that most people here do fine with the low amount of recognition that they got up to this point. Upload something, download something or leave a comment. That’s the core of this community.

                              I prefer to see a new table as a wonderfull addition to my cabinet, rather then seeing it as a table that could cost me the title.

                              Don’t feel pissed by what’s going on here. At the end this whole discussion could be something postive when authors can see, that recognition is not all. It’s the community who keeps this going!

                              Start the list from scratch, no predefined members. Make it a democratic process!


                              You better keep your Viking ass behind the moderator desk! The community needs you!

                              Happy new year!

                              in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218153

                                Do you guys still have in mind that the whole thing started like this!?:

                                Bord: “No roth for best tutorials? Brutal.”

                                Schreibi34: “No Bord tables? Brutal  ;-)   ”



                                I’ve been in your situation more then once! People not liking a certain reflection on one of my tables after i have worked on it for 6 months, asking if icould make a version without it!? As we swabians say: “I could puke meter high hills when i think about it!” 

                                My respect to everybody who is working on this project!

                                But there are two reasons why i don’t want to be on that list and the first reason has been here forever:

                                The greyzone! I said it once and i say it again, we should stay below the radar. The more popular this hobby gets, the more likely it is that it will end some day. VP and sponsor (dunno if this was ment serious) don’t go along very well! And too much attention is no good.

                                Please do me one favour if this thing gets really big, take an eye on the grudge! The old guys won’t fall for that but there will be people teaming up for the big win and sharing with the community could become a lot less common. I’m not saying that this will happen, just have an eye on it. Thanks!

                                This is my personal opinion and i know it’s worth less then 2 cents!

                                1 user thanked author for this post.
                                in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218148

                                  To make two things clear:

                                  1. I never wanted to be on that list and i never said something in that direction!
                                  2. None of my comments was either toxic or disrespectfull!
                                  in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218099

                                    Wow! That didn’t take long!

                                    You saw the the smiley?

                                    in reply to: First Annual Virtual Pinball Awards #218050

                                      No Bord tables? Brutal ;-)




                                          Another fantastic BG! Thank you Sir!

                                          in reply to: Bumper Caps Blender – S34 #217276


                                            BorgDog send me his Gottlieb BC for upload!

                                            Thanks, man!

                                            1 user thanked author for this post.
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