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  • in reply to: Starship Troopers (SEGA 1997) VPN Edition #178617

      Thanks for the upload. I know it’s a lot of work to put together a table for release.  There are a couple visual issues that I see.   First your flasher images for the flashers are floating way above the flasher objects. This is probably fine for cabinet view, but not great for desktop view.  Second is that many of your objects are missing material assignments.

      My recommendations are; first ‘Enable flying around’ in the Keys preferences.  Then use those in the camera mode to look at the table from all angles to look for things out of place (ie: the flasher image heights)

      Second change your editor/UI options so that the ‘Default Material color’ is crazy neon green (or some other color that really stands out).  This will make objects that are missing material assignments much more apparent.  You can also use the edit(menu)>Select Element screen to sort through your objects to find ones that do not have material assigned as they should.



      in reply to: Transporter the Rescue (Midway 1989) #177848

        Like some others, I have a Pinball Missing issue. I deleted the nvram but to no avail. Interestingly my VP9 version works well.

        I’m sure the answer is under my nose, but I can’t seem to solve it. Any ideas?

        I just put out an update with a change to the trough area to try to solve this issue.  Also has updated sounds from @Thalamus.


        3 users thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: Swords of Fury #177328

          Update: Made the apron prim invisible. Played it up to mb and let them drain. This time they didn’t follow each other like peas, one by one was swallowed up by Drain like expected. But, pinmame seems to get into trouble not seeing them all any more.

          Update 2 :

          1) Letting all 3 balls drain from mb start – not short enough time between them I guess.

          2) Dropping them from cradle is.

          Update to fix this.  Also change ball loading so they can be seen to make sure they are not getting lost.

          3 users thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Swords of Fury #177091

            Update: Made the apron prim invisible. Played it up to mb and let them drain. This time they didn’t follow each other like peas, one by one was swallowed up by Drain like expected. But, pinmame seems to get into trouble not seeing them all any more.

            Update 2 :

            1) Letting all 3 balls drain from mb start – not short enough time between them I guess.

            2) Dropping them from cradle is.

            So in the 16 second video, it didn’t detect both ball drains?   I might be able to add a timer to pace them out at least.


            in reply to: Transporter the Rescue (Midway 1989) #177067

              Great table. Is there already a backglass for this game?

              Always check VPU for BG’s :good:



              in reply to: Transporter the Rescue (Midway 1989) #177066

                Quick question. The left ramp, at the start of it, the ball sometimes seems to get “stuck” or something odd happens to it. If you hit it clear it goes up no problem, but other times it looks like it hits an invisible wall or something. Has anyone found a fix on it? Having a great time so far on this table!

                There is a half gate (not made up, it’s on the real table) to keep the ball from going down the drain on the way back down of a failed shot.  But there shouldn’t be anything in the way going up and nothing that would get the ball stuck.


                in reply to: Swords of Fury #177065

                  Is anyone having issues with the insert lights on the 2.0 table? It looks fantastic, but the leftoutlane “shield” insert and the advance and collect inserts in the upper ramps don’t seem to be lit.

                  All the lights are working for me.  It would be strange that just those particular lights don’t work.  Maybe try removing nvram file to start over?

                  Great release, thank you, great job.

                  Want to report this:

                  I had 2 balls locked in that ‘alley’ where balls lock: just a bit left of the upper-left flipper.

                  Shot the most left shot to release these 2 balls for MB.

                  As I had my upper left flipper up the 2 balls both straight went into the right outlane.

                  And…because both balls went after each other quick I guess only 1 outlane-ball was counted, resulting in a ball-loss scenario (getting MB mode still with one ball and when that ball wa lost the game tries to continue but can not, no search, no end-of-ball routine, just had to exit the table…)

                  I think (?) that the switch in the right outlane isn’t capable of detecting 2 balls short after each other but I do not know if that is programmable in VPX or so.

                  Thanks again for this table!

                  Did you adjust physics at all?  I can’t even reproduce the ball coming off the upper left flipper and heading that direction.   The really odd part is even if it didn’t detect both balls on the right lane, there is still only 1 hole (outhole kicker) for the drain  so the balls would have been detected one at a time there and ended the multiball correctly.   One of the balls must have ‘jumped’ off the table down in that drain area somehow.   As for how fast they can detect, the pinmame timer is already set to -1 which I believe is as fast as the program will allow.  :unsure:   you broke it!   lol


                  in reply to: Swords of Fury #176926

                    Ok i unzipped a fresh version of the file and delted the nv ram just to make sure my pov settings were’t part of the equation. I set the POV up so you can see whats going on with the balls (no scaling just rotation and inclination). Still get pinball missing error…screen shot attached

                    balls problem

                    weird… did the slope get changed or something?  You using 10.6, not beta right?

                    Look for the timer called InitTimer (down there by the trough area)  try changing that (timer interval) to like 1000 or 1500 just to see if all 3 balls with drop down below like they are supposed to with more time in between each creation.

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Swords of Fury #176923

                      Thanks for the response, I waited about 15sec and then hit start and still got the error. Maybe I should delete the nvram and try again?

                      quoting for notification purposes.


                      in reply to: Swords of Fury #176922

                        1st. make sure you didnt accidentally change your Z scale in the view, it needs to always be 1.

                        2nd, just to see what is going on, (temporarily) drastically change the POV so you can see under the front of the table so you can see what happens to the 3 balls when the table opens.

                        trough balls


                        in reply to: Black Belt (Bally 1986) V1.0 – sp #176917

                          table loads sideways (Landscape). How do I put it in portrait?

                          Sorry I don’t have a Landscape POV file. I’m sure someone will upload one or you can adjust yourself with instructions as always found here:


                          in reply to: Swords of Fury #176916

                            I keep getting “pinball missing” error. I washoping others may have found a solution but looks like I’m the only one with this problem :(

                            It does ‘load’ 3 balls when the table opens, are you waiting a couple seconds and then pressing start?


                            in reply to: Transporter the Rescue (Midway 1989) #176899

                              I seem to be getting a pinball missing error. Table can’t start. Thought maybe it was the rom but there is only one rom so I don’t know. I have been able to play a couple games but this seems to be a pita. Nice table though. I guess I’m going to try to put a fresh copy on my system wish me luck!!

                              Well I put on a free copy deleted the nvram and I still get nada. So wth???

                              Yes – @dazz is the one that has access to one of these. He confirmed on a facebook posting regarding this table.

                              Well he needs to get on it!  LOL.   As you can see (or not) the plastics are scans, it’s the PF that is just terrible.

                              in reply to: Swords of Fury #176829

                                Took me a bit to understand what was meant by ‘3x’.  Now I see what you mean.


                                in reply to: Swords of Fury #176795

                                  For 4k I assume?  I used multiple images of the PF for GI effects, does it look good with just the one changed or should they all be upscaled?


                                  in reply to: Swords of Fury (Williams 1988) 1.4 Mod #176537

                                    I am about to release a complete rebuild v2.0 of this.  Which is why I sent the BG to wildman.


                                    Edit: been very busy with work stuff, so I’m probably a couple days out still.

                                    in reply to: Transporter #134747

                                      Thanks, I already have most all those pics and a bunch more.  I really need a high res playfield image.  I’ve been waiting for some owners, but it is low on their priority lists.


                                      Working WIP image:


                                      6 users thanked author for this post.
                                      in reply to: Playfield Dimentions #133090

                                        Yep, 46 is verified on RaB.


                                        in reply to: Playfield Dimentions #132942

                                          Without knowing the table, can’t say for sure, however most DE playfields are 20.25×46.  Maybe your image is missing some under apron wood area or your just dealing with photo distortion.


                                          in reply to: King Kong (Data East 1990) #131426

                                            Flippers change the APE lane lights.  However it’s doing it with 2 lights lit at a time for me instead of 1 at a time (as shown in the vid).


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