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  • in reply to: Three Angels Wip #97529

      Hmmm… I wonder how difficult it would be to either up-rez or recreate those and clean them up…..  They are pretty involved images. I wonder if we could track down blindmankind for some help?


      in reply to: Williams Pinball Classics Join Pinball FX3 #97521

        Thanks for the info.! I noticed that the chrome rails don’t look super-great on the FX3 which is weird because they do have tables in their regular lineup that have nice looking chrome rails. Maybe that is something that will be refined in the future.

        This is sounding pretty cool.

        in reply to: Williams Pinball Classics Join Pinball FX3 #97517

          Any opinions as to how this compares to some of the nicer VPX tables?

          I won’t have an opportunity to try it out in my cabinet until next week. I enjoy the Zen originals even though some of them are way too easy….

          It sounds like they have tweaked the physics to make it more realistic. I just wonder how it compares to a good 4K VPX table.

          in reply to: Three Angels Wip #97512

            I remember when 3 Angels came out. It blew my mind and subsequently forced a PC upgrade….

            Thanks for doing this conversion!

            Are the graphics on this one going to be tuned for 4K?


            in reply to: pinup setup for dummies? #97439

              Keep at it and it will start to make sense.

              It took me a bit to get things going well. I still have a few weird issues, but PuP is really great to work with once you get the major concepts.

              There was a point where I was having problems and realized after going through Terry’s tutorial, that I had missed a step. Might be worth the time to go through them again or do as I did, use another machine to play the video/tutorial and then pause it while I follow or complete the task, then continue. This might be a bit tricky since you have already started, but might not be bad to run through again.


              in reply to: pinup setup for dummies? #97308


                I’m assuming you are coming from PinballX?

                You don’t have to re-record your Playfields.


                This will help you convert….

                You are able to launch tables right?



                in reply to: Took the plunge, upgraded to a 4K TV and the result? #97285

                  I have a gaming IPS 32″ 4K in my mid-sized Cabinet (Gutted my Ultrapin and have been rebuilding from scratch). The 4K is incredible!

                  The Zen stuff is really great in 4K as well. I was at the SFGE expo a month or two ago and they had lots of 1080P machines there from various vendors (e.g. Monster Arcade, PinballFX Branded ones as well). Their displays didn’t come close. I also noticed that with my beefy setup, it ran better in 4K than theirs did in 1080P.

                  One thing that was kinda cool though on the PinballFX-branded machines was the touch screen. That was nice, but the display quality didn’t have the color gamut, contrast and resolution that mine at home has. I also think I prefer having my display under the glass as well. I imagine that 4K on a 40″+ high-quality display would be really great in a bigger cabinet than I have (might be my next project hahaha). I really need to finish my current one. Gets harder once you can start “testing” games…



                  in reply to: Should I start again with PinUp Player #96245

                    Well it is some work getting ones head around a new front-end. For me it has been worth it so far. On a positive note, you can always try it out and see how it goes. PinballX and PuP can live together in harmony….

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: Yup, a Weirdo build..but having fun.. #95780

                      Love it!


                      in reply to: pindmd3 issues with fx3 from popper #91448

                        Yeah I did. I ended up with some weird problems initially with focus that I had to tweak away.

                        What problems are you having?


                        in reply to: Pinball FX3 Record DMD #90357

                          Yes that is what I am doing.I go enable the virtual DMD and record it and then convert it to AVI… The problem with FX3 is that their virtual DMD has very subtle background color that when played back through PuP, doesn’t look good. The DMD tries to display those subtle background colors and it makes it look like crap on the real DMD.

                          in reply to: pinup closes or minimize immediatle after starting #90269

                            Yeah the newest VLC will cause all sorts of problems.

                            in reply to: PinDMD DIY version…. #90121

                              Thanks for the information! I’ll take a look.

                              in reply to: PinDMD DIY version…. #90067

                                I actually have a few P5 panels and a small Chinese controller, I am not sure what I can do with it…. On the other hand, couldn’t a Teensy be repurposed to do the same? I. bet it wouldn’t be very far to make that change…

                                Might have to pick up another teensy to play around with this…

                                Too many projects… too little time! hahahaha


                                  Thanks. It was the Freezy one… I was thinking it was the Pinmame one so I was poking around there. Turned it off in the .ini. I forgot it had that section when it was overwritten with the update. OK now I’m back on track….


                                    Hmmm… Just went through this update. Now my virtual DMD is always appearing in my top right of my Playfield. Can’t seem to get rid of it or hide it…

                                    I was reading that the updated dmddevice.dll forces the virtual DMD to be on the top to keep vp from crashing on exit. Does anybody experience this same thing and know how to get around it?


                                    in reply to: Has anyone tried this bell? #89167

                                      The bell in space shuttle kinda sounds like that

                                      in reply to: FP EXE without the watermark image… #89005

                                        I gave up on FP years ago, but longed for some of the cool stuff that I had played in the old days (Blindmankind tables etc.). I am super-happy to have discovered the new improvements… now getting them implemented…. My todo list for the cab is somewhat overwhelming hahahaha

                                        in reply to: PinUP Popper (FrontEnd WIP) #88968

                                          Yeah 4K is where it is at. I was at the SFGE expo a little over a week ago and I was checking out all of the different pre-built VP cabinets. All of them had 1080p monitors. I talked to one of the vendors and he was telling me there was not really any advantage to 4K with any virtual pinball. I didn’t argue with him, but when I got home and looked at the display in my cabinet, there was a night and day difference! Beyond the resolution, these new 4K monitors also have better color, contrast etc… The only downside so far is the 60hz issue. Mine was still smoother than the 1080p machines there at the show. I think that is probably more due to beefy hardware that I run for the cab i7/GTX1080….. I had PinballX working really well and was pretty happy with it except for 4K performance. PuP looks and performs better in almost every way. It has taken some effort to get up to speed with it and hasn’t been the smoothest thing, but now that things are mostly working, it has been super-great and looks fantastic… I also love the recording capability! I think I have only scratched the surface. I will say that this has been a lot of work hahahaha. I have a giant pile of DOF parts and SSF parts and other crap to install so I have many moons of work to go…..

                                          Joker2404, please give me some more details as to what is happening? I had to tweak PFX2 and PFX3 a lot to work for me.


                                          in reply to: FP EXE without the watermark image… #88935

                                            Good to know. Thanks!!!!!

                                            Also thanks for the DL

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