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  • in reply to: Dream Daddy-2 Screen Setup #220351

      Thanks.  I updated my post to thank Baseraider.

      in reply to: Dream Daddy-2 Screen Setup #220266

        Thank you baseraider for the table and puppack!!!

        If you’re a single screen user like me and you want it to look like this . . .

        I had to edit my PinupPlayer.ini file as seen below (this file goes in the folder C:\PinUPSystem\PUPVideos\DreamDaddy>)

        Note that I’m running 1920 X 1080.

        • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by elvinu.
        in reply to: Big Lebowski PuPPack (Srikes and Spares) The Dude Mod #214588

          Great job on the pup pack!!!

          In order to get your 2.0 audio fix for the game over issues, do I need to redownload the whole puppack or can I just update a few files?

          Since I’m a single screen user, I resize all the backglass videos and I’d rather not go thru that long process if I don’t have to.


          in reply to: Pizza Time #211995

            Hej :) Tak gram w trybie pulpitu na jednym ekranie i u mnie jest ok .Filmy jak i mini gra działają

            Jeśli masz czas (i jest w porządku, jeśli nie), czy możesz opublikować zrzuty ekranu z następnych ekranów? Zawsze chciałem w pełni cieszyć się stołami Scottywic jako pojedynczy użytkownik pulpitu i nie byłem w stanie (minigra Harry’ego Pottera, a teraz ta). Po prostu próbuję znaleźć różnice między twoją a moją konfiguracją:


            Oto moje zrzuty ekranu:


            If you have the time (and it’s OK if you don’t), could you post screen shots of the following screens?  I’ve always wanted to fully enjoy Scottywic’s tables as a single screen desktop user and I haven’t been able to (Harry Potter’s minigame and now this one).  I’m just trying to find any differences between your setup and mine:


            Here’s my screen grabs:







            in reply to: Pizza Time #211823

              Hej . Oto moje ustawienia dla Harrego jak i Pizzy  Nie wiem jak z Pizzą ale w Harrym mini gierka ziała – no i wyświetlają się wszystkie filmy

              Hi . Are you playing on a single screen: desktop mode? TIA

              I just checked and I have the same pup settings as you.


              Cześć . Grasz na jednym ekranie: w trybie pulpitu? TIA

              Właśnie sprawdziłem i mam takie same ustawienia szczeniaka jak ty.

              in reply to: Pizza Time #211673

                Leaving line 5872 commented out and enabling Force Exclusive Fullscreen fixed this for me.

                Hi greeze.  You mentioned the above working for you.  Are you playing on a single screen?  The above didn’t work for me: I’m on a single screen desktop.

                If you are, can you share some screenshots of your settings?  Also, does Harry Potter’s mini-game work for you as well?  I have issues with that mini-game on my single screen setup too.


                in reply to: Pizza Time #211672

                  Maybe try „force exclusive fullscreen mode“. I have some focus issues with pup packs when I am not in exclusive fullscreen mode on my setup.

                  Unfortunately, this didn’t work for me.  When I start the game with this setting, the DMD and the Backglass go behind the playfield and I can’t get them to pop on top even by Alt-tabbing.

                  Thanks for the suggestion though.

                  in reply to: Pizza Time #211543

                    Minigame losing focus / flippers not working (desktop) = uncomment out line 5872 that says WshShell.AppActivate “PuPShooter”

                    Unfortunately, this didn’t work for me . . .

                    I uncommented line 5872 and didn’t touch line 5873 (so both were uncommented).  I tested and the ship still didn’t move up nor down.

                    I then commented out 5873 (thinking that only one can be uncommented).  I tested and same result: can’t move ship up nor down.

                    BTW, here’s my video options settings which do work for my other puppack tables.

                    Pizzatime video options

                    in reply to: Pizza Time #211488

                      What a cool table.  Thanks so much for all the hard work!!!  Makes me want to play Diner to compare now.  And I actually want to eat some pizza now but it’s 3 in the morning and I know I shouldn’t

                      I’m a single screen desktop user and I’m wondering if anyone else has the following issue:

                      BTW, I think I have the latest vpx version since I downloaded it at around 2am Pacific time.

                      DMD and Backglass pup videos are working fine.  However, when the minigame starts, my flipper buttons do not move the ship up nor down.  The ship just stays in place and fires.  Who knows, I’d probably die sooner if I could move the ship.

                      Then, once the game is over, my DMD and backglass videos disappear so I just have the table.  I am able to play like this, however.

                      When I Alt-tab the dmd or backglass to bring them back, they’ll both reappear but I don’t have control on the playfield so it is essentially paused.  I then can click on the table to continue playing but my DMD and backglass will disappear.

                      I know single screen desktop users aren’t the focus here so I can avoid the minigame if I have to.

                      Thanks again.  Definitely going to have to get some pizza this weekend.


                      in reply to: Americas Most Haunted Color DMD #206805

                        @elvinu — Lots of info



                        Hey Outthere,

                        Thanks for the link.  I did see that link a day before but there were so many steps, I was hesitant to go thru them in fear of messing up my setup.  ;p

                        At any rate, here’s what I did to finally fix the issue.  Goto the bottom if you don’t want to read everything. . .

                        I grabbed the UltraDMD executable from the gameex site and installed it over my existing UltraDMD folder.

                        I then grabbed Freezy’s dmdext-v1.8.0-x86 and installed the files into VPinMame (over my old ones).

                        I then grabbed FlexDMD v1.5.0. I copied the 4 files over into my VPinMame folder.  I saw the amh*.vbs file in the Advanced> folder so I copied that to my tables folder and made sure the filename matched my AMH*.vpx filename.

                        I then ran amh*.vpx (not from Popper) and now the DMD color is still grey scale but Bluish-Green rather than Bluish-White.  I looked at the vbs file in notepad and saw that it was set to fullcolor so I’m not sure what’s going on:
                        UseFullColor = “True” ‘ “True” / “False”

                        I then ran the FlexDMDUI.exe executable. It looks like this:

                        FlexDMD Exe
                        I then ran AMH*.vpx again (not from Popper) and the DMD color remained Bluish-Green.

                        I then ran WOZ, whole DMD was still in color (wheww).  I quit out of that and ran AMH*.vpx and the DMD was still in bluish-green (because of that vbs file).  I then removed that AMH*.vbs file from my tables folder.  I reran WOZ and then ran AMH and now my AMH DMD was in full color again.

                        I then ran Champions League whose DMD is in grey scale. I quit out of that and reloaded AMH*.vpx and the DMD is back to grey scale Bluish-White.

                        So basically, I’m back to where I was; however, all of those programs have been updated to newer versions so I’m in a cleaner place right now I think. I did find that like WOZ, my Metal Slug table will also make AMH’s DMD full color if I run AMH right after Metal Slug.

                        I then examined the AMH*.vbs file (which when placed in the table folder, will override everything) and compared it to the Metal Slug script and the existing AMH*.vpx script.

                        The two former items have a section of code that’s missing in the AMH*.vpx script.  This section:

                        metal slug

                        I then added those lines to the to the AMH*.vpx script here:

                        AMH script change

                        That fixed it!  I don’t need that AMH*.vbs file which only made things bluish-green anyways.  AND if I run AMH after Champions League, the DMD will be in color!

                        Now I just have to figure out what’s going on with Champions League.  When I look at the many gif files, they are all in color.

                        BTW, I posted a question for you regarding Champions League’s dmd not being in color in VPForums where I saw you were working on the same thing.

                        Thanks again Outhere!!!

                        in reply to: Americas Most Haunted Color DMD #206757

                          SOLVED – – I added some lines to the script and that fixed the issue.  Details in a post below.

                          Sorry for the following Newbie question.  I just don’t quite understand how UltraDMD works with Flexi. . .

                          I finally got this color DMD to work but it’s not 100% of the time.  For me this UltraDMD is only in full color after I run the Wizard of Oz table; which also has an UltraDMD folder.

                          This DMD will only be shades of blue for me if I run it after the ChampionsLeague table, which also has an UltraDMD folder.  Note that I’ve never gotten the ChampionsLeague table to show color in the DMD so I’m kind of using it as a test to go back and forth between these two situations.

                          I’m guessing I haven’t set a flag or something in the AMH script since I know the WOZ table has an option at the top of the script to turn on UltraDMD.

                          Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?  Here’s some screen grabs of the scripts from both tables:

                          Wizard of Oz screen grabs:

                          WOZ UltraDMD 01

                          WOZ UltraDMD 02

                          WOZ UltraDMD 03

                          America’s Most Haunted screen grabs:

                          America'sMost UltraDMD 01

                          America'sMost UltraDMD 02

                          If I can get this sorted out, I’ll then try to figure out Champions League.  And then I’ll test my other tables with UltraDMD.




                          in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206756

                            OutThere: not sure what you mean about removing ‘it’ from the close script. Do you mean the PinUpPlayer.ini file I was referring to?

                            My current close file looks like this:

                            “[STARTDIR]LAUNCH\PUPCLOSER.EXE” WINTIT “Pinball FX3” 4 1

                            rem Remove “rem” on the next line to close DMDExt after exiting a table.

                            rem taskkill /f /im “dmdext.exe”

                            timeout 10

                            START /min “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\SendFXNewGame.exe”

                            Remove this form the close script

                            timeout 10

                            START /min "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\SendFXNewGame.exe"

                            Done.  I should’ve realized this when I added the similar lines to the launch script.  Thanks!

                            in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206665

                              OutThere: not sure what you mean about removing ‘it’ from the close script.  Do you mean the PinUpPlayer.ini file I was referring to?

                              My current close file looks like this:

                              “[STARTDIR]LAUNCH\PUPCLOSER.EXE” WINTIT “Pinball FX3” 4 1

                              rem Remove “rem” on the next line to close DMDExt after exiting a table.
                              rem taskkill /f /im “dmdext.exe”

                              timeout 10
                              START /min “” “[STARTDIR]Launch\SendFXNewGame.exe”

                              pedroperes02: In terms of the Tilt videos . . . I normally resize all the videos due to harddrive space and since I’m a single screen user, I don’t need large videos.  I did notice that your table probably has more tilt videos than any other I’ve seen.  I watched a couple after converting them.  Hilarious!

                              in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206660

                                That did it.  Solved!!!

                                Once I ditched the other PupCapture and used the correct one, I’m now getting the videos.

                                I tried to edit my original post to put “SOLVED” at the top, but it’s not letting me update that post.  I’m getting the following error message “A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site”.  I’ll keep trying.

                                Thanks so much for getting me through this and of course your hard work on the puppack.  I’m guessing because of this, there are a lot of us who are now jumping into FX3 puppacks.

                                And thank you Outthere for the info on the launch script.

                                BTW, I normally use a PinUpPlayer.ini file along with a pupinit.bat file for puppacks (VPX and Future Pinball).  I ditched it for these two FX3 tables.  Do you use that ini file for FX3?

                                Thanks Again!!!

                                in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206635

                                  I just tried PupDMD and I saw a little difference.  For starters . . .

                                  I changed my scripts to the following:

                                  NEW NEW DOOM

                                  I then went into FX3 and adjusted the DotMatrixSize to Off:

                                  NEW NEW DOOM2

                                  And the DMD size to 520×136:

                                  NEW NEW DOOM3

                                  I then launched Popper and tested the Aliens FX3 table and it worked OK.  I then tried Doom a couple times (after a Popper relaunch and after exiting Aliens).  Unfortunately, I still just see that one video.

                                  Then I grabbed the DMD in the upper left and moved it to the center of the screen.  There’s another DMD underneath.  Which is the one the game uses to change the videos?

                                  I tried resizing the large one with the tab in the lower right to match the one underneath and place it exactly on top but no change.

                                  But then as I was just dragging that upper DMD around the screen, I suddenly saw a different image in the upper right.  I saw a few static images of different aliens.

                                  I’m close but I don’t understand the two DMDs right now.  Should I set one of them off the screen?



                                  in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206628


                                    I’m not using dmdext because I had problems closing and opening fx3 tables so I changed to pupdmd that is working great, but if you have problems please let me know that together we find a way to make this work for you.

                                    here is the script that I use ( Except he part with Altmode because I don’t use that) I just use the first 3 lines and the last one.


                                    Thanks @outhere a lot for your help, I’m a newbie myself so a lot of things I’m still not familiar with.

                                    I just saw this reply from you.  I’ll try this next.

                                    in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206626

                                      Unfortunately, no change.

                                      I set the puppack files back to what they were:


                                      I added the two lines to my launch script:

                                      doom new

                                      Before attempting to launch the game via popper. I tried that command prompt line again after doing the above:

                                      I ran the command prompt and then launched via Steam.  No change.  I resized the large DMD window to be smaller via the little tab in the lower right corner.

                                      I then used popper to launch the game and I still just see the one video.

                                      Here’s a screen grab of my PupCapture folder, in case I did something wrong there:

                                      doom new 2

                                      Thanks for the quick replies.  I’ll keep trying different things.

                                      in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206621


                                        This is not part of your problem but this is supposed to be at the bottom of the launch script

                                        timeout 15

                                        START /min "" "[STARTDIR]Launch\SendFXNewGame.exe"

                                        Thanks, I added it to the bottom of my launch script.  It’s similar to what’s in the Close Script.  What does it do?

                                        in reply to: Doom FX3 PuP-Pack (BG.Topper) #206611

                                          SOLVED – Switched to PupDMD.  See details in a post below


                                          Thank you for creating this puppack.  It made me finally go thru the steps to get Aliens FX3’s puppack working.  I resisted till now since there was just the 1 table, but now . . .

                                          I was able to get Aliens working correctly by launching via Popper.  Unfortunately, I can’t get your pup videos to work: I just see the one video which doesn’t ever change, see below:


                                          I saw the PupCapture update so I redownloaded everything and redid all the steps; I used pupcapturedmdext.zip since I launch using Popper with the following scripts:


                                          I renamed the folder to PupCapture but I still only see the one video.

                                          My DMD color is default.  My DMD resolution is as follows and positioned off the top of the screen:


                                          I even used the editor to compare your pupscreen settings to the Aliens one.  I copied the Aliens settings to yours but it didn’t work.  Here’s the adjustments I made which didn’t result in seeing additional videos:


                                          I went thru the Aliens Support Topic and saw a suggestion that TerryRed made to see if DMDext is working.  Thus I tried running the following command prompt and then launching via Steam rather than Popper:


                                          Unfortunately, this only resulted in a larger DMD as seen below:


                                          BTW, I am using a paid version of the game.

                                          Any suggestions on what I can try to get it to work?  I’m a single screen user.


                                          in reply to: X-Men The Animated Series Pup-Pack #202100

                                            Thanks! I put that in there as a dumb Easter egg. If the pin up random selection is really random it should happen once out of five times

                                            I just copied it over two of the other intro movies so hopefully it’ll happen 3/5 times.  I crack up every time I hear ” . . . ROBOTS!!!”  ;D

                                            BTW, I’m a single screen user and normally I know I shouldn’t edit the pup files but I had to do the following to get the overlay to stay on:


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