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  • in reply to: Tales from the Crypt (Data East 1993) #102124

      The right ball lock hole will keep the ball and force a restart. I did manage to get the ball to go around the ramp shot once and I did get the skill shot to activate once as well. So far looks awesome!

      in reply to: Masters of the Universe(FP Conversion) #102046

        This table is AWESOME!  Last night playing it I could not stop smiling and found myself constantly saying, “This is so badass.”  Terry and company, are their plans to bring a pinup pack for backglass videos?  Thanks to everyone on this project!

        in reply to: Clue (2018 Original PuP Edition) #101442

          Cool, I love it when community members help out with voice work! We end up getting some nice pearls along the way and it’s another way for us members to contribute!

          9pm can’t come soon enough :)

          i agree. Ask anyone on that thank you list what an annoyance i have been. Rocco helped me tremendously, cause i needed callouts, but cant stand the sound of my own voice… And he has that DJ voice ;) Maybe he will give his blessing to use them on other tables since they are all standard callouts with the exception of a few table specific.

          Go for it.  I’m a radio dj so I have all the tools to record at my disposal, so it’s easy for me to record and send.  So if anyone ever needs any help with voice work let me know.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: Clue (2018 Original PuP Edition) #101437

            Oh man!   I can’t wait to hear my voice over work and play the game!

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: Arena – WIP – beta #101311

              Does anyone have some POV settings for this table?

              in reply to: Iron Maiden #101258


                Hey Rocco. You’re right, my table would be “killer” (pun intended) on VPX. Unfortunately, I’ve never done a conversion before, so if anyone would ever want to take it on… GO FOR IT! Not sure of any VP8 version existing though. Up the Irons! \m/ \m/

                Well, I went ahead and did a vp9 “conversion” of sorts. I don’t have the skill set of many out there, so I did what I could, and then added my own spin, on what was left. I have it at vpforums, mostly because I feel like this site is better left for vpx material. Any way, thanks for the great table, I had fun working on my version!

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                in reply to: What's up with Laylow's videos/news? #101108

                  He pulled them because the videos will be exclusively available with the new release of Pinup Popper

                  LOL…yah, I just don’t think Laylow was a fan of PuP or Popper.

                  I forgot to say thanks (I think) for the stranger things file!   Dude that game is incredible!  My buddy came over and said, “This is like playing a new pinball game.”  Brilliant work with the combination of videos and table.

                  in reply to: Arena – WIP – beta #101088

                    I love these Gottlieb machines from this era.  Arena is one of the vp9 tables my buddy and I continually come back to.  This is a very great version! I think most Gottliebs are highly underrated and I have been more than pumped for the new machines being made!

                    in reply to: What's up with Laylow's videos/news? #101086

                      He’s around reading the forums….he was around this morning reading the same thread at VPF, he’s just not answering anybody…pissed about something I assume .. ;-)

                      I’ve talked to him a few times on Facebook and he was always really polite and nice.  Not sure what happened, he never struck me as someone who would get that pissed.  Never know I guess.   Maybe he is making intros or putting watermarks on them so resellers cant use them.

                      in reply to: Motörhead Backglasses “even more oldstyle bulb” #100637

                        That’s badass

                        in reply to: Jaws Backglass #99254

                          I have some updates from people on the forums who have made some static images.  I will upload them later when I get home and make sure they actually work!

                          in reply to: Iron Maiden #99220

                            Any chance of this making its way to VPX? I did give this a quick spin on FP, but not to start a war, I would just rather it on VPX.  Also, someone mentioned a VP8 table, anyone know where that one is?

                            in reply to: Jaws! (Future Pinball to Visual Pinball Build) #99153

                              I have a very quick dmd uploaded, just waiting on approval.  Nothing great, just something to hold people over.

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Jaws Backglass #99152

                                Also is there a way to resize ultradmd like regular dmds?  Or do I have to make the backglass custom to the ultradmd size?

                                in reply to: Airborne Avenger (Atari 1977) #96710

                                  POV won’t remove the stripe. I had to move the panel to the left of the backglass view. Simply unchecking it’s visible state didn’t work so I’m guessing the script turns it back on. Once you move it you can alter your POV to increase your X size and position.

                                  I did that, I was just wondering if anyone else did and had a pov that they were willing to share.  I’m not crazy about mine atm

                                  in reply to: Airborne Avenger (Atari 1977) #96672

                                    Does anyone have a pov without the stripe decal?

                                    in reply to: Genesis (Premier 1986) #96139

                                      Nope nevermind. I’m an idiot!  It’s correct. But has anyone ever seen the right ramp flash to lock? I only ever see the left ramp.

                                      in reply to: Genesis (Premier 1986) #96138

                                        was playing this table tonight and found a mistake I think. I BELIEVE once you spell arms, you can lock ball one via the arms ramp. When you spell legs you can lock that ball. Once both balls are locked three ball multi ball begins. On this table, once you spell legs, you can only lock the ball on the arms ramp and multi starts immediately after locking the arms. So you never get three ball multi ball only two. Can anyone take a look?

                                        in reply to: Sharpshooter II (Gameplan 1983) #94844

                                          When I start the table the shooter lights are no longer lit.  But when it attract mode they are lit.  Anyone else table doing this?

                                          in reply to: Hoops (Gottlieb 1991) #94843

                                            For those wondering (I can’t seem to find a rule sheet out there) how multi ball works, from what I can tell, On the first launch, there is a skill shoot at the top that lights the ball lock.  The lane switches with the flippers.  When you hit the skill shot, both lock light.  When you lock a ball, a new ball will be ready for launch.  When you launch the ball multi ball is activated.  To get three ball activated, once the first ball of multi ball drains, and play returns to normal, you have to flip the ball back to the top of the field, and have the ball go through the lock light.  Now each lane represents a ball lock light.  Going off memory, the left lane is the far left lock, and the right lane is the top lock.  When you hit the first lane, the light will activate.  Lock that ball, and then you will be ready to launch a second ball.  This time when you launch the ball, the locked ball will not release.  You now have the ability to go for the second lock.  If you can lock the second ball, a third ball will be ready for launch.  When you launch this ball, three ball will being.  If at any time you drain before locking the second ball, you will have to restart all over again.


                                            To score big points during multi ball try and lock the two balls in either the ball locks or the alley oop shot on the top right.  When both balls are locked you will get the choice between baskets or 1 million points.  I always go with the easy million, but the points are important, because every 50 points the special light activates, and the more baskets at the end of the game add to your end score.  Very similar to Deadly weapon and Hollywood Heat modes.  The ball will grant you an extra ball, but I haven’t figured out what exactly activates the light, and what exactly grants the extra ball.  I have received the shoot again, but I’m not sure what I did/hit.


                                            There is a hang time mode, and I’m still a little confused on how it works.  I do believe there is a small switch next the the multi ball lanes that starts it,  When the mode starts, the bumpers add to the bonus.  There are lights that “freeze” the bonus, but I’m unsure right now the entire mode.  I do know once you drain the ball you get the points you built up.  As I mention before, every basket you earn adds up to a nice bonus to the end of your score and getting 50 points activates the special light.  From what I can tell, the special light is timed and only gained by hitting the capture ball.  The baskets are totaled on the left side of the backglass and certain shots give you more baskets.  For example, the alley oop shot will give you 10 baskets.  To activate the alley oop shot, you have to hit the capture ball, then hit the top lane above the capture ball, then sink the ball into the alley oop capture hole.  This is a timed shot as well, and for ten points, it doesn’t seem like its worth the hassle, but you do get a fun sfx.
                                            I have yet to figure out how much the special is worth, but say you have 48 baskets and drain.  The game will award you with end of ball baskets, however if you hit 50 basket after you drained, the light will not be activated for your next ball, you will have to work your way up to 100.  There is also a hang time lane which adds points to the bonus, but again, I haven’t quite figured out this mode yet.


                                            Spelling out Slam Dunk adds to your multiplier.  I wrote this up going off memory of last night, but if anyone wants to add to the rules of the game go for it!  I really enjoy this game and the street series from Gottlieb, so I will continue to figure out the entire rule set!

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