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  • in reply to: Solenoid stuck on & caught on fire #110553

      and btw:

      youre lucky using a Pinscape as it has a electrical separation to your computer asa lack of that might have blown up your Mobo!

      Forgot to answer this.
      Didn’t quite get how burned solenoid relates to risk of blowing mobo? Overloaded solenoid PSU yes, burned fuses yes, broken fets yes but why u mentioned mobo? That would require my mosfet board to fail in such way it connects +12VDC to logic level circuit -> KL25Z -> USB 5v.

      in reply to: Solenoid stuck on & caught on fire #110550

        For now, while waiting for spare parts I just made a simple safety circuit with Arduino and a relay board:
        If any of solenoid outputs (other than flippers) stay on over 2s it just cuts the whole 12V supply to mosfet boards.

        I did add another smaller fuse before mosfet boards too as in this case it would have maybe saved the fet.

        I’ll continue testing the same table to see if I get that back left solenoid stuck again.

        in reply to: Solenoid stuck on & caught on fire #110541

          Oh poo… KL25Z has only 10 PWM channels + 3 for onboard LED, and 2 of those need soldering from e.g. LED legs so that’s kind of a let down for the original workaround idea for my 10 solenoid setup as I’d really would want to keep my cabinet buttons pulsing softly (need at least 4 PWM’s for those). Guess I just need to wait and order some TLC5940’s and start expanding this.

          I noticed that controlling IRF540N mosfet was killed in action too (stuck in closed state to help with the bonfire). Of course there’s the possibility it was faulty mosfet causing this all, but these are rated to 33A@100V so I doubt it. My super duper solenoids draw ~1.7A each. I also have 1N4005-1N4007 diodes on each solenoid to protect the drivers. Anyhow, replaced that mosfet with what I had, FQP30N06L (32A@60V).

          in reply to: Solenoid stuck on & caught on fire #110495

            It’s not a flipper solenoid so it must have had the control stuck on for a long time to end up like that as pulsing solenoids dont normally heat much. It had melted the inner plastic casing so that the shaft was stuck so it couldn’t be just a wiring short on the surface either. I took it apart and coil itself didn’t look burned.

            in reply to: Solenoid stuck on & caught on fire #110457

              Thanks for replies but I guess there was some misunderstandings:

              I dont use the Pinscape power board. I use other mosfet driver boards and I didn’t at any point say I assumed they protect me. Question was more of the software monitoring the output controls for bugs.

              1. Fuses wouldn’t protect me as nothing failed on HW side as such. Software was controlling the solenoid on and it used 1-2A it needs but that @ 12V is enough to melt everything.
              2. I know chime board would help, but as stated I wonder why this backup timer function cant be inside the software? It would be a really easy addition to DOF / Pinscape to have ability to set the max time and have an alert if that exceeds.
              3. Like mentioned I know one way to avoid hazardous overheating is to use flipper logic. That also makes my coils whine nicely so I can easily hear if something is stuck.

              I’m using cheap chinese open frame solenoids mounted on a aluminum bracket for some extra cooling. I’ve run those for several months without a problem. It was the Jolly Park table that caused this. Can’t say if it’s the table script, ROM or DOF that causes solenoid to get stuck.

              My plan is to change all solenoid outputs to flipper logic and I’ll also add a simple feedback loop circuit to monitor if any any solenoid output gets stuck.



              in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #110166

                One thing you can do if you feel that the ball rolling sound is too low is to export the ballrolling samples from Jaws and replace them with these. I haven’t checked but I expect they have the same filenames. Mark all – delete, then just import and select all the exported ones.

                You can also inside the

                Function Vol(ball)

                Vol = Csng(BallVel(ball) ^2 / 2000)

                End Function

                Change the 2000 to something lower. If you change that – you might want to change the same number inside OnBallBallCollition Sub.

                This is partly why I used Const on these values in the scripts repo. Much easier to tune to your liking.

                Thanks Thalamus. Yeah I’ve learned by now how to tweak different effects in few ways, just wonder how is author’s system set up if sound levels are fine for him? Lately I’ve found several tables to either have some effects insanely loud or almost muted compared to others included in same table.

                in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #110110

                  Still a great table after playing several games IMHO. I haven’t checked the script but I do find ball rolling sound to be very muted, especially hitting the ramp should definitely ring in more ball rolling I think?

                  On my machine too rolling sounds and thumps are barely audible. Otherwise awesome table, thanks!

                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: DMD player not showing up in menu (without ForceBack) #108635

                    Right. Didn’t quite understand how these settings are related and indeed in my display config I had DMD off as default as I thought everything menu related is set from PuP pack settings.
                    Thanks Terry for clarifying this! If it was in some wiki I missed it and if not, wouldn’t hurt to add this info there too.

                    in reply to: AutoRecord feature not recognizing game list #108619

                      Old thread but as it was never answered I thought to mention that auto recorder doesn’t find any games unless you have tick boxes for DMD/BG/Playfield selected with a proper drop down menu selection.

                      in reply to: DOF stopped working #108615

                        +1 for the non-admin mode. Fixed it for me too, thanks! BUT… then VPX can’t be run as admin either because it’ll jam in Windows’ permission control window (normally I run VPX and PUP menu through task to avoid this) and don’t know if that causes other problems or not.

                        Dunno about strange DOF install tho, I’m a strange guy but think I installed it in normal way :)

                        in reply to: 2 stage flipper buttons + menu browsing #108603

                          can’t help with the issue, but the only table I know of that supports 2 stage at the moment is roth’s Tee’d Off. it’s an option at the top of the script.

                          Good to know, thanks :)

                          in reply to: KISS (Stern 2105/Tribute) #108589

                            You can use the sound manager to adjust those with if you want.

                            Yea just lazy and thought if someone would have adjusted them already :)
                            Not sure why they are so loud? Shouldn’t be VP version issue as everything is packed to table file. With 10.5 everything except those fx_ files is too loud in this table. I dropped music to 50% from table settings and fiddled with script but yes, it’s easier to adjust volume from manager.

                            in reply to: Congo (Williams 1995) VP10 #108588

                              Uhh, thanks Thalamus, but there’s only 1.0 and 1.1 available… Is there something I’m missing here?

                              Packet has 1.0, 1.1 and one without version number which is 1.2 (you can check the version from the script file to make sure).

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Whirlwind (Williams 1990) #108538

                                DOF not working for slingshots. Any ideas?

                                DOF config has S4/S18 for left and S2/S20 for right sling and verified from whirl_l3 manual that S18 and S20 are sling solenoids, so why isn’t it working? Couldn’t find but one version of this rom.

                                As a workaround temp fix below of course does the trick but would like to know why the rom isn’t working with DOF.

                                Temp fix, replace lines 764 and 782:
                                ‘PlaySound SoundFX(“right_slingshot”,DOFContactors), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05
                                PlaySound SoundFXDOF(“right_slingshot”,20,DOFPulse,DOFContactors), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.05

                                ‘PlaySound SoundFX(“left_slingshot”,DOFContactors),0,1,-0.05,0.05
                                PlaySound SoundFXDOF(“left_slingshot”,18,DOFPulse,DOFContactors), 0,1,-0.05,0.05

                                in reply to: Congo (Williams 1995) VP10 #108507

                                  The flipper polling behavior was removed, you don’t have the latest version.

                                  Flipper DOF doesn’t work at all in 1.2 version.

                                  Script still needs to be modified. Starting from line 1791 replace the code with something like this:


                                  Sub SolLFlipper(Enabled)
                                  If Enabled Then
                                  ‘ PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperup”,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, -0.05, 0.11
                                  ‘PlaySound SoundFX(“FlipperUpLeft”,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, -0.05, 0.0 ‘clark <———— COMMENT OUT
                                  PlaySound SoundFXDOF(“FlipperUpLeft”,101,DOFOn,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, -0.05, 0.0 ‘<———— NEW
                                  ‘ PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperdown”,DOFContactors), 0, 0.4, -0.05, 0.11
                                  ‘PlaySound SoundFX(“flipper_down”,0), 0, 1, -0.05, 0.11 ‘clark <———— COMMENT OUT
                                  PlaySound SoundFXDOF(“flipper_down”,101,DOFOff,DOFFlippers), 0, 1, -0.05, 0.11 ‘<———— NEW
                                  LeftFlipper.EOStorque = DefaultEOS
                                  End If
                                  End Sub

                                  Sub SolRFlipper(Enabled)
                                  If Enabled Then
                                  ‘ PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperup”,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, 0.05, 0.15
                                  ‘PlaySound SoundFX(“FlipperUpLeft”,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, 0.05, 0.0 ‘clark <———— COMMENT OUT
                                  PlaySound SoundFXDOF(“FlipperUpLeft”,102,DOFOn,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, 0.05, 0.0 ‘<———— NEW
                                  ‘ PlaySound SoundFX(“fx_flipperdown”,DOFFlippers), 0, 0.4, 0.05, 0.15
                                  ‘PlaySound SoundFX(“flipper_down”,0), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.11 ‘clark <———— COMMENT OUT
                                  PlaySound SoundFXDOF(“flipper_down”,102,DOFOff,DOFFlippers), 0, 1, 0.05, 0.11 ‘<———— NEW
                                  RightFlipper.EOStorque = DefaultEOS
                                  End If
                                  End Sub
                                  Sub SolULFlipper(Enabled)
                                  If Enabled Then
                                  ‘ PlaySound “fx_flipperup”, 0, 0.5, -0.06, 0.15
                                  ‘ PlaySound “fx_flipperdown”, 0, 0.5, -0.06, 0.15
                                  End If
                                  End Sub

                                  in reply to: KISS (Stern 2105/Tribute) #108505

                                    Custom audio files on this table seem to be way too loud compared to default sounds (audio_whatever sounds are loud, fx_whatever sounds are ok). Not just a bit but like 10x too loud. Has someone reduced the volume of those custom audio files already?

                                    in reply to: Problems with screen recording #107946

                                      So everything almost works. I get random corrupted video files during auto record run. File sizes are only few 100’s of kb’s and they crash the Popper video player. Wont open with other video players either. After deleting corrupted files they usually get recorded successfully.

                                      Also have some problems with the menu system. I had 2 Batman tables (Stern and Data East) working fine and both showed correct videos while browsing tables. After one re-record run tho I now have Stern videos playing for both tables, for every screen (BG,DMD and playfield). Checked that video folders contain proper videos and they open up fine in another video player.

                                      Edit: Ok so for some reason the media search had changed for Batman Data East (it was set to “Batman *” instead of blank field). This fixed the latter problem.

                                      in reply to: Problems with screen recording #107784

                                        Got it working.
                                        Not sure what was the reason but I assume it was nvidia driver issue after Windows 10 update as my display order was messed up too etc. Did clean driver reinstall and now it’s working at least in GPU mode. Earlier I tried FFMPEG too but it didn’t work either.

                                        in reply to: Problems with screen recording #107595

                                          I have problem with recordings too. Testing it first time and when I hit record, I used to hear female voice during starting of the recording but now I also hear but only hear a windows sound that is usually played when a key is pressed but not registered (just a regular blim).
                                          EDIT: Ok so recording.txt seems to be some sort of status memory (why?)  and deleting it gives me “starting recording” voice again but otherwise problem remains the same.

                                          When I stop recording I get the recording stop verification voice and also voice that tells encoding started. Music keeps then playing forever and I must kill everything manually (stop playsound from task manager etc.).

                                          Record stop log shows that the temporary file is never created. I’m running pinupmenu in admin mode.

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem Parameters : <"C:\PinUPSystem\POPMedia\Visual Pinball X\PlayField\AC-DC Pro Vault-1.0" output full name with path> <3 #display #> > <0 Rotation></sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>rem need to process output.mp4 now "C:\PinUPSystem\POPMedia\Visual Pinball X\PlayField\AC-DC Pro Vault-1.0" is the output filename!</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>set vtrim=0</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>start /WAIT playsound recordend.mp3</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if exist recffmpeg.var goto ffmpeg</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if exist recgpu.var goto gpu</sub>


                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>timeout /T 3</sub>

                                          <sub>Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue ...210</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>cd Video</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video>FOR /R %F IN (*.mp4) DO set filename=%F</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\Video>cd ..</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>set vtrim=7</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>goto recode</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>start playsound encoding.mp3 loop</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>if 0 == 180 (ffmpeg -y -i "" -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 26 -ss 7 -profile:v baseline -vf "transpose=2,transpose=2" -pix_fmt yuv420p -an output.mp4 ) ELSE (ffmpeg -y -i "" -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 26 -ss 7 -profile:v baseline -pix_fmt yuv420p -an output.mp4 )</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>copy /y output.mp4 "C:\PinUPSystem\POPMedia\Visual Pinball X\PlayField\AC-DC Pro Vault-1.0".mp4</sub>
                                          <sub>The system cannot find the file specified.</sub>

                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings>del ""</sub>
                                          <sub>C:\PinUPSystem\Recordings\*, Are you sure (Y/N)?</sub>

                                          in reply to: FS BackDrop settings in VPX – continued ? #98512

                                            Loafer, listen your wife ;). If you separate those pics, open both in pic viewer and alt+tab between the two you’ll see the distortions.

                                            BorgDog, so z zero is dependant on highest point on the table or something like that, not the playfield surface?


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