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  • in reply to: DarkPrincess (Original 2020) #217714

      Awesome table. Love the Music!

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #211427


        found a little bug when i got an highscore and give in my letters there is the letter H on the DMD an the letter K on the Backglas, not worth talking about just an information. You can see on the picture. Very nice table like it very much on of my favourites.



        So that is actually the font. The H and K look the same.  It’s on my list but don’t have a good font to replace it yet.

        in reply to: super mario galaxy pinball #204783

          Flex version crashes.

          1. Open script
          2. Press ctrl+h
          3. Find: “dmdbonus
          4. Replace: “DMDBONUS
          5. press “Replace All”

          Dont forget the quote on the find and replace.


          in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #198401

            @daphishbowl I notice all the scores going up on Orbital still show 1.0o even with the new 1.0.1 code, I guess it can’t read the two decimal places in the code release number.


            Yeah orbital only likes x.y so I drop last number (patch/revision) off

            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #198224

              For Single Screen DESKTOP users only:

              Nothing unusual about this table this isn’t covered in the Pup-Pack on Top install instructions to get it to work on a single screen desktop.


              • setup VPX to run in Borderless Windowed
              • setup your FullDMD pup display at a 16:9 ratio in the top corner
              • copy the vp pupinit.bat that matches your needs (front-end or none….it matters) into the gotg pup-pack folder
              • use the Option 2 FullDMD BAT
              • edit the pup-pack
              • change screen 5 to ForceOn
              • change screen 12 and 13 to ForcePop
              • change screen 2 to OFF
              • save pup-pack

              DO NOT enable the Backglass (pupscreen 2) as that will cause the pup-pack to not stay on top! There is no need for it with this table.

              Here’s how I have it working on desktop single screen:

              gotg pup desktop

              Run the table. Wait patiently! The pup-pack may get pushed back behind the VPX window. If you wait, it “should” appear on top on it’s own. If not try starting a game, and then the pup FullDMD should pop on top like I show in this pic.

              gotg desktop

              Re-adjust the FullDMD size and position so it works best for you if needed…but you MUST have it at a 16:9 ratio! There is a button to do this for you when positioning / sizing it.

              Don’t click into the VPX Window or alt-tab,etc If the pup-pack isn’t on top on its own…then you have done something wrong or have an incorrect VPX setting,etc.

              I’m sure there may be imperfections (layering, timing,etc) with the pup-pack using it this way…but it seems to be working well.

              (or someone else who is married to this pup-pack and knows it very well) would need to confirm if there are any limitations or problems with any part of the pup-pack while using it this way.


              Thanks for the walkthrough and excellent help.  Nothing pops out at me as being an issue.  Awesome job man!


              in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #198117

                Hi there,

                I updated Table and Puppack. First launch, table exit worked. Second launch, table exit fail. Pinup Display chrashed :/

                It is the only one puppack that don’t work on my cab. :'(

                So sad.

                Help :'(

                What happens if you quit mid game?  (Maybe you are) Does pup go away?

                in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #198116

                  @daphishbowl not sure if you have watched this but Bowen explains a lot on the way modes and multipliers should work.


                  Lol..Yeah I watched that like 100 times..I think I can quote the intro from memory.  Is there something with modes and multipliers that seem wrong?

                  in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #198078

                    Hi I am having an issue with exiting the table from within pinballX. It is a PUP Error. I don’t think I get the error from within the editor (Without PinballX).


                    I am updated in PUP and a couple versions behind in pinballx. It is happening on both of my cabs. Wondering if anyone is having the same issue. Any help would be great.

                    Thanks, this will be fixed in next release.

                    Did this get fixed in version 1.0.1? Mine does this still with the latest version unless I do not use Force Full Screen. It’s the only PUP table I have that gives me this error when closing from PinballX.


                    Unfortunately, it is back for me also. Did this ever get fixed? I am on 1.0.1.


                    Not sure on this one.  I took all the info that people posted that said fixed their crash and added it in but still seems like there is an issue.

                    Few questions

                    1. Does it crash if you run standalone in box an not in pinballX or popper?
                    2. How much memory do y’all have?
                    3. Did you download the latest pup pack?  It has a fix for crashing

                    Let me know and hopefully we can knock this one out.








                    in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #197875

                      Don’t know who made the font scaling, need to thank that guy properly :heart: :rose:

                      Of course, thank for the table and the update too. Having more fun than I originally thought I would being that it hasn’t any proper rom. :good:


                      It was an awesome suggestion from the one and only NailBuster.  Glad you are enjoying it, trying to get to 100% in the 2.0 release

                      in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #197754

                        Couple of things to note from playing 1.0.1

                        • When the ball is trapped on the right flipper it sometimes starts moving by itself up the flipper, when you drop the flipper the ball hangs about 1/4 inch off the flipper bat for a while before dropping back onto the flipper.
                        • Ball stuck in left hand corner on furthest left in lane, had it stick the first time tonight after 140+ games.
                        • Immolation Initiative does not get given for getting half way through Pod Chase unless you use Hedron to get one of the segments.
                        • Star Lord scoop will not give progress towards Quill’s Quest when you shoot it in the hole, all other targets with a solid or flashing yellow light while in QQ mode gives credit.
                        • I have had multiple balls go down either out lane and be past half of the ball of the way down and then miraculously reverse and come back into the in lanes.
                        • The ball starts counting down your bonuses a lot of the time when the ball has barely passed the flippers, it hasn’t even disappeared into the apron yet.

                        I’m just trying to play single modes through to check each one for you :)

                        That is all I have noticed for now. Keep up the great work.


                        Great comments and testing man!  Really appreciate the detailed list.

                        1 user thanked author for this post.
                        in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #197493

                          Anybody else got the problem where the ball gets stuck next to groot on the left side like behind the ramp?

                          Any chance you can post a pic?

                          in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #197108

                            Great game & thanks to all involved! Has anyone tried getting their lock bar button programmed to work?


                            Adding lockbar button to next release

                            in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196710

                              Hi I am having an issue with exiting the table from within pinballX. It is a PUP Error. I don’t think I get the error from within the editor (Without PinballX).


                              I am updated in PUP and a couple versions behind in pinballx. It is happening on both of my cabs. Wondering if anyone is having the same issue. Any help would be great.

                              Thanks, this will be fixed in next release.

                              in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196539

                                On the real pin the mode is active until the timer counts down, even if you drain a ball.

                                Yeah I saw that on the rules but when I rented the table I was pretty sure it did pause once the ball was in the plunger lane.  So I think there might be an option on the table to do this, but checking the table options.

                                in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196535

                                  Rocket kicker is pretty fast on the real GOTG I played on

                                  Agree rocket is killer fast on the real

                                  in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196357

                                    @daphishbowl, Thank You for this table. I play it using Ultradmd mode, during game when pressing and holding a flipper in the up position or to cradle a ball, if held in up position for 6 seconds the table crashes back to script with the following error.

                                    Line 13080 Object doesn’t support this property or method: ‘PuPlayer.playlistplayex’

                                    Thanks for posting.   Updated the code so it will be fixed in next release.


                                    in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196355

                                      Thanks for the great Table!!

                                      Was their an update?? It says updated on 8-16?

                                      Thanks again!!

                                      Sorry no update yet I just added better documentation to the info screens but I didnt know it would trigger a real change since I didnt change the file.  Thanks for pointing that out, I will add a change comment next time.

                                      in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196226

                                        So I was watching a video of this table and it’s different from what I get. In my 3-screen setup I chose Option 2 for the PuP videos. I get a static backglass, great full-screen DMD, and playfield. But in the video I was watching I see a blue background showing things like credits (coins) and score, etc. Have I done something wrong?

                                        Edit the pup pack and turn screen 5 to Force On

                                        Thanks. But I’m getting the full DMD screen, actually. All I’m not seeing, I think, is credits. I hear the sound, but I see no credit counter. I think, perhaps, the credit counter is supposed to be in the full DMD but it’s not?

                                        So I made use of full DMD and slimDMD which most tables don’t do. Honestly you don’t need the slim DMD I just didnt like the blank area on my real DMD.

                                        For three screen you need to run the 3 screen batch file in the pup dir and the  on Line 39 set the DMD mode to 0 since you have a LCD DMD instead of a real DMD.

                                        Hope that helps

                                        in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196193

                                          So, first of all, of the >1,100 tables we have, this is the only one my family and I have been playing since yesterday. It blows my mind how well this was recreated. I hope neither Stern nor Disney ever know this exists. :-)

                                          One question… Not sure if it’s a bug or by design… Having never played the original table, I was surprised to find one can simply change the skillshot to their liking. I mean, I find it difficult (so far) to hit the left skillshot, but today I found “Okay. All I need to do is switch the skillshot.” Usually skillshots require… skill. :-)


                                          – Tom

                                          Glad y’all like it  That is a good point. I need to see if left skillshot is harder than right skillshot on the real table, but there is also a super shikkshot.  Hold left flipper while you plunge and the ball will go all the way around and light a shot.

                                          in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196072

                                            Congratulations for the table this is incredible … I had problems with an 8356 line after finishing in 100% GAMORA.

                                            Fix for this error is make this line say

                                            If value&””=”0″ then

                                            Fix will be in next release

                                            Thanks for the quick fix.

                                            question: the Cleland support is just for the extra music tracks right? It doesn’t change all the call outs to the theatrical versions like Clelands mod does on the real GOTG pin, correct?

                                            just checking as I’ve heard quite a few from the stern voice actors but wasn’t sure if I also heard ones from the movie but of course that could be the PUP I’m hearing

                                            i played this for a solid hour last night. Jeesus you did an Incredible job with the rule set

                                            Yeah just music right now.  I wanted to get the Cleland callouts but there are hundreds of files in the ROM so I wasn’t sure which ones Cleland changed.  I didn’t think he changed all of them.

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