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  • in reply to: Wico’s AFTOR #225780
      in reply to: Wico’s AFTOR #225776
        in reply to: Wico’s AFTOR #225771

          more pf

          in reply to: Wico’s AFTOR #225765


            in reply to: Wico’s AFTOR #225759

              Some more

              in reply to: Transporter the Rescue (Midway 1989) #225573

                Looks great!   Any plans on sharing this?

                in reply to: Bounty Hunter Gottlieb WIP #225560

                  That looks sick!   Great work so far to everyone involved!

                  in reply to: Bounty Hunter Gottlieb WIP #225529

                    Just wondering where you guys are with this table?  This table is usually at the yearly pinfest, and is a fun table to start the day off with.  I have been waiting for this one to become a regular on my cab!

                    in reply to: Black Belt (Bally 1986) V1.0 – sp #223836

                      So I have played this table every night since it’s been released and it’s slowly becoming one of my favorite tables on the cab. One thing I have noticed. The ramp shots at the top are made to volley the ball back and fourth.

                      Successfully volleying the ball back and forth awards you with different bonuses. Going from the right ramp to the left can be done, but hitting from the left to right I don’t believe can be done. When the ball is volleyed from the left side to the right, the angle the ball comes out never is lined up to be volleyed back to the left.

                      at least not in any of the games I have played and I have played a lot. Not sure if that’s something you want to look at, but that’s really the only thing I can find on this game. Man this table is a blast!

                      Not sure if you ever bothered to check this out, or if anyone ever looked at this.  Still one of the best tables in terms of playability and fun factor.

                      in reply to: Big Dick (Fabulous Fantasies 1996) VPX Reupload #223688


                        2 users thanked author for this post.
                        in reply to: Beat The Clock (Bally 1985) WIP #220485

                          I came across this image.  I figure this will help out those interested in working on this table.  I started work on it, but my work is very shotty.

                          in reply to: Hunter (Jennings 1935) #219488

                            Anyone know what happened to this table?  I have the old version, and it wont load correctly for me.  I came here for the newer version and it seems to be missing.

                            in reply to: Raven (Gottlieb 1986) #209942

                              I got around to playing this last night, and I was still stuck in sniper mode. Was this fixed? I was reading through the forums and it looked like it was. Maybe I grabbed the wrong version, I’ll try again later! Awesome table btw

                              in reply to: TerryRed’s FFMPEG Video Converter Scripts #203568

                                I just found this program.  Terry, you are a hero

                                in reply to: bally ‘Speakeasy’ #202642

                                  I’m not sure if this is any help, but the Gotllieb table Monte Carlo has a roulette wheel as well.   However; while it spins, it doesn’t always “work” correctly.  For example, the ball will land on a roulette number/color.  If memory serves me correctly, if you have red and the ball lands on red you should get a bonus, if it lands on red and the number you have, you should obviously get an even bigger bonus.  The problem is, the table rarely ever gives you the bonus if you hit it, and sometimes gives you the bonus if you don’t hit it.

                                  The creator of the table tried numerous times to get it correct, and never could and gave up.  You can read about it over on vpforums.  I’m thinking maybe you could look into his script and the support topic over there and get some ideas on this table.  Again, not sure if any of this helps!

                                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                                  in reply to: FSS Only Banzai Run (Williams 1988) #198010

                                    As of right now, the only way to play on FS would be to go the route of the vp9 table where the backglass goes over the main pf when the ball is active up there.  I’m not sure how difficult it would be to create this, my guess is a whole conversion would need to be done, and I’m not sure if this FFS version is based off the vp9 table or was just recreated from scratch.  If it was created from the vp9 version, I would imagine it wouldn’t be much work to create the vp9 to vpx.  Regardless this table looks awesome.

                                    in reply to: Blackwater 100 (Bally 1988) #193993

                                      Great work as always! For anyone working on this table besides the creators. I noticed that a lot of the walls and objects have a slingshot force of 8. So the ball come flying off and out of things super fast! I have been trying to locate all the areas on my table to help with some of the madness.  The table feels a bit bouncy or anti gravity? I’m not Criticizing your work at all (it’s a take it or leave it) I’m simply asking what I can change to make it less “bouncy” I have been reading through different tutorials and I’m just wondering what everyone else uses for a go to?

                                      mat the end of the day, this is a great table and great release. All these tables coming to vpx is great, and just getting them this far is a huge step! Thanks for the awesome work and can’t wait to see what’s up your teams collective sleeves!

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                                      in reply to: X-Men LE (Stern 2012) #192751

                                        I grabbed the newest update and I’m getting a game name error. The previous version had no problems. What am I missing here?

                                        in reply to: High Speed MOD #188781

                                          I still consider this one of the best tables released.  I haven’t tried the new version  yet, but the last versions sounds were so great.  Looking forward to playing this tonight!

                                          in reply to: Little Chief (Williams 1975) #183162

                                            Thanks! I hadn’t seen that before. May be a good scoring reference. These new assets are really lovely. Still hoping someone will come forward with some interest in taking over the scripting side of things. This is one of those projects where I would need to find someone that is passionate about getting this particular game done. I have other EMs that I am passionate about and know good collaborators for.

                                            I don’t want to speak for loserman, but he did seem to show some slight interest in the table when I posted the clean up version some time ago.

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