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  • in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195936

      You can adjust volumes with these variable at the top of script

      Const VolBGMusic = 0.9 ‘ Volume for Video Clips [1 is full volume. Value is from 0 to 1]

      Const VolMusic1 = 0.9 ‘ Volume for Cleland or Original Gameplay music

      Const VolDef = 0.2 ‘ Default volume for callouts

      Const VolSfx = 0.4 ‘ Volume for table Sound effects

      Anyone else having issues with the video audio? I have played with these #s and even put all others to 0 and the videos to 1 (full) and it does not seem to make a difference. Some are better than others, but all are pretty low audio. Especially the Star-Lord scenes. Can barely hear what they are saying. I tried playing the Star-Lord scene video on its own in VLC (ver 2.2.8) and it’s like it starts in slow motion.

      Love this table. Can’t believe this is a first try. Amazing!

      3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
      force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

      3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
      force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

      in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195862

        Thoroughly impressed with the level of gameplay you achieved. Feels just like the real table! I am having an audio issue though, and hopefully anyone can recommend a fix.

        The music is playting perfect and lopud, but I cant hear the dialogue on the DMD screen. It sounds muffled at a low volume. Also I cant hear many of the sounds as well. I am not using SSF, just a regular 2.1 speaker system. Any ideas on what I can try? Thanks again for making this weekend a lot more fun!

        Fantastic table!! I have the same issue with the video volume seeming very low. All other volume is fine for sfx and music.

        3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
        force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

        3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
        force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

        in reply to: Michael Jordan (Data East, 1992) #193296

          Thanks for a great job on a rare table!


          3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
          force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

          3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
          force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

          in reply to: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Sega 1995) v1.0 #191721

            I did try changing the #s. I saved the other version and double checked all the settings matched. I downloaded ver 1.1 again and now the ball is normal and looks great. Been using VPX for a long time and never saw that one before. :scratch:

            Oh well. Problem solved. Thanks for the reply! :good:

            3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
            force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

            3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
            force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

            in reply to: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Sega 1995) v1.0 #191690

              Hello. Great table! I downloaded version 1.1 and the ball is really dark for some reason. Not sure what is going on. Any help would be appreciated.

              Ball SettingsDark

              3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
              force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

              3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
              force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

              in reply to: The Flintstones #147360

                Amazing work as usual guys! I really appreciate the time and effort you put into these tables and this hobby. Table is running flawlessly for me.

                3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                  For anyone having PBX issues or focus issues in the front end there has been an update.


                  On the changelog: The frontend now supports full screen exclusive display mode again.

                  I was only having issues with this table and focus in full screen mode, but good to go now. Just wanted to pass the info along in case it helps others with their front end issues running this table.


                  3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                  force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                  3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                  force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                    I just tried the task manager trick and it fixed the focus issue I was having with this table when loading in PinballX.

                    I also started getting into Pinup Popper front end today and this table runs fine for me in there without focus issues.

                    Thanks for the tip about the task manager. Odd fix, but I’ll take it.

                    I did get a stuck ball on multiball. Came from swamp and put balls 2 into electric chair one after another. One came out, the other did not. Ball search could not release. Nudged until tilt with no luck shaking it out. Can barely see the ball in the pic.


                    3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                    force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                    3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                    force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                      OK, at least someone else raised their hand. Thought I was losing it.  :wacko:

                      I did notice the 10.6 beta I was using did not have a drop down for display in VPX video settings and the latest 10.6 beta does, so not sure if that is what made the change. The joys of trying to keep monitors straight when running multiple programs at once I guess. Like I said, I can get all to work and show correctly, except for the focus issue on this table in PinballX. Driving me crazy that it is only this table. It just doesn’t make sense, except my theory of it loading so slow PinballX is the issue. Also strange that no one else seems to be experiencing this one issue.

                      Oh well. I guess I will hope it works itself out in future updates. Just glad I can still play with the workaround for now.  :good:

                      3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                      force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                      3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                      force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                        Think I may have found why I am getting the alt + tab issue in PinballX.

                        Windows does not match what VPX or PinballX have for monitor #s. It still shows the correct things on the correct monitors, but this alt + tab to bring the playfield focus live started with this table for some reason and only in full exclusive mode and only in PinballX. It runs fine straight from VPX.

                        Anyone know how to force Windows to change the Monitor ID #s, so I can match them to VPX & PinballX? Or vice versa. I know there is no easy point and click in Windows 10, but wondering if anyone has another method.

                        In Windows 3 is my Playfield, 2 is the Backglass, and 1 the DMD

                        VPX and PinballX have 2 as the Playfield, 3 as the Backglass, and 1 as the DMD, so DMD #s match between software.


                        3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                        force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                        3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                        force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                          What I have seen so far.

                          No disappearing balls. Played many games with multiballs.

                          Swamp ball loss only happened once and I was on earlier 10.6 beta when it happened.

                          Installed latest 10.6 beta and all scripts etc…Have not seen the swamp ball loss again after many games.

                          Everything runs smooth and even got the Thing Flips calibrated pretty good. Per rules Thing Flip on real machine typically around 40-60%. Humans 25%


                          I did have a stuck ball one time, the same as STAT. (see pic)

                          I have never received any loading errors in VPX or PinballX, but I always run Max Texture at 2048 as I run in 1080p, so no need to be higher.

                          Only issue I still have is when opening in PinballX (ver. 3.29) it takes a long time to load TAF and the loading screen takes focus and I have to click alt + tab to get the playfield to be the focus again. This only happens when running in force exclusive mode, which I do run it. This may be more of an issue with PinballX & loading a huge table as this is the only table that does this.

                          All in all it looks and plays fantastic. I still can’t get over what you guys are accomplishing with VPX. Keep it up and I look forward to the next one! Thank you again for all the amazing work.



                          3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                          force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                          3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                          force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                            You guys are amazing!! :yahoo:   This even surpasses what you did with AFM. It looks and plays unbelievably good.

                            I have not seen any issues playing or launching table in VPX. In PinballX, the loading screen takes focus and I have to hit alt tab to get the playfield to come forward and be active. Then it plays fine. Only table doing this. Anyone else seeing this with this table and PinballX? The focus issue in PinballX only happens when VPX is in force fullscreen.

                            Thanks again for all you time and efforts guys. Everyone here really appreciates it.  :good:

                            3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                            force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                            3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                            force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                            in reply to: Star Wars Trilogy (Sega 1997) #112156

                              Great work as usual 32! I always enjoy your tables. I am having major ball stutter on this one though, especially when all the lights are flashing. When running table it doesn’t seem like my cpu or gpu are taxed at all. Can run pretty much all VPX tables smoothly. Anybody have any suggestions?

                              VPX _10.6.0_Rev3582 video settings



                              3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                              force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                              3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                              force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                              in reply to: White Water #87975

                                Thanks HauntFreaks. I guess I have to pick one or the other then. I really like the table lighting on Whitewater, so I will keep as is. I just wasn’t sure if there was a way to brighten the ball on its own without affecting the rest of the table lighting. Thanks again for confirming. By no means does it ruin such a great table.  :good:

                                3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                in reply to: White Water #87973

                                  Thanks for the suggestion Randr and vogliadicane, but I already know about changing the ball image. With Whitewater it seems no matter what image I use the ball stays darker. I think it is because the table lighting is darker/warmer, so the ball does not get illuminated like it does on other tables.

                                  3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                  force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                  3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                  force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                  in reply to: White Water #87939

                                    This table is amazing. Very well done. Looks real!

                                    Question on the ball. It looks really dark. I tried to lighten up the table lighting and uploaded a brighter ball image, but it does not really help. Is there a way to brighten the ball only or is it just dark because the way the table is lit? I love the lighting, just wish the ball was brighter.

                                    Again, great job and can’t wait to see what comes next.  :good:

                                    3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                    force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                    3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                    force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                    in reply to: Sopranos, The (Stern 2005) #86127

                                      Thanks 32assassin and Hauntfreaks. I will try it when I get home from work today.

                                      Update: Just got done with a few games and it is perfect. Very smooth transitions and works great. Again, thanks to you both for fixing. I learned some stuff along the way as well. Keep doing what you guys do. I can’t wait to see what is next!

                                      3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                      force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                      3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                      force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                      in reply to: Sopranos, The (Stern 2005) #86087

                                        I share your pain of listening to that guy. He’s a goofball. I found a bad pic from above and a video. Watch at 2:10-2:50






                                        3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                        force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                                        3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                        force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                        in reply to: Sopranos, The (Stern 2005) #86080

                                          Watching more youtube videos of a real Sopranos gameplay there are 2 things going on here.

                                          1. When the ball enters the safe it does kick it out the back of the safe up and to the right. Then the ball travels toward the boat. (currently working in latest VPX version I downloaded today)
                                          2.  When the ball goes up the ramp to the left of the safe it gets stopped by the post above the safe and then the post retracts and releases the ball to the right towards the boat. (in VPX, instead of the post releasing it to the right it is dropping it into the safe where the kicker is instead of just rolling to the right toward the boat. Kicker then kicks ball to the right toward the boat.

                                          Basically, the kicker is involved with the ball entering the safe, but it should not be involved when the ball travels up the left ramp and gets stopped above the safe.

                                          With this in mind the wall I circled must be a low enough wall that the kicker can kick the ball over to exit the back of the safe, but also be be high enough that a ball rolling by or stopping by the wall via the post would not allow the ball to drop into the safe from above when the post releases the ball. (Or as 32assassin mentioned, a one way gate may do the trick)

                                          I hope that makes sense. I am confused thinking about it.  :wacko:


                                          3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                          force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                          3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                          force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                          in reply to: Sopranos, The (Stern 2005) #86061

                                            Hey Haunt. The latest download from site is working for me. Nailed that safe over and over and got up to capo without the ball getting stuck once.  Same with the kicker after entering the ramp left of safe. So all working for me.

                                            I did look at some real Sopranos game play online and when the ball goes up the ramp to the left of the safe it gets stopped by the post above the safe and then releases to the right towards the boat.

                                            In VPX version it is dropping down through the wall into the kicker that was causing the ball issues with first release, so if that wall is made solid maybe the ball travels to the right like the real game?

                                            I am still learning the editor, so I do not know how to even make the wall solid yet, but will look it up and try it.

                                            Great work getting this fixed so fast. You guys have really given me an obsessive hobby!  :good:

                                            3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                            force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p


                                            3 screen mini-cab 23", 19", 10" - Win10(64bit) i7 2600 3.4ghz, 8GB Ram, GTX 1060 6GB
                                            force exclusive fullscreen mode in 1080p

                                          Viewing 20 posts - 1 through 20 (of 22 total)


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