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  • in reply to: Dreamworks Trolls #230794

      Yes I do…  and thank you very much Outhere   That definitely was the problem.   I would have never figured that out.  This community rocks

      Thanks again

      in reply to: Dreamworks Trolls #230728

        I got the table and everything install but I am having a very strange issue  Does this table have anything to do with the Sega Godzilla vpx table?  the backglass surround shows but for some reason my Godzilla b2s is covering all the videos dmd and topper screens.  They aren’t even closely named.  I cant figure this one out. do I need to disable b2s on this table?  Never seen anything like this before.   The table looks great and is fun to play but cant see vids.  Please help my daughter is driving me nuts wanting me to fix this :wacko:


        in reply to: Dreamworks Trolls #230334

          OMG!! My daughter just saw this and about lost her mind. LOL I guess ill be installing it within the day.  Looks great cant wait to see the kids put there tablets down and play on something real!  Great work.  When I have time to get into table building my kids want a Teen Titans Go table.  they already have ideas for a pup pack and everything. I guess it will be a family collaboration. :wacko:

          in reply to: Vpin safeguards? #230328

            Thanks Guys for the great tips.  I’m trying to figure out what type of backup will suit me best for the long run.  trying to future proof to some extent.  I like your idea Thalamus.  I already use SSD’s everywhere ( They are so much faster) And I use Macrium Reflect right now to make a clone of my hard drive every once in a while and I also backup my registry at the same time and save it on a flash drive and keep it with it.  But I do think that doing a continual backup would also have its definite advantages as well. especially since windows and many of the programs for V.P are constantly changing.  I’m not a big fan of cloud services yet (call me old fashion) but I’ve tried using a couple of cloud drive services and it just seems to me that there is just to much stuff going on in the background to make me comfortable.  I do have a NAS that I use for our home stuff (personal computer on our network) but I’m constantly finding out that it missed backups or there was problems with it backing something up and then not finding it about it until I check on things.  I have a Arcade Machine that I made a few years ago but its self contained now (not hooked to internet) because I Didn’t feel the need to update it anymore because everything works the way I wanted and I didn’t need to add anything to it.  So Making a backup of that I only do once in a great while just to save controller changes and high scores. But the V Pin I have to leave connected and up to date because of things like Pinball FX3 and orbital. So I want to make sure that if something should happen during a windows update or a download of something with a possible virus I have a quick repair back to what I had.

            Thanks again guys!  And keep the Ball Rollin’ :good:

            in reply to: Austin Powers (Stern 2001) VPin Workshop Mod #226015

              Thanks to all for the update on the table! it looks so much better.  I love the movie but never really cared for the table much.  But with the update and the pup pack its really fun.  Nice job on the PUP Pack.  It adds so much to the table.   Also does anyone know how to make the table sounds and callouts to not sound so scratchy. I’ve tried changing sample rate and rom sound but no help. Or is that just the nature of the beast.

              in reply to: Frankenstein PupPack #225475

                Awesome Pup Pack!  I cant believe I’ve never seen this movie!  I know what I will be looking to rent on my next day off.. Great job!

                in reply to: Total Nuclear Annihilation – Welcome to the Future Edition #225436

                  Thanks!!! to all involved in this awesome table and pack.  I hesitated to install it because it just didn’t look like my type of table. But I have to tell ya, its quickly turning into one of my favorites  Awesome work you guys!! I will be downloading the music tonight! :good: :good:

                  in reply to: Willy wonka #225413

                    Great table Marty and thanks Scotty as well  It’s alot of fun and plays great for WIP  Any news on DOF config yet? :good:

                    2 users thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: can I run a bat file on shutdown of PinUpSystem #223735

                      HI Nailbuster  I’m not sure if you’ll receive this with me posting it days after my last reply, but is there a way to set this up where it only runs the bat. script when I select “Shutdown” in the exit menu ?  It does work shutting off the TV now but it does it every time I exit the front end as well.

                      thanks again!

                      in reply to: can I run a bat file on shutdown of PinUpSystem #223090

                        Thank you nailbuster!!  For some reason I thought that was for emulator closing ?. I set everything up so long ago I forgot what was what.  Classic overthinking.
                        and by the way thank you so much for your awesome system it truly makes my cabinet spectacular!!!    I love how customizable everything is. I just put the finishing touches on my cabinet by installing custom videos with motion graphics I made that match my Cab theme for my intro opening.  It makes it so sweet!!!


                          This looks awesome I cant wait to get it installed and check it out

                          in reply to: F-14 Tomcat (Ultimate Pro) – PinEvent #216224

                            Thanks Terry for all your hard work I cant wait to install and try it out

                            in reply to: PinEvent: DOF, MX, PUP, SSF, PUPDMD for Future Pinball #216106

                              Hey Terry.. Happy holidays!  I have been going through all of the installation and support topics here about PinEvent  prepping myself for my first try at installing it and wanted to get you opinion before I do.  I have a 3 screen cab running windows 10 I have Popper and everything working flawless right now im using the upper portion of an lcd monitor for my DMD and no topper screen. I love the way my system is working at present and was curios what type of install you think is best for separating all my regular FP tables from the new PinEvent tables. I’m leaning toward a separate FP PinEvent Emulator in the Popper front end to keep it clean, but wasn’t sure of what would need to be installed fresh to do that. I guessing it would be a second FP folder with a separate setup just for PinEvent but does that mean that I have to have separate BAM and everything else that goes with FP? and set it up like a fresh FP setup only with PinEvent settings.  Thanks for the all the hard work and dedication you have put into this hobby it truly would be the same without your drive and passion for it.


                              in reply to: Disney Descendants #215852

                                Thanks Phenom,  I have been trying to get my daughter interested in my pinball machine for ever.  Now she won’t stop playing.  Thank you, thank you! All my hard work is finally being used by my whole family. :yahoo:

                                in reply to: Addressable LED matrix keeps acting up #191446

                                  Well I turned down brightness but still problem persists. They work fine for awhile but when they warm up they start shutting off. It’s always the same one’s that turn off first and then within a couple min the whole thing is locked up. Looks like I’ll have to replace them again. Any suggestions on what brand to try or where to get them from this time


                                  in reply to: Addressable LED matrix keeps acting up #191291

                                    Thanks Outhere  I for some reason thought that the setting in DOF config tool was just for if you were using a 5 bar flasher type setup Illl change it tomarow to see if it helps

                                    as far as the double data wire strips, I hadent seen anyone talk about them so I figured there might be a reason for that.  Ill check into them any way mayby to just see. as I understand it should stop the christmass tree light type problem that if you loose one light because of the data going bad it will just skip that light and continue onto the next rather than loosing everything after it which is the problem Im having

                                    in reply to: Addressable LED matrix keeps acting up #191272

                                      Thanks for the reply K Rouge

                                      I have 764 total addressable on one power supply with power bing injected at every row of 79 on matrix and at beginning and end of sides that are 145 its a 5 v 60 amp power supply  I want to try to turn down brightness but I cant seem to0 remember how.  Ive read about it somewhere but nevere did it because I have all of my leds behind dark tinted plexi so I don’t see them except when they light.. but I suppose I could dim them down some.  I still think that the problem is with the strips I have.  I see a newer verson that has the double data wire and was think9ing about trying them but I didnt want to spring for them until I did some more research on them.

                                      in reply to: Static electricity issues #166420

                                        Sorry for not replying back for so long Ive been away.  I did seem to help my problem by running a separate ground wire throughout the whole cabinet attaching it to any metal componaant and then attaching  that to the ground lug on both of my power supplies.  It seems to have helped keep the hardware from being effected but I can still get a hell of a static discharge zap when I touch it.

                                        Thanks for all of your replies  I will keep working on it.  I think when it gets moved to its permanent home in my basement I wont have the prob anymore.  I believe it has something to do with my garage, which is where I have my shop and have been building it there for a couple years.  I get static discharge shocks from a lot of things in my garage.

                                        in reply to: Static electricity issues #165351

                                          Thanks for the link flstclasic It turns out  I read that thread  a long time ago when I started building my cabinet. Very informative. I don’t have my stuff bonded together but I will give it a try.  I don’t know if this matters but I don’t get electrical shock from components. I’m getting static shock from me touching machine.  I get it even if my cab is unplugged.  The prob is that if it’s on it’s making a huge effect on screens and comp components when it happens

                                          in reply to: Static electricity issues #165315

                                            Thanks dark for the reply.  I do have a fire button in my lock down bar but I also get the static if I touch the legs and the legs don’t have anything in them they are only connected to wood I’m in the process right now of checking continuity through some things

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