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  • in reply to: Doctor Who PF Mod #225958

      Jodie Whittaker!

      You know what, I really like Jodie Whittaker as the doctor.  Unfortunately her shows suffer from bad writers and worse, terrible and way too many ‘companions’ that take away from what could have been decent episodes ideas.


      in reply to: Transporter the Rescue (Midway 1989) #225935

        I have some updates to the table and REALLY great playfield images thanks to @shannon1.  I have passed my stuff on to @Embee and Shannon for them to collab and put out an update.  They will will need some pro’s help to model and bake the ramps as I just don’t have any time for VP stuff. :-(


        1 user thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: No NBA support thread, so i will start it… #195287

          For desktop users, I noticed that it’s setup to use VPMDMD, but the DMD textbox is currently off the screen.  Just need to drag it back into view.


          Nice job on the table.  Looks great. Plays fun!


          in reply to: IRONMAN Siggis Mod #192460

            This is sooooo much better as the original..


            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: FSS MOD X-Files (Sega 1997) #192210

              Acro asks for permission. He does not just put them out.

              No you do not have blanket approval from everyone just because it’s a FSS mod.


              in reply to: FSS MOD X-Files (Sega 1997) #192178

                Uhm…. it’s usually common courtesy to ask for permission from the original author before you upload a mod of their table.

                in reply to: Cyclone (Williams 1988) #191992

                  Delete nvram?

                  in reply to: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out VPX Table & Pup Pack! #190427

                    File is a mess.   It’s got tiger king stuff all over it, asking for tiger king.mp3 files.   Seems like that stuff needs to get cleaned out. Not currently playable.



                      Yes I did but I mentioned above I am not familar with everything at all and I searched for calibration and ended up at that entry.

                      Seems you meant the thing flips trainer? I startet it and 2 of 20 balls were succeeded. Saving and restarting the pinball did not change anything

                      I agree that there is a problem.  However, I don’t think it’s one that I can fix.  In older versions of VP/other peoples versions of TAF they forced the ball through tricks to make it to the swamp on every hit to bypass the fact they couldn’t get it reliable based on the ROM alone.  In this version it is strictly relying on the ROM to hit the ball at the correct time instead of any VP fakery.   This is where the issue is I think.  There is clearly some computer timing issues with pinmame.  Meaning some roms ‘run’ faster than normal or slower than normal and they run differently on different computers, so this could be affecting the ROM’s ‘learning’.  Also, I am not sure where the timing adjustments get saved on a real TAF.  It could be adjusting the pwm of the coils in which case, it will never (shouldn’t say never) translate to VP. Or maybe it’s not stored in the NVRAM at all.  No idea.

                      Sorry it’s not helpful, but that’s where it is.


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                      in reply to: Scarface Balls and Power – VP9 to VPX Conversion #184913

                        I have the same problem with locking ball a ball does not spit out a new one in the shooter lane.  This is a problem with desktop mode where the backglass is not running.  If I enable the b2s then the table runs correctly.  Hope that helps you track down the issue.


                        in reply to: Daily video WIP for Seawitch build [COMPLETE] #184419

                          Great series of videos Bord!  Really enjoy seeing your process.



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                          in reply to: Doctor Who (Bally 1992) #183665

                            Agreed, 10.6 final is what I have and it supports the ‘updatematerial’ command.  Make sure you have overwritten old scripts and you don’t have any floating around outside your ‘scripts’ folder.


                            in reply to: Doctor Who (Bally 1992) #183468

                              Greetings, this a great table, and it plays well for me, but I get no sound (No Dr. Who sounds, I get mechanical pinball sounds). I wonder if someone can help me? here’s what I know/have tried

                              • All other VPX tables work properly
                              • I have the newest ROM,
                              • I have opened the coin door and cranked the volume to 31
                              • I have deleted the current nvram file, and releoad the table. A new dw_l2.nv file was created
                              • Ran F1, sound is enabled
                              • didn’t see any relevant settings in the script (though I don’t really know what to look for)
                              • running VP 10.6, VPinMAME 3.3
                              • 3 screen setup (table, backglass, dmd)

                              Any help greatly appreciated, thanks

                              You’ve exhausted as much as I know.  I suppose search for vpinmame.dll to make sure it’s not in other locations.  If you have it, look inside your altsound (I think it’s altsound?) folder for a matching dw folder and remove it. Hope someone can help you out more.


                              in reply to: Doctor Who (Bally 1992) #183466

                                I have a friend with this pin. We played your virtual table and he mentioned the time expander releasing locked balls when the player changes. I can get more details if you’re interested.

                                Not really a critique. I love everything table authors do! That was his only observation so you clearly did a wonderful job on the last version

                                That is an option in the rom menu. Nothing really to do with the table setup.

                                in reply to: Doctor Who (Bally 1992) #183452

                                  Finally updated!

                                  Thanks @rothbauerw


                                  10 users thanked author for this post.
                                  in reply to: Escape from the Lost World (Bally 1987) #182905

                                    Hey thanks for catching that, would of never known! Could you point me to a table that has all the proper materials I can copy from? I want to see what it should look like. If it’s unnecessary I’ll make the correction as you suggest.

                                    I don’t personally know a table. But I bet this would be the best place to start/ask:


                                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                                    in reply to: Comet (Williams 1985) #182891

                                      I don’t know if they are backwards or not.  They are setup per the manual.  Although I see in Bord’s version he has them the other way as you are indicating.

                                      Not sure which is correct.

                                      Comet Switches

                                      in reply to: Escape from the Lost World (Bally 1987) #182889

                                        Great table! I can tell it was a lot of work.

                                        I have noticed a small issue.  Your flasher caps are not ‘flashing’ the correct colors.  For me they would flash a green color,  for most I would guess they flash a pinkish color.  I have found the problem to be with your Flupper Flash script.  Line 735: LitObject.material = “domelit” & Round(9 * FlashLevel(nr)).

                                        You do not have enough materials to support the possible outcomes of that line, you only have the material domelit9.  So the primitive flasher caps are having their material removed mid flash because a material with the correct number does not exist to change to, they revert to the Editor default material color.

                                        I recommend just changing the line to LitObject.material = “domelit9” (probably do not even need the line at all) or adding all the other domelit# materials.

                                        keep up the nice work!

                                        2 users thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: Swords of Fury #182054

                                          Beautiful update!

                                          My only issue is I found less than smooth play. Quite a bit of ball stutter. Wonder if I’m the only one. Never such issues with any other tables. But it’s possible something else was just happening. I try it again today.

                                          Yes, I’m having the same issue with stutter. Came here to see if there were any ideas. I sure hope this isn’t the first sign that my hardware can’t keep up with the new stuff.

                                          I think I might have found the problem.  I accidentally uploaded the table with incorrect table options.  Please adjust these.

                                          As uploaded:
                                          Annotation 2020-05-23uploaded incorrect

                                          Change to:

                                          Annotation 2020-05-23 193238

                                          That should at least make it better.


                                          2 users thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: Doctor Who (Bally 1992) #180484

                                            @sliderpoint I have a bunch of better graphics assets for this (ramp decals / target decals / time expander decal / etc) if you want them.

                                            I have it on good authority that an update is in progress :whistle:



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