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  • BazzaLB

      Just tried this out in VR obviously.. Absolutely awesome job. For some reason the first barrage of green laser from the bumpers made me jump LOL. So did the millenium falcon when it did its rounds… This is just made for VR.. Really really superb job. Thanks for sharing it. Having seen your “indy” stampede demo, I can only guess what you have up your sleeve next ;)


        Ha @Mlager8, That’s great! I totaly forgot about the “useless box”-hand. The hand idea on my table started off as a 3d model as well, but I am worried the table is gonna be to polygon-heavy. So I was exploring solutions with textures on transparant film …. or things like that. I will check out the Theatre of Magic machanics, thx for the tip! The simplest alternative would be a big drop target (as a the wall with the eyes) with a kickerhole behind it … perhaps.

        I hope you can go with a 3D model where possible rather than decals as this becomes really noticeable in VR. The Corvette table looks very odd with its 2D Decal as the motor rather than a 3D model. Obviously I am just a selfish VR player ;)

        in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #196123

          Thanks for this table. :good:

          I also think the flipper buttons react a little strange. I rarely hit, what I actually want to hit.

          I set the coil ramp up to 0 and it’s a little better. My hs is something like 220 million.

          And in VR the table is unfortunately unplayable for me. I turned off the real-time protection of the Defender. Thus every other VR table (CPU AMD9-3900, GeForce RTX 2080ti) works.

          GOTG stutters with just one ball in the game, it’s unplayable in the multiball game.

          However, the side panels also flicker extremely.

          It’s a shame because the table looks good in VR. :cry:

          Thats odd as I only have a 1080ti. I do have an i7 7700K@4.8 and have no performance problems with this table in VR even with the puppack running. I did go with the small version of the puppack but I doubt it would matter. As for the flickering sides, thats easily rectified by moving the sides inward slightly (1 click of the arrow key each for GOTG_SideBlades_Left and GOTG_SideBlades_right). Its caused because the VPVR does not like 2 object surfaces occupying the same space it seems as it causes flicker. I also rotated and translated them slightly for VR otherwise they looked a bit out of place. Apart from that, it works perfectly for me in a Vive Pro (which is quite good resolution)


            I am updated and ready. I am so looking forward to checking this out in VR.

            in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195946

              What is cleland and what’s the deal with his music, lol

              cleland gotg music mod

              in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195909

                Wow, that’s a stunner! Anyone know if by chance it’ll work in VR? Haven’t tried installing pup packs yet. Totally understand if it’s desktop or cab only.

                Happy to say that it works perfectly fine in VR with pup pack. Hitting the shots isn’t necessarily easy though ;) My version of VPinballX_GL.exe is dated 03-July-2020 which includes the backglass/puppack injection functionality whilst still based on VPX 10.6.

                Fantastic effort!! Plays brilliantly (never played the real table).

                So, BazzaLB, I’m thinking “has pup pack injection built in,” means I still need to install pinup player first. Is this correct? I’m nervous I’m going to screw something up, as I’ve done many times before! :P Once pinup player is installed, anything else I need to do for Guardians VR functionality beyond downloading table? Thanks so much. Take your time getting back to me.

                Well.. :) I have PinupPlayer 1.4.5 installed but I also went through TerryRed’s guide to get puppacks working nicely on a single monitor. I have had to tweak lots of tables getting them to work nicely with puppacks in VR but in this case, the puppack worked out of the box for me. No extra tweaking needed. Install puppack into its proper Video directory in PinupPlayer and you should be good to go. The key is whether or not the real-estate where your puppack displays is free of other “windows”. Mine usually is as the puppack displays in the top left corner of my desktop and I run everything minimised. Just VPX in right hand corner (if I am not using the VR launcher which means everything ends up minimised which is perfect).

                Its easy to disable puppacks though.. just rename the video directory, so not sure you are in much danger of screwing things up by trying but I take no responsibility for any disasters :D

                Of course I have probably forgotten lots of things I tweaked and changed in the past getting other tables up and running with the puppacks performing properly with relevant Z-order etc, but I think this one should be fairly straight forward for VR.

                The only tweak I did to the table was to slightly shift the side blades inwards by a smidge to avoid flickering due to 2 walls being in the exact same position (bug in VR version of VPX I think) and rotate them slightly as they looked out of place in VR.

                Good Luck :)


                1 user thanked author for this post.
                in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195631

                  Table looks amazing, especially for your first table… well done. Once I got it configured etc seems to work well, but one minor gripe; the flippers don’t seem to be strong enough to get the ball up either of the clear ramps. Could it be because I changed the rotation to 0 (I run the table in portrait) and modified the geometry?

                  Ramps seem to work well here in VR. I did change the table glass height to 200 (from 400) at one stage to relocate the pup pack display default position in VR and that blocked the ramp entries through the back wall.. Maybe something like that has happened to your table. When left with defaults, the ramps work perfectly fine though.

                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #195586

                    Wow, that’s a stunner! Anyone know if by chance it’ll work in VR? Haven’t tried installing pup packs yet. Totally understand if it’s desktop or cab only.

                    Happy to say that it works perfectly fine in VR with pup pack. Hitting the shots isn’t necessarily easy though ;) My version of VPinballX_GL.exe is dated 03-July-2020 which includes the backglass/puppack injection functionality whilst still based on VPX 10.6.

                    Fantastic  effort!! Plays brilliantly (never played the real table).

                    1 user thanked author for this post.
                    in reply to: VR ROOM Space Station (Williams 1987) #195408

                      Now this is the way to spice up an older table for VR.. Look great. Absolutely love the floating scores and red flash for major scores.

                      in reply to: Cyclone (Williams 1988) #195384

                        nvm. Found a VR Room version instead :)


                        in reply to: VR ROOM Fathom (Bally, 1981) #195183

                          Great job on the visuals. Unfortunately, I am seeing a large black square in the distance that follows my HMD around. When I look out into the “deep blue” I actually see black with the fish swimming in front of it. If I move my head, I can see that a large black square follows my vision but I can see in my periphery that there is indeed deep blue out there.

                          I’m on a Vive Pro. Anyone else encounter this?

                          I’d try to show a screen shot but my VR Preview window only ever shows black (on all tables) so I disable it.

                          Ah, think you might have to push out your far clip distance Bazza. Open up VR Settings from the Preferences menu, then you should see “VR near plane” and “VR far plane” halfway down. Mine are at 5 and 20000. Let me know if that fixes it!

                          Sorry, forgot to mention it in the readme/install section… if this fixes it for you I’ll add it!

                          That did indeed fix it.. Thanks for that! Even 10,000 ended up being enough.  Looks great. Thanks again :)


                            Hey TerryRed, I think you can change this in your guide now. :)


                            “Pinup Player (PuP-Packs) from PinEvent tables do not currently work in VR. We need a combined force of ravarcade Nailbuster DJRobX to make a PUP plug-in for BAM! (it would look amazing guys!)”

                            The PuP-Packs for PinEvent tables work perfectly for me in VR so I assume BAM-OpenVR got updated.. Amazing stuff!

                            1 user thanked author for this post.
                            in reply to: VR ROOM Fathom (Bally, 1981) #195152

                              Great job on the visuals. Unfortunately, I am seeing a large black square in the distance that follows my HMD around. When I look out into the “deep blue” I actually see black with the fish swimming in front of it. If I move my head, I can see that a large black square follows my vision but I can see in my periphery that there is indeed deep blue out there.

                              I’m on a Vive Pro. Anyone else encounter this?

                              I’d try to show a screen shot but my VR Preview window only ever shows black (on all tables) so I disable it.

                              in reply to: F-14 Tomcat (Ultimate Pro) – PinEvent #194991

                                It seems like its the “RampBoost” which causes the issue. If I delete it from the table (and comment out any script reference), the ball never jams, but the moment I put “RampBoost” back, the ball will sometimes jam right where the “RampBoost” is located (quite often, cannot finished a complete game without the ball getting stuck). If a vary where the “RampBoost” is on the ramp, the ball gets stcuk exactly where it is located.

                                Can’t explain why it happens a lot on my system and not on others, but there you go.. computers eh? :D


                                  Can only imagine how EPIC this is going to look in VR. Brilliant!

                                  in reply to: F-14 Tomcat (Ultimate Pro) – PinEvent #194960

                                    Yeah, not sure whats happening with the stuck ball. Its somewhat intermittent although I have yet to complete a full game because of it. Have tried various Vsync combos (In game / Driver / both). Doesn’t sound like many other people have issue so I will keep trying things to see what might be the underlying cause. Thanks for the feedback.

                                    in reply to: F-14 Tomcat (Ultimate Pro) – PinEvent #194893

                                      Sorry TerryRed. I edited my post above without realising you had responded. Anyway, I deleted to tables .cfg files and that fixed the non-rendering in VR issue. I have it now working in VR perfectly including PupPacks :)

                                      Thanks for your quick reply though. :)


                                      Edit: Have also now discovered the “stuck ball” when firing new ball that was reported earlier. Its intermittent. Seems to collide with the adjoining rail above sometimes.


                                      in reply to: F-14 Tomcat (Ultimate Pro) – PinEvent #194890

                                        nvm: Removing the supplied .cfg files then allowed the table to fire up in VR mode :)

                                        in reply to: You can never have enough Indy… #194668

                                          LOL, I couldn’t agree more. “You can never have enough Indy”!


                                          Now all you need is to add the flippers to start flipping him back to where he came from :) That looks awesome and ridiculous all at the same time.. Love it!

                                          in reply to: The Flintstones Pup Pack – New and Improved! #193332

                                            I’m in my 50s and remember watching the cartoon with great fondness.. I have to say, your contextual scene  selections are brilliant and even today they can make me laugh whilst playing. Really great job and happy you went down the road of Cartoon scenes rather than from the movie :-)

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