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  • in reply to: Time Machine (Data East 1988) Wheel #95224

      I tried to add it was a wheel to the title but its not showing in the main title


      in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) Detail Mod #95150


        other than the “blue” on the decepticons left plastic…. I’ve looked at every real machine I can find and there always purple…

        the rest looks good man…. send me the table and when I do an update i’ll include these…

        in reply to: The Machine – Bride Of Pinbot (Williams 1991) #95149

          maybe we’re not talking about the same jaggies and hotspots…
          I meant these

          and after the material adjustment and envo change



          in reply to: The Machine – Bride Of Pinbot (Williams 1991) #95136

            I’m going to guess 1625, the color grade switching. I’m not a fan of that method, but it’s easy to comment out in the script.

            If not that, not sure.


            that didn’t do it for me… I tried messing with all those numbers and commenting stuff….
            so I still don’t see where the GI brightness is adjusted….

            and what in the 3d causes jaggies and hot spots?   :scratch:

            in reply to: The Machine – Bride Of Pinbot (Williams 1991) #95079

              heres my landscape POV

              the way I  fixed the jaggy issue was with a material adjustment and a different environment map… now the table is super smooth

              my question is, since i’m an old VP fuck… where in this crazy new script thingamabob… can the GI brightness be set??



              in reply to: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Data East) #95059

                if any DT users are interested in another backdrop… I was playing around and made this
                download link below

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                in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) Detail Mod #95006

                  I think I have 1 small bug, shots to the left ramp don’t seem to register.

                  please let me know if its working on JP’s version….

                  Many thanks Haunt, Draifet and Bord! I’ve been waiting for this mod and it turned out great!

                  I can confirm shots to the left ramp do not register but work fine on JP’s version. Also not sure if intentional but the shot to the right ramp has become increasingly difficult to make, successful maybe 3 out of 10 attempts (the ball barely makes it past the gate and rolls back). Thanks again for all you do!

                  thanks I’ll see what I F’ed up on the left ramp….
                  and the right ramp for sure is harder, you need a clean shot to make it all the way… so make cleaner shots!!…  ;-)


                    I have no idea why the preview image is blurry… I can assure you the wheels are not….

                    in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) alt b2s #94968

                      This is great!

                      Now if only someone had the skills & dedication to clear the playfield of Bay-Formers…. :scratch:

                      tell ya what if someone did all the insert artwork I would do the layout art….

                      in reply to: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Data East 1991) b2s #94943

                        Jeez you work fast Haunt! :good:

                        nah , not this time…. these have been waiting in the wings…. but the table release was a surprise….

                        in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) Detail Mod #94849

                          Thanks for the release guys, looks awesome and plays very nice, I think I have 1 small bug, shots to the left ramp don’t seem to register.


                          please let me know if its working on JP’s version….

                          in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) alt b2s #94848

                            Here is the Wildman’s one, should be ok i.m.o.:


                            Stat I have yours/wm in my cab, but the BG border image isnt very good…. I mean unless the real BG image is also bad??



                            in reply to: Transformers (Stern 2011) Detail Mod #94802

                              because I’m a fuckin moron …. I deleted an image that the table needs…. so please redownload the table (1.1) or put this image in the image manager


                              in reply to: Hauntfreaks Tribute #94504

                                aaawww…. that was very sweet…. love ya buddy….

                                this is perfect timing for this funny shit… I got this message from an admin in one of the FB groups just today

                                this isnt a joke….

                                “I respect the work that you do for the community but that’s all. And if I didn’t had that little respect I’d kicked you off the group a long time ago since most of your post are arrogant, demeaning, snooty and simply not respecting other people’s opinions. Since you reached an age of where I would suspect being above childish behavior I can and will expects such behavior from YOU!”

                                I think he was right on the Money ……….. ah, and thanks for being that way!!!! Long live the big mouthed 80’s! :good:

                                This shit comes from one of those greasy wannabe FB A-Holes that i hate with a passion. Thank god i never entered the dark side of the internet.

                                In WRD’s Dr. Dude thread somebody wrote that you had to say something about people downloading and not saying thank you. I couldn’t find the post. If somebody could please post me a link. I’m really, really interrested in what you had to say!!

                                i’m guess this is the post??


                                in reply to: Shaker Motor Kit – Wiring #94342

                                  Yeah they are around $1.50-$3.00 each work great. Keep in mind you hook this to the ledwiz input. Not the normal outputs of the ledwiz.



                                  I’ve seen this posted before… why is it only the shaker that needs to be hooked to the chip like this???

                                  in reply to: Metallica Premium (Stern 2013) #94338

                                    ever and ever same problem :unsure:

                                    make sure you have the newest:

                                    also…. make sure you have the correct rom selected in the script:
                                    mtl_170h = premium
                                    mtl_170hc = premium  (color)

                                    always test the rom in VPM to make sure the rom is working

                                    if its not any of these  :unsure:

                                    in reply to: Project…. Pin-occhio? #94199

                                      I didnt have a slot cutter bit when I built my cab, so I routed a groove for the glass to sit in…


                                      in reply to: The Flash (Original 2018) WIP #94106

                                        wow… another awesome retheme… super high quality!!

                                        in reply to: Looks like someone found a roommate!! #94089

                                          I’m pretty sure that guy is just having some fun with us. :wacko:

                                          sadly i dont think its an act… this is a sick MFer that is wondering around free… if you sent that to the authorities with his address the dudes in white coats would be taking him away ha-haaa
                                          They’re coming to take me away ho-ho hee-hee ha-haaa
                                          To the funny farm
                                          Where life is beautiful all the time
                                          And I’ll be happy to see those nice young men
                                          In their clean white coats
                                          And they’re coming to take me away ha-haaa

                                          in reply to: Is there a better way to do this? #94030

                                            its a balance of median and reduce noise ….. this might take many layers

                                            the B/W layer is to help preserve the blacks that will be fucked up by the getting rid of the artifacts….

                                            futura font family is always a good start for pinball

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