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  • in reply to: The Flintstones #147248

      If someone who knows backglass editor better than I wants to use those images to make better backglasses please go ahead too. I uploaded the full res PNGs I had.


      This imageĀ  looks better, particulary concerning the speaker panel but a lot of reflections to clean on the translite.

      I have a problem with the table but I can see this problem on the STAT screen caption too : some black area on the playfield, you can see it for example on the sentence : “complete for multiball” between lamps, any idea ?

      (I updated to 10.6 before installing table).

      If you disable playfield reflections the inserts display incorrectly with black overlays. There is a work around if your system can’t cope with reflections. You need to select all the primitives on layers 4,5 and 6 and disable “Enable Reflections” on those. I have already disabled for the ones on layers 7,8 and 9. It seems to be a vpx bug that turning off playfield reflections would cause this.

      Edit: That backglass image does look heaps better…should be repairable :) Are you on it @blacksad?

      in reply to: The Flintstones #147134

        If someone who knows backglass editor better than I wants to use those images to make better backglasses please go ahead too. I uploaded the full res PNGs I had.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        in reply to: Flintstones 3D buildings #131760

          And a wip render with the retopolgised 3d scan…


          5 users thanked author for this post.
          in reply to: G5K's AFM Table? #127083

            Guys, just reading this thread and got a pm. I do plan to sort something out with my previous work one dayĀ  I’ve just procrastinated on it for now and am busy on several projects now that occupy vp time. There is work I want to do those existing projects, things I’ve learnt since they were made. I might wait til that is done before republishing them, I’m happy to share old one in PM in the short term.




              tried on the weekend,

              looks beautiful. Thanks




                Great to hear guys with lower level systems are running without performance issues, to the couple that had trouble your installs or systems are where you need to look. VPX allows you to turn off settings that have overhead and the script and mods provide options to reduce overhead too. I know one of the two posters also was posting on the visual pinball addicts group and sounded new to visual pinball and thought the future pinball version was better anyway so problem solved I think ;)


                  Hi guys, thank you for thenew TAF!

                  the table loads and attract mode displays, as soon as i press the start button ā€“ i get this script error.

                  ā€œLine 1, object not a collectionā€ ā€“ am using latest VP10.6 Beta and have scripts all in right places etc

                  Iā€™ve also tried an earlier version (rev 3592) on advice from others about a conflict between later than 3592 versions and the latest SAM Pinmame., but I get the same error.

                  any help much appreciated, thank you.


                  There must be a problem with your install. This error comes up regularly on a range of tables, not sure what the solution is, it’s not specific to this table (see attached searching on this site, you may need to hunt through the support threads of other tables for a solution or try reinstalling. Make sure you use 7-zip to unzip the vpx beta and the table files so files are unblocked).


                  Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 8.29.46 am

                  1 user thanked author for this post.
                  in reply to: Funhouse (Williams 1990) #118568

                    Thanks for the work that has gone into this and sharing. Just one note, I hit the orbit and the ball coming down at speed skipped over the top of the left lane guide/plastic and drained. Maybe the plastics need to be set to be collidable too? I didn’t check to see. Great work.


                      Thanks for the whirlwind of support guys, I posted before clocking off for the night. At the very least anyone doing some google due diligence on David Gillmore and http://retro-play.com.au and https://www.dave-techguy.com will get to read some of this and his shady business ethics. I had been working toward an idea for tying a download to a machine ID to help prevent this sort of activity of writing out image files to bulk builds but now the save as protected is no longer a part of the VPX export options makes it a bit difficult.


                        @thalamus letā€™s start by having his account from here removed.



                          What do we think of this? David Gillmore and his company Retro Play sell all of our community work. It came to my attention when he was using the work in progress renders to promote his business several months ago before release. He has been removed from the two main facebook groups. It is this sort of activity that will risk the future of this community. Might be the last project I share publicly and we can thank David for that.






                          in reply to: Compile Error / Unknown Error #117843

                            I get this error with an AMD card. I have also started noticing that it is most frequently with Bally Williams DMD games, Stern games seem to be less problematic. For example I canā€™t stop and restart a BW game without it crashing the majority of the time, but with Stern I can and even edit the table without it crashing.

                            in reply to: VP 10.6 Beta #117802

                              I canā€™t reach the official thread on the other site so iā€™ll put this here:

                              I have an odd problem with the new PF prim feature. VPX6 rev3618 (still on this one because of the stabilty issues) gives me black lines around cutouts on the prim PF. I have some images to show the problem. Any idea? The blender file was OK as seen on the picture:

                              VPX Editor:

                              01 - Problem PF cutout - Editor

                              VPX ingame:

                              02 - Problem PF cutout - VPX ingame

                              Blender, no lines:

                              03 - Problem PF cutout - Blender - no black lines

                              There are also no lines on the PF texture image.


                              PF texture image:

                              04 - Problem PF cutout - PF texture image - no black lines


                              It looks like its a premult error on the alpha edge. It might be vpx or it might be your texture, some programs manage it better than others hiding the issue. One way to try and fix it would be to open it in photoshop and use the remove black matting option (think its in the layer menu).

                              1 user thanked author for this post.
                              in reply to: Funhouse (Williams 1990) #117724

                                Thanks, awesome effort. Magnificent. Plays awesome as is, but when I change dimensions(I do with all tables for desktop on TV/monitor) I get Fatal Error shader compilation failed! Unknown (0xfffffff) -some directory references- then renderdevice.ccp:802

                                to be specific I changed incl and fov, as I do with every other table. Never had an issue before but this one crashes.

                                Happens with this and Adams Family. Running 10.6

                                I find you have to save a change close vpx and then reopen and test/play. It makes authoring painful but otherwise get this error frequently losing the changes. Iā€™ve also read some versions of the beta are more likely to crash if you are using a .pov file. Iā€™d just bake the change in if that is not working for you.

                                Incremental save while you are trialling settings.

                                1 user thanked author for this post.

                                  This has been a long time evolving table from sliderpoint, the contributions from 3rdaxis really make it shine, all the pre-rendered stuff just adds a new level of realism not previously seen on this table. I know 3rdaxis would have put a lot of work in to convert his 3D elements into VP all nicely texture baked so a special thanks to him for that.

                                  Great job all round, thanks.


                                  forgetting one of the three chief, I had a fair bit to do with it too. To correct you Axs didnā€™t work on any of the textures that was all my work. Axs provided original models, I organised the mods models. We used Sliderpoints wip for the build that we then all worked on. Axs created the animations and is now working on the vr. Sounds a bit narky on my part but after 8 months work on it I guess itā€™s nice to be acknowledged.

                                  6 users thanked author for this post.

                                    I will compile a v2.1 with the uncompressed textures (will be sometime in next day)

                                    11 users thanked author for this post.

                                      @sliderpoint Iā€™m sure a side effect of the heavier compression in v2.1, but Iā€™m seeing significant edge distortion/artifacting previously not present in v2.0. The loss of visible quality probably varies from system to system but on my GTX980/1080P setup it is hard to ignore, especially after seeing how flawless everything looked in v2.0. Here are a couple of side-by-side comparisons:



                                      I’m responsible for all the textures, if you had no trouble running the uncompressed ones you can open that version, go to image manager, export all the images to a folder, make sure you check the box saying something like “export file names” or something so they get exported with the name VPX is looking for. Then open 2.1 open the image manager select all the images and delete them. Don’t worry VPX maintains a reference to the textures. Import the ones you exported from v2.0 and the all automatically relink, save as a new VPX file.

                                      To do the compression IĀ used this tool.Ā https://imageoptim.com/Ā  Normally I just use the lossless compression which I did for v2 and that saves around 5-10% across the images. To make 2.1 I changed to lossy compression and set pngs to 90% and jpgs to 99%. I suspect the antialiasing on the pngs alphas has become a bit mucked up. When I checked the result I noticed some minor pixelisation when zoomed up like 600% but decided the 60mb saving was worth giving a shot given the issues people had been having with GPU and memory errors. I wasn’t getting those errors on my setup so couldn’t test.

                                      Enjoy –

                                      2 users thanked author for this post.

                                        Still, I have one problem, that I think has not been mentioned here before: Everything when starting it from VPX so not from a frontend. When I start the table (in fullscreen) the table does not get focus, so I have to alt-tab to do that manually. Starting it in force fullscreen unchecked it works. Can anybody help here?

                                        A few months back I had an issue with focus, can’t remember what table and related to my b2s server. I don’t remember the specifics but I updated it to latest as part of the solution.


                                          Only for the bumper caps, which was one of the wanted changes. I liked the original ones much more (they looked perfect now a bit milky), so what exactly can I do to revert this?

                                          I changed the texture slightly giving it slightly less transparency but didnt really do what I was hoping so just as a test I duplicated the bumpercaps primitive so there are two stacked on top of each other and thought oh yeah that works so left it. So all you need to do is go go the layer the bumpercaps is on and delete one and it will be pretty much back to what you had before. And here I was thinking no one would have noticed that hack and just the result.

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                                            Just some comments on this table. The game play seems spot on! Incredible. Iā€™ve played the real table 100s if not 1000s of times over the years and this plays so close, its really enjoyable. One thing I have noticed is that ā€œThingā€ isnā€™t too good at flipping, and a lot of the time it seems like a late shot and the ball flys across to the area near the slings.

                                            Oh, I really LOVE the shadow effect when the ball rolls over the mansion area. :)

                                            Maybe try running the thing trainer? The option is near the top of the script around line 60ish. Set it to 1 and follow the onscreen instructions when it boots up. Glad you like it and thanks for the great feedback on how close it is to the original. The ball shadows that Sliderpoint came up with are brilliant. Love it when someone takes something further than the status quo.

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