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  • in reply to: Metal Slug (Brendan Bailey) #231569

      I just installed this table and it is fun! I cannot get some mechanical sounds to play though no matter what. I have SSF and DOF in my cab and I do hear some sounds like the ball rolling but items like bumpers just don’t play at all. Anyone have any ideas? I have changed the positions of some of the sounds to the backglass to see if that might change something but it didn’t. Thx.

      in reply to: Dragon (Gottlieb 1978) #231304

        The only ROM I don’t have and cannot find. If anyone could point me in the right direction via a PM I would appreciate it. If I can return the favor for anything you might need, I will. I love these tables and got everything that BorgDog did yesterday. One of my favorite table makers :). Thanks all.

        in reply to: Star Wars – BountyHunter #231036

          Fun table! Can two players play or is this a one player only table?

          in reply to: Laser Cue (Williams 1984) #210747

            Thank you for this table! It looks beautiful, the sounds are amazing and it plays fantastic. Playing tables like this machine that has flown under the radar even in real life is one of my favorite parts of this hobby. I have become somewhat of a 4k virtual pinball snob and this one absolutely stays on the cabinet.

            Anyway, kudos to a fantastic release! :good:


            1 user thanked author for this post.
            in reply to: Guardians Of The Galaxy #202089

              Easily one of my favorite VPX tables. It’s just fantastic. Does anyone know how to change the default LUT file so I don’t have to scan through the different LUT’s to find the one that I use upon startup?

              Many thanks!

              in reply to: Star Wars DE PUP Pack #200771

                Thanks heaps for an awesome pup pack! I love this table and yuo have just made it the coolest thing to play.

                Wonder if you can hekp with my music issue – I have renamed the old bs2 file so it doesnt load but I still have the original table music playing underneath your pupvideos and sounds. I am not sure how to turn it off?

                Did you get this one figured out? I have the exact same problem. Great pup pack!

                in reply to: Monopoly (Stern 2001) #200558


                  Excellent work on this table! Noticed a strange glitch that didn’t affect gameplay. I see a thin line past the flippers, sort of like a spaced outline, from lights and the ball shadow, but most evidently on the flippers. They move when the flippers do as well. Any idea what I can change in the editor? Thanks!

                  Love this table! Thanks for the update. I have the exact same problem. I disabled the reflection on both swords and it did not make a difference. Any other suggestions? Thanks!

                  in reply to: Grand Tour (Bally 1964 #200555

                    I have tried all three actually, including turning the DOF chime off and on, all to no avail. In sound manager I can hear the samples of all the sounds (including the bells and chimes) and I am getting the ball rolling sounds, bumper sounds while playing but just no chimes or bells during actual gameplay. I am not sure what else to try. I tested several other tables tonight to make sure it wasn’t my windows config, etc and they all play fine. Thanks for your help.

                    in reply to: Grand Tour (Bally 1964 #200545

                      loaded the update yesterday and tried the various sound options but still not getting realistic sounds. No bells and the bumpers make clicks that don’t sound like a EM pin does. Ball roll sounds ok

                      Any idea why this one game’s sounds are not working on my VPN ?


                      I absolutely love this table – just gorgeous. I am also having the exact same problems with sound. I have a 7.1 setup in my cab with exciters, etc running 10.6. No problems with other tables. Any ideas most welcome. This table is awesome. Thanks!

                      in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168879

                        I run windows 10

                        I do not have any program running as admin <– This is more than likely The reason you are having this problem

                        I changed it to not run as admin. Unfortunately the problem remains. Crapola. :(

                        in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168871

                          Thanks for all the help guys. I did an alt+tab while the game was running and got this. When I look at the form dmd window there is nothing there (just an outline). Not sure if that’s what I am supposed to see but that’s what I get regardless. I also took another screenshot of my B2S settings and I should have that right. Finally, went back and clicked on external DMD in vpinmame just to make sure those coordinates were right, ran the game again and the DMD showed up right where it’s supposed to be. I have the latest B2S server (running as Admin), Windows 10, latest NVidia drivers. This is driving me up the wall.



                          in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168864

                            Try this













                            Didn’t make a difference although I did an alt-esc to see if anything was going on and I saw a formdmd window that when hovered over appeared on the playfield like this. Not sure if that is any help here but thought I would throw it out here anyway. Thanks.

                            in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168844


                              in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168841

                                Are you using the the 3 screen version of the backglass?

                                Yes I am using the 3 screen version. I am having the same exact problem with the Diner VPX table, trying to get the bezel to work on my LCD DMD screen too so it has to be a setting somewhere that is not allowing me to run it this way. I swear I have tried all the different settings in the DB2S server itself but I am still coming up with nothing.

                                in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168837

                                  I think I get it but and when I uncheck both of those boxes, I get no DMD appearing at all. Is there a place in VPX when the table is loaded then that I can ‘enable’ the db2s backglass dmd so it will appear? Sorry for being so thick-headed here but I can’t seem to make it work. Thanks.

                                  in reply to: Tom & Jerry (Williams 2018) #168754

                                    F1 when the game is running – uncheck external DMD and show DMD

                                    and this

                                    2 and 3 Screen set-up and more


                                    Are you saying that BOTH boxes in vpinmame should be unchecked then? I am trying to get the purple alphanumeric characters along with the bezel but cannot for the life of me get it to work. I do have a 3 screen cabinet and am using the 3 screen B2S file also. Thanks!

                                    in reply to: Ace of Speed 2019 #165970

                                      Thank you guys. I added those lines in the mousin around script but I also am using pinmame to show the external dmd and since the table uses scoring in the backglass I’d like to disable the DMD altogether on that table. I wasn’t sure I could do that since both tables use the same rom and the speed table needs external dmd to play the pup pack. Maybe I’m just misunderstanding things though which is normal for me haha.

                                      in reply to: Ace of Speed 2019 #165717

                                        Brilliant table. Is there a way to turn off the DMD in the Mousin’ Around script then since they both use the same ROM? Thx.


                                          RESOLVED: I stumbled into the solution and I do mean STUMBLED. Last night while trying to make changes to anything that made any sense to look at, I upgraded the driver to my 28″ backglass monitor (wondering if that was the culprit since the pup videos played on that screen). After I installed I shutdown and came upstairs as I was done messing around with it for the night. Tonight I fired things back up (outside popper) and tested the Harry Potter table. It fired up in 16 seconds! But … no sound. When I looked in the VPX audio settings, the new driver had forced things to the monitor’s audio channel (crummy speakers in the monitor apparently which I forgot even existed). I have two amps and exciters along with two subs and backbox speakers so it’s an SSF setup (7.1). When I went back and changed the settings to the Realtek audio (which is what they are supposed to be), the load time went back to 75 seconds.


                                          I checked the driver version and it was slightly more than a year old. I checked the Asus website and they had an updated driver not more than three months old. Installed that, checked again, problem resolved. Harry Potter now loads from start to finish in 16 seconds.

                                          Moral of the story: It might be your driver versions creating a problem. If I can help someone else from spending hours troubleshooting a problem like this, my pain will have been worth it. What a fiasco. Thanks for everyone that tried to help me out.

                                          3 users thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire #165590

                                            @numiah – (Harry Potter) From the moment you double click the game file until the game is ready to play how much time?

                                            My 3 screen cabinet takes 26 seconds

                                            Windows 10

                                            I7 4770


                                            1070 video card

                                            Man outhere – this is driving me insane. Are you running 4k? I have a rig almost identical to yours:

                                            Windows 10 64 bit (latest patches)

                                            I7 8700

                                            16 GB memory

                                            Samsung 970 EVO Plus SSD 512GB

                                            1070 TI video card

                                            When I run benchmarks it registers off the charts in everything – 99th percentile!

                                            Latest VPX and pinup player everything, including Freezy’s stuff (1.71). Not running in compatibility mode on any of the exe’s.

                                            My 3 screen cabinet takes 75 seconds to load outside of popper, 114 seconds inside popper. I have no DOF loaded in VPX, turned Orbital off in the script. Running the DMD on too (small LCD screen). Once it’s loaded, it plays like a dream too.

                                            What in the world is creating this loading slowdown? I am pulling my hair out – haha.


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