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  • in reply to: Monster Bash Skitso mod #220348

      Wow!  Just saw this.  Downloading now and can’t wait to try tonight.  Love this Team!!! You guys have done great renditions of some great tables!!!  Skitso Bord, and Roth!  Super excited to see this one! Thanks a bunch guys!

      in reply to: NBA Fastbreak (Bally 1997) VPW Mod #220347

        Many Thanks for a  fantastic table.  This version is such a gem to play. Great Job.  A well needed update to a fantastic table.  Kudos to you all!!! Thank you!


        in reply to: Stranger Things | Stranger Edition #193712

          Thanks.  I went back and fixed it. Take care.

          in reply to: Stranger Things | Stranger Edition #193709

            I have a fix for the Stranger Things 2-4 player Bug.  Taking Scottywics advise (thank you) i looked at the OSB lines between Harry and Stranger Things. I found where the change needs to be made

            On the Stranger Things script on line 2696 paste the following from Harry Potter. Basically take line 2187-2198 from the Harry Potter Script and overwrite lines 2696 -2705 on the Stranger things Script.

            You can play 2-4 players the way its meant to be.


            Thanks for the great table. Hope this helps everyone!

            This is what needs to be there.

            osbtemp = osbdefinit
            'if PlayersPlayingGame = 1 Then
            ' playmedia "","videogo",pBackglass,"",14000,"",1,10 '(name,playlist,channel,cinematic,length,nextitem,audiolevel,priority)
            'end if
            if osbkey="" Then
            end If
            End If
            End Sub

            4 users thanked author for this post.

              Ok, so I hope I can post my little issue here :scratch:

              First off, this is the first version of STTNG which runs flawlessly on my vpin. I had previously installed the table with a PUP pack, but I never got that to run fluidly on my 4k setup so I kinda gave up on the table.

              So as said this one runs nicely, except for a small issue: the ball rolling sounds are not in sync with the action/too loud. For example the ball would roll slowly somewhere in the upper half of the playfield, and the SSF produces really loud rolling sounds in the lower half.

              Is this something that can easily be fixed?

              You may want to check this link. It is the original release. Not the pup pack release, but the original. The support tab will have all sorts of possible fixes you may want to look at, plus you can go ahead and try out the original.  Take care.



              in reply to: Tiger King (Original 2020) #174443

                I am cracking up playing this table.  $3 dollar bill!!  The sound clips are just hilarious. And the opening song just pulls you in. LOL.  Definitely catches the essence of that insane show!!! Thank you!

                in reply to: The Last Starfighter VPX #174441

                  Wow this is a fantastic original. What a blast from the past!! I remember this movie. One of the first movies to use CGI space scenes!!! Wooohooo! Thanks so much for sharing your creation. Its a really fun to play.  Thank you.  Love the pup pack too!


                    I was really surprised to see a Mod of this table based on physics and visuals,  seeing how it is one of the best tables on my Rig.  There was a mod awhile back of this table that used a Borg (cube ship).  That mod made sense since the author of the mod really wanted to see a Borg Ship from the TV show and decided to put it in.  Didn’t matter if you liked it or not, it was a totally different concept hence it being a mod. However, a mod based on physics and light changes within the same generation of VPX is a bit odd. The original was just updated in late 2019 and it just blew me away. 10.6  all updated etc..

                    I tend to agree with Skitso.  I too have customized so many aspects of different tables.  Made them my own so to speak, but I can’t imagine uploading them unless they really offered something different or a novelty to the original table. Physics changes and light change tweaks doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to upload.

                    However sometimes a mod can transcend or really improve an older version. Update the graphics to the a new version of VPX.  Indy 500 modded by Sheltemke really is just fantastic.  It is my preferred version since it has been so lovingly upgraded. Yet the kudos given are mainly to the original authors.  Thanks and praises nevertheless have gone to Sheltmke by his peer reviews and also by additions by other authors. People get fired up on it.

                    The Bram Stokers Dracula remake is definitely a big improvement of the original.  A mod that has gone through a few revisions now which is getting better and better. Great job Bigus. Its good. I play the table more as a result. A sweet wine takes time.

                    If every change made to lighting or physics was posted as a mod, there would be so much to sift through and the true gems would not be made anymore, because it would be a mod show and the point would be lost. I appreciate all of the titles. I just get why there is some frustration around the issue of mods/tweaks and what constitutes a mod or what constitutes just a minor tweak.  I also get that people appreciate the mods.

                    Many of these replies given by gracious Virtual Pinballers are all giving the mod kudos to an amazing table.  But remember the amazing table was made by Knorr, Clark Kent, etc.  It is so important that the people that have taken the time to build these absolutely amazing tables which are modded are given credit for their creations. They deserve it the most. Without them there would be nothing to mod.

                    Peace and stay safe

                    Thanks to everyone for providing such an amazing distraction during these stressful times. Thanks to the creators and contributors to all these tables.

                    in reply to: Escape from New York #171038

                      Thank you so much for this table! It is very fun to play, but I can’t fully experience it yet.

                      I am wondering if anyone can shed light on my problem.  I would appreciate it. I have puppacks working on all the following tables.  Harry Potter, The surfing endless summer, stranger things.  All these tables have something in common. They were all designed to work primarily with a puppack.  My rig works great with them. Pupacks work great.

                      But on tables like this one, and Jurassic park. Tables that had a puppack added as a mod or something. I can’t get the puppack to display. It never kicks off or anything. Is there something is the script of the game I have to enable?  Does the freezy 1.71 dll need to be in another location other then vpinmame?   Am I missing an ini other than dmddevice ini to enable pupack???  Do I need to do a voodoo dance right before I click on the game?

                      Thank you for any advise.



                      in reply to: Endless Summer #171037

                        Great Job.  I am 47. I had the Endless Summer on VHS and then later on DVD. I boogie boarded and surfed in Nor Cal (Wasn’t amazing but had a lot of  great memories). Very fun Table. Brings it all back.  And right in time for shelter in place! Just to have a surfing table is so fantastic!!  Great job! Really enjoy it.  I do. Take care and thank you!

                        in reply to: Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire #167525

                          I am blown away. Between this table and Stranger Things i am seriously pinching myself. That i am enjoying this in my home and not some arcade is beyond me.  You are truly making tables that should be made into real machines.  These are fantastic! Thanks Scotty and team!  Thank you.

                          in reply to: Twilight Zone Skitso Detail Mod #167257

                            Thank you all for the really amazing upgrade to an amazing VPX.  The look is very improved, with vivid plastics and lighting and a really clean look. Physics are fantastic… The table plays really well. What a fantastic Trio of talent. Thank you!!!

                            in reply to: World Cup Soccer (Bally 1994) #167256

                              This is such a fantastic table!  This VPX is so great. You guys did an amazing job.  The look, plastics, lighting, everything is just pure eye candy. The physics are just spot on and so realistic. The table is super!  Thank you so much!!  Love it!


                              in reply to: Stranger Things | Stranger Edition #167255

                                First off. Unbelievable original. Hats off!. This plays like one of the greats.  Such an amazing table!  Thank you very much for sharing and letting us all play.

                                The only issue i noticed was the same mentioned above.  Can’t play more than 1 player. The second player never gets the third ball. It goes instead to the first player again and never moves beyond that. Dying to have some matches with a friend on this one. Maybe a fix for a future version.

                                Again i am simply blown away with this table and the pinup. This is such a show off table for fans of the show. My kids and i love it!  The rules and game play are great. An original! Great Achievement by everyone involved.

                                Thank you!

                                in reply to: Medieval Madness Skitso mod #153573

                                  Ok first off. Thank you Tom Tower and Ninuzzu for the original fabulous and spectacular table! I use two adjectives to really emphasis how much i love the original.

                                  Second.  Thank you Skitso, Roth, and Bord for the update.

                                  The physics!!  I was an intimate follower of the Totan physics update, and i think this table has benefited also from those endeavors.  Its a fantastic control experience. I think a bit harder than the original but a whole lot of fun! Great Flipper tricks and control which gives it fantastic realism.  Thank you Roth.

                                  Bord and Skitso, the Playfield, lighting and overall polishing is fantastic. It comes to life and just is a really nice package. Great clarity and color/contrast to the table which adds a 3 dimensional and realistic aspect to it.  Great Job!

                                  I love both version now!

                                  Thank you.


                                  in reply to: Indianapolis 500(4K MOD) #153227

                                    Fantastic Upgrade to an amazing Table!! Thank you.  Thanks for fixing the ball stuck problem.  Thanks for the 4k update.  Looks fantastic and plays like it always has, but with the fix!!! Thank you!

                                    in reply to: Going out of my mind – no DMD in VPX fullscreen #147818

                                      As far as I have had experience, you need the freezy 1.71 dll and the DmdDevice.ini in C:\Visual Pinball\VPinMAME\.. Not \dmdext\


                                      Also in dmddevice.ini you can try ;

                                      hide the resize grip
                                      hidegrip = true


                                      in reply to: The Flintstones #147467

                                        Played this table last night and had a fantastic time with it.  Thank you so much g5k, 3rdaxis, DJRobX and Dark.  It is another phenomenal achievement and I just wanted to congratulate and thank you. Dark the dictabird, bronto and 3d renderings are amazing, Also SlippiFishi.  Another great DMD coloring from you. Fantastic job!!!  g5k, 3rdaxis and djRobX thank you for this project and making it such a success. Wow!!!  The tables lately are really getting to a whole new level.  Thanks to the VPX team also for developing a platform to make such amazing magic on.

                                        Lots of thank you’s!!!!

                                        :yahoo: :heart:



                                        2 users thanked author for this post.
                                        in reply to: Tales of the Arabian Nights 4K #147465

                                          @rothbauerw  Thanks so much for the amazing Physics update. I had so much fun testing out all the versions in the physics forum. Thanks for including us all in the process.  I said it in the Physics forum, and I will say it again.  The table has such a natural feel to it now.  Thank you so much for the update.  Flupper thank you so much for the absolutely stunning table.  It is a piece of art!!  This table really shines all around.  Also thanks to Clark Kent for plastics, Knorr for sound pack, Nfozzy and G5k etc…..   Thank you all. It is simply wonderful!!!


                                          1 user thanked author for this post.
                                          in reply to: Tales of the Arabian Nights Physics Discussion #146926

                                            I just wanted to comment on the last three revisions on dropbox. The ones that have been for Totan and not the example table. They have been fantastic.  Version 3 the last roth version published to this forum is wonderful to play. I don’t know how realistic it is to the real table mind you. I don’t have a real table, but i am enjoying. Let me explain.

                                            I didn’t click with the physics on 1.1 native as much as these versions. I felt like the ball was harder too control and bounced off the flippers when it hit. It was harder for me to gain control of the ball and actually get a hold of it.  It didn’t have an organic feel to me. There was less of a sense of control of the ball for me.

                                            The latest versions, are amazing.  I can do a post pass. I can do a drop catch, live catch…. I am not that experienced so forgive me, but I feel a greater sense of control of the ball. I feel like i have enough power to accomplish shots if i line them up right. The table feels organic.  It doesn’t feel like a electronic representation of a table.  If i focus i feel like i can accomplish a shot and if i don’t i will miss the shot. It feels natural now like it never did before….

                                            So i like it. Alot!!!!


                                            Thank you so much for your efforts. So greatly appreciated on my end!!!  :good:   :bye:



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